Warrier's Collage on Wednesday March 8, 2023
Welcome To
Warrier's COLLAGE
March 8, 2023
1) Festival of colours : Holi
2) Woman's Day 2023 : March 8, 2023
Good Morning
Happy Holi
There'll be a 'residual' and final issue of Collage on Sunday March 12, 2023...
Nice Day
M G Warrier
1) S W Fadnawis
Warrier's Collage on Sunday March 5, 2023
It is with heavy heart that I digest your decision to close 'Collage' although we may have interaction through other platforms. You have done a great job to engage us, mostly super seniors on the verge, in matters varied in contents. Alas, all good things come to an end*. Wish you all the best,
including, sound health. 🙏
*This brings nostalgic memories :
Regards 🙏-Warrier
2) P K Nambiar Dreams
A poetic bent of mind is showing up in your writing
(Thanks 🙏-Warrier)
3) C V Subbaraman
Alas, for whom are the bells now tolling,
Foreboding that some head will be rolling?
"The Collage", tells its founder Warrier,
Ready to be its coffin carrier:
All things good and bad have to come to end
And so too will Collage choose to descend
And cease some distant day to show its face
With no live edition on Earth's surface.
But time now is unripe, it's not yet time
To pronounce the end of Collage sublime.
Collage has been shining bright, spreading light,
On varied subjects and giving delight
To all its readers and writers alike,
A wealth of knowledge in every strike,
It has yet to reach its heavenly height
Ere taking its eternal rest and flight.
Collage has shown its great uniting force,
Guiding the lives of people in their course,
Bringing an added camaraderie
That no more remained a mere reverie.
Red is, undoubted, the final colour
In the Sun's latent shining Vibgyor
But also denotes courage and passion
And activity and love to fashion.
Even if its revered editor feels
That Collage has now gone beyond its reels,
May we all hope for its resurrection
And put its tombstone off its erection?
Dear Shri Warrier
There can be an elegy for a Collage. But there can be a song for hoping its survival too. We wish for all a long and healthy life; not a premature end.
4) S R Badrinarayanan
The Collage has declared its' desire and decision to close and wind up. Feelings of those contributors and the readers may be different. Like the writer, few may not find spaces elsewhere while the constant columnists may find a vaccum.
But quite a few may consider the time involved in the preparation and prompt release of the soft material. The Collage never failed to make the reader's morning informative; most of the time the readers may not be aware as to wherefrom it came... Mumbai or Kerala! The Collage editor who started to remove the dullness of the pandemic got his family too suffering due to the pandemic.
And, most of his quality time too eaten by Collage.
Everything that is born has an end & Collage is no exception, perhaps.
But habits die hard. Therefore, the editor may reserve to release special numbers if he deems fit and the readers, both active and silent, will be too happy to get it at least once in a bluemoon!
Pray Lord Guruvayurappan to bless Sri M G Warrier healthy and hyper-active decades ahead.
.... Badri
5) E Madhavan Thrissur
"Thrissur pooram kandavarundo?"
(Anyone who imbibed the colours and excitement of Thrissur pooram?)
"Thrithavu nattu nanachavarundo?" (Anyone who planted and nourished a Tulsi plant?).
The above lines from the Kerala folklore are addressed to those who reach the portals of Swarga ( Heavan ), after death. Only those who can provide positive answers are let in. Now I expect addition of one more line there once my CV reveals my connection with RBI and Warrier. The line is
"Variarude Collage vayichittundo?" (Have you read Varrier's Collage?).
My Namovakam to Varrier and Sudha, the strong woman behind and his daring children who willingly contributed their might. I can imagine the subtle smile on Warrier's face as he glances through these lines, an outward expression of the nishkama karmi in him.
Thank you my friend for demonstrating to us how to overcome little miseries of life by providing space to the "Other People" in our life...
If space permits, this is my thanksgiving for publication.
6) S K Gupta
Respected Sir,
Keep the bell ringing
Keep moving till 'D-day'
Ringing bell may
make us listening to
some 'sane' voices
our 'foot steps' may
show our near ones
the path to happiness,
success on their way!
As every dawn has its dusk
every dusk too is followed
by a shinning day
So keep the flag of 'WC' flying
drawing curtains there at
may not be some wiser way!
