Warrier's Collage April 13, 2021

Welcome to Warrier's Daily COLLAGE On Tuesday April 13, 2021 Happy Gudi Padwa Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier UN Secretary General's Message on UN Day 2020 (October 24, 2020) https://www.un.org/en/observances/un-day/message (Link Selection: M G Warrier Mumbai) A Interaction 1) E T Rajendran Chennai Response to Dr.Jayaram Nayar’s query : The Travancore National and Quilon Bank (TNQ Bank), which was the largest bank in the area with over 75 offices and deposits of more than Rs.3.5 crores, was forced to close down during the banking crisis in the year 1938. Details of this event were covered in the first volume of Reserve Bank of India’s history 1935-50 (pp 183-90) authored by Shri S.L.N.Simha. Hence, not much details were given in the second volume (1951-67) apart from giving some passing references. I do not have copy of the first volume of the RBI history. I am sure, Shri Warrier will have this in his library. (*This was with reference to a querry from Jayaram Nayar with specific reference to TNQB. Yes, History is with me. But the geographical distance between me and my library is 2000 km- 🙏-Warrier) 2) K Ramasubramanian Mumbai Dear Shri Rajendran Thank you so much for your information. Palai central bank is a sterling example of bank management and its failure. Misfeasance was also raised against the management. It is heard during my DBOD days when Shri P N Khanna was chief officer that he was the officer deputed to Kerala High court to represent RBI in the compulsory liquidation case of Palai bank. He was vehemently arguing that the bank had several ‘sticky advances’ . Thus the bank has to be liquidated.The judge I think Justice Raman Nair wanted to know what he meant by sticky advances . Shri Khanna stated to be saying that the bank has given credit to various people who have not repaid despite notices, registered notices, legal notices etc. Bank has not recovered these loans leading to failure of the bank. Justice Nair then defined sticky advances in his judgment that “ the funds lent by the bank sticks to the borrower with no sign of disengagement” A definition from a judge who is not a central banker or any banker but the definition befits well. 3) V R Chittanandam Cheñnai While the piece in today's Collage (12.4.21) by E.T.Rajendran is informative, the one by Nallasivan is very interesting. Chittanandam 4) V Babusenan Thiruvananthapuram I joined the regional office of RBI at Thiruvanananthapuram(then Trivandrum, when things were simpler) in the first quarter of1960 as Clerk Grade 2 and was posted to the Returns Section. Until that time, the word 'return' had only one meaning for me as it has in Thomas Hardy's novel 'Return of the Native' or the Biblical story' Return of the Prodigal Son'. My job was to see that the 179 commercial banks in Kerala were submitting certain returns prescribed under the Banking Companies Act, in time and, if not, to remind them. At that time problems might have been brewing in Palai Central Bank and the fall came in the third quarter of that year, without my knowledge. Even if I had known it, it wouldn't have prevented me from visiting the Sreekumar Theatre, the Mecca of English-film buffs in the capital city. I saw the much talked about horror film 'Dracula,' though not by choice and Christopher Lee as Dracula got into my very bones gifting me some sleepless nights. Then, one day, while I was engrossed in verifying whether the Bank of Cochin was possessing enough approved securities to ensure compliance with the statutory obligation regarding liquid assets, I heard someone calling aloud "Shereif". The lovable Rehman Shereif was my immediate boss and, hearing his name, I looked up and what did I see? There stood Christopher Lee grinning with his mouth full of blood! A shudder went through my body, but surprisingly I survived the situation. Slowly I came to know that he was a pan-chewing officer, an old friend of my boss, and belonged to the team of officers who descended from the Central Office of RBI along with C.S.Divekar, Executive Director. The details about the banking crisis at that time, the esteemed readers had presumably read in the Collage of 11th April. In fact, it is Shri Nayar's narration and the details lifted from the Bank's History that suddenly opened up this long-forgotten nightmarish incident. In the corridors of memory connected with the amalgamations and reconstructions following the Palai Bank crash, stands alone a friend whom we may call Krishnan. He cannot be strictly called a friend as he had no friends or foes. He was a senior colleague, a gold medalist, who came to office early and left late. A systematic and solid worker, he spoke to no one unless spoken to. Krishnan always wore a plaintive smile on his face. Once, a firebrand officer summoned him and started firing non-stop from the very moment he came. When he saw that others were watching, he increased the volume of firing. Krishnan stood there quietly and, when the officer stopped, he said: "This case was not put up by me." The officer flared up: "You should have told me then" "Yes, Sir, I should have. But, for that, you should have given me a chance." The officer was not of the type who easily forgot such an embarrassment.But he didn't get an opportunity as Krishnan left the job and this world abruptly within a few days.The domestic unhappiness(his home was an eternal battle field of his mother and wife) grew beyond a bearable level and Krishnan ended his life in the waiting room of a small railway station near Madurai.Banking had nothing to do with his untimely death.Had there been one friend,perhaps,he would have survived! Incidentally,Palai, in the Kottayam district, was central to a banking crisis once,but it continues to be central to many a political crisis. 