Thanks and Regards
7) G Mohanadas Thiruvananthapuram
I fully endorse shri SK Gupta and request shri. Warrier to continue the collage if not regularly, at least as and when he finds time. To be frank, of the many honourable writers, Warrier, Nallasivan, PPR, Vatsala are always the best and their contributions do invigorate my other wise dump mind, which understands only ever evading pension updation. If these people stop writing, then the group would loose all the flavour and elixir.
GMohanadas tvpm
8) Vathsala Jayaraman
Let there be a son of Nilambari for Ekantha seva rest. And relaxation. Soon we can hope to hear Suorabatham. This break is a.must for Warrier ji. Wish him all the best.
Vathsala Jayaraman
9) V T Chittanandam
Yes, What Madam Vathsala says si right. Warrier Saheb, you need a well deserved rest.
My only request is that let the rest be a minimum one. As soon as you find yourself fit and
going, please resume th Collage.
Warrier's response :
Many Thanks 🙏
I look back with satisfaction. I received support from my family and friends in keeping the torch burning. Post-Covid, really the relevance of Collage was fading out. As some of you were still interested in its continuance, we have continued the journey together. I will continue my monologues and interaction in groups and in Social Media.
International Women's Day
Excerpts :
The first “Woman’s Day” celebration took place in Chicago on May 3, 1908. Organized by the U.S. Socialist Party, it brought together an audience of 1,500 women who demanded economic and political equality, on a day officially dedicated to “the female workers’ causes.” The following year, women gathered in New York for a similar celebration. Inspired by these American initiatives, European socialists soon followed suit.
At the International Women’s Conference, which preceded the general meeting of the Socialist Second International in Copenhagen in August 1910, leading German socialists Luise Zietz and Clara Zetkin proposed the establishment of an annual International Woman’s Day as a strategy to promote equal rights, including suffrage, for women. More than 100 female delegates from 17 countries unanimously endorsed the proposal.
What would seem a fairly innocuous gesture marked a significant break with socialist tradition. Though ideologically committed to human equality, socialists had long argued that women’s liberation would only materialize under socialism, and the only way for working-class women to improve their lot in life was to join working-class men in their struggle.
Current Affairs
1) T Rabi Sankar @ AIR
All India Radio’s Interview with Shri T. Rabi Sankar, Deputy Governor
All India Radio (AIR) in their Spotlight programme interviewed Shri T. Rabi Sankar, Deputy
Governor, Reserve Bank of India on the cross-border linkage between India’s UPI and
Singapore’s PayNow digital payment systems.
The cross-border linkage was launched between India’s UPI and Singapore’s PayNow digital
payment systems on February 21, 2023. The Deputy Governor was invited to AIR to discuss
about the milestone and global financial connectivity.
The Deputy Governor in his interview emphasised that UPI has revolutionised fast payment
systems in India. He said that UPI has increased the digitisation of financial transactions.
Further, Shri Sankar said, ‘We have been trying to focus on two specific areas. One is
globalised UPI in general and two is to ensure that the UPI benefit also extends to the large
Indian diaspora that exists elsewhere. So, one of the things we were focusing on from the
second point of view is to enable remittances with pretty much the same efficiencies that UPI
provides for domestic transactions.’ He also added that the remittance corridors from where
the most of the India’s remittance are under focus and remittance received last year were
about US$100 billion.
Shri Sankar mentioned, ‘We are trying to focus on corridors through which these remittances
flow, such as, the Middle East, the US, Europe, Singapore and so on. In this respect, to focus
on Singapore where there are about 3.5 lakh Indians which is about 9% of their population
and that is significant.’ He added, Indian people from Singapore are making transactions
nowadays using the usual banking Apps. This fast payment link of UPI and PayNow enables in
India and people in Singapore to make remittances to each other very quickly at cheaper cost
with safety.
2) Option to go back to Old Pension System
The proposal envisages allowing those who had applied for central government jobs before December 22, 2003 (Date of introduction of New Pension System) and joined service on or after January 1, 2004 and are therefore covered by NPS.
Media Response
Redefine CSR
This refers to the short piece 'Tweak CSR rules to lift social sector " (The Hindu Business Line, March 6). The hesitant approach of law-makers to Corporate Social Responsibility can have multiple reasons. But the temptation of research on the subject and media analysis of the inefficient institutionalisation of CSR is intriguing. Especially when such discussions take the present two percent stipulation as the base from which to build up a case for corporate involvement in social welfare including healthcare.
The ideal scenario would be to redefine social responsibility and irrespective of public or private ownership, make individual institutions responsible for the overall development and maintaining educational (upto High School level), basic healthcare and environment protection infrastructure in their assigned command area. Government also should reach out with support linkages and finance for performance of such responsibility by individual institutions on a case to case need-based basis.
Needless to add, local self-government bodies and political leadership can play a proactive role in such initiatives.
M G Warrier
Blogs & Links : M G Warrier
1) WarriersViews @Times of India
2) My Blog
3) My Author's Page
a) Notion Press Chennai
b) Amazon
In case you decide to buy a book use Amazon's local online sales outlet. E g In India Amazon.in
Infinities of being a housewife
When my cousin sister was seven years old, my father, at a family gathering, put her on his lap and asked her, “So little girl, what do you want to be when you grow up?” She put on a pensive face as she mulled over the question. Finally, her eyes brightened as she pointed a finger at her mother and squealed, “A housewife!”
For a moment, every soul listening to that seemingly innocuous exchange was stunned into silence, which was broken only by the guttural laughter of my aunt’s father-in-law, my cousin’s paternal grandfather. “Sweet child! That’s not a profession. The job of a housewife is hardly a job. It’s a duty.”
1) Lest one forgets*...
A group of old friends, all aged about 40, discussed where they should meet for lunch for their reunion.
Finally it was agreed that they would meet at the Ocean View restaurant, because the waitresses there were pretty.
Ten years later, at age 50, the friends once again discussed where they should meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they would meet at the Ocean View restaurant because the food was good and the wine selection was excellent.
Ten years later, at age 60, the friends again discussed where they should meet for lunch.
Finally it was agreed that they would meet at the Ocean View restaurant because they could dine in peace and quiet and the restaurant had a beautiful view of the ocean.
Ten years later, at age 70, the friends discussed where they should meet for lunch.
Finally it was agreed that they would meet at the Ocean View restaurant because the restaurant was wheelchair accessible and had an elevator.
Ten years later, at age 80, the friends discussed where they should meet for lunch.
Finally it was agreed that they would meet at the Ocean View restaurant because they had never been there before !!!
5 TH MARCH 2023..
കളിയും കാര്യവും
*Shared by Sudha Warrier
(This, in a way explains why Collage decided to move out now. In 2004, I'll be 80-Warrier)
2) A matter of pronounciation
Mr Singh and his wife were having a candlelit dinner for Valentines....
She says :
"Pass the wine, my divine".
He thinks , 'How poetic'... so he also tries to add his bit by saying,
"Pass the roti, you moti."
Rest is history...
Later during an interview from the hospital bed, Mr Singh clarified that by 'Moti' he meant "Mothi" 'a Pearl' but was misunderstood as usual...
3) Duty Vs Responsibility
Shared by S Venugopal Chennai
A CEO of a big company was one day talking to his management team in a meeting about the sense of responsibility....
He asked a question... "You tell me..., is it my duty or responsibility to spend my life with my wife?"
Pin drop silence in the meeting.....
but after a few minutes a young officer said....
"Sir, it is your duty".
Why ? asked the CEO.
Officer :- "Because, If it was a responsibility, then... you would definitely have given it to one of us."
4) Wives are wives (read as wise in Collage) & smart 🤓
Couple Jokes*!!
Ganapathy retired from bank service as Sr Manager.
Got handsome retirement benefits.
He deposited around 50 lacs in MFs and debt funds.
25 lacs he kept in SB itself, as his pension was sufficient for him and his wife. He included his wife's name in his savings acct and taught her on line banking and the importance of OTP... He told her not to divulge OTP to anyone.
One evg Ganapathy returned from evg walk.
' I forgot to take my mobile...BTW, anything important?' He asked .
Wife said 'Someone phoned from the bank '
Ganapathy froze.
' Reg OTP?' He asked shockingly .
' You are smart. Of course they wanted me to share the OTP as they wanted to convert our acct from silver status to diamond status with more benefits'
' My God..did you get an OTP? Did you share it?'
' Of course..when it is the bank people calling how can I refuse? '
Ganapathy slumped on the sofa.
He immediately took the mobile logged into bk acct with a heart pounding like a jet motor set murmuring
" You idiot ...25 lacs gone"
But he was pleasantly surprised to see not only 25 L was safe but the SB interest was added to it.
" Did you share the OTP correctly?"
" Yes. But the one with bank people was not correct and asked me to recheck. I stood my ground."
" What was the OTP?"
" It was, I think, 2404. Since it is a joint account, I 'shared' only half of the OTP....1202 "!!
*Shared by S Venugopal Chennai
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