5) Vivek Amin Nagpu Dear Warrier, best wishes Kudos to History Cell and all efforts taken by the team and special thanks to Shri E T Rajendran and you for giving us the information about the story of birth of DICGC. B Lady with a lamp: V T Panchapagesan Chennai Florence Nightingale, born to comfort and Social position, gave up everything to serve those who needed her help. The inspiring words of her PLEDGE are worth reflection... I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the presence of this assembly: To pass my life in PURITY and to practice my profession faithfully. I will abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous, and will not take or knowingly administer any harmful drug.. I will do all in my POWER to elevate the standard of my profession, and will hold in Confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping and all family affairs coming to my knowledge In the practice of my profession.. With LOYALTY will I endeavor to aid the physician in his work, and devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care.. One should be great-minded....Chandogya Upanishad 2,12-2* V. T. Panchapagesan *Relevant link: https://www.wisdomlib.org/hinduism/book/chandogya-upanishad-english/d/doc238876.html Excerpts: "Word-for-word explanation: Saḥ yaḥ evam etat rathantaram agnau protam veda, he who knows that this Rathantara Sāma is rooted in fire; brahmavarcasī, acquires the glow that Vedic knowledge gives; annādaḥ bhavati, he enjoys eating food; sarvam āyuḥ eti, he lives the full span of his life; jyok jīvati, he lives a bright life; mahān prajayā paśubhiḥ bhavati, he distinguishes himself by his children and by the animal wealth he acquires; mahān kīrtyā, his reputation spreads far and wide; tat vratam, his principle is; na pratyak agnim ācāmet, never to Commentary: By his moral character and his scholarship in the Vedas, he acquires a radiance about him. [The underlying thought in these two mantras is that everything a person does is spiritual. This includes even physical experiences.]" C Welcome Chaitra : Vathsala Jayaraman April 14 th is the beginning of new year, the birth of Chaitra month. The lunar Telugu calendar starts two days earlier. Mythologically the 60 years are the sons of sage Narada turned into a woman ( Naradi) The story is that once upon a time saint Narada, the celestial celebate, saw a pair of fish in conjugal happiness, while bathing in the sacred Ganges. His passions were excited and he felt a desire to lead a married life. The happiness of a family and the pleasure of children playing about, and a thousand and one things which make life enjoyable, tempted even this citadel of celibacy, this ever-youthful ascetic. He made up his mind to give up his brahmacharya and lead the life of a householder. But, he thought, who would give him a wife, and, besides, he had no money to expend on the costly ceremony. What should he do? The best course was to go to Krishna, the king of Dwaraka, and the husband of sixteen thousand one hundred and eight wives! The Lord of Dwaraka could easily spare one, and would not miss her! And he was so fabulously rich that he could easily pay all the expenses! This unholy thought affected the sanctity of the great saint to a certain extent. God, however, felt himself bound to satisfy every desire of his devotees, and Narada stood at the top of them all! All-pervading Vishnu, therefore, organised a counter-plot. He took no offence even at so insulting a proposal. Noticing that Narada laid much stress on the large number of his wives and hinted at the impossibility of one man meeting them every day, he asked the saint to go round his houses and to pick up that woman with whom he was not living. Poor Narada! He was not in his senses. He took the bait, and actually went round the whole city, but in every house that Narada visited he found Krishna there, either playing with the children or enjoying the company of his wife in a thousand and one ways. Always happy, always jolly, always in the enjoyment of the highest blessing, possible a married man! That sight still more excited the passions of Narada. He was still thinking how to get a wife when his time for prayer came. As he always bathed and repeated his prayers very punctually, he involuntarily went to the Ganges to bathe. Narada was thinking of going again to Krishna for a wife when he took another dip, and on coming up to the surface of the water was astonished to see that he was turned into a woman! she got out of the stream and was going to change her wet clothes, when, lo! a big, tall, stout, manly, good-looking sanyasi accosted her. He caught her (Naradi as she must hence be called) by the hand, took her to a cottage and a marriage-by-capture followed. She gave birth to sixty sons one after another, every year! Worried, exhausted, fatigued, bored to death by these numerous sons, at the end of the sixtieth year she involuntarily prayed to Lord Vishnu to relieve her of this worldly misery! Repentance did not come too late for the long, eternal (free from death) life of Narada! The sanyasi disappeared and there appeared in his place the glorious Lord of the Universe, Lord Vishnu, with four hands, holding sankha, chakra, gada and padma and said: 'What are your wishes, O eminent woman? They shall be granted!' Naradi looked aghast, looked at the lord again, wiped her eyes and said: 'You know it, my lord. Fool that I was, I thought married life was a bed of roses, full of happiness and pleasures. Save me, my lord!' 'Rise, dear Narada, rise!' was the response. He was transformed into a fully equipped young ascetic in every detail! Vishnu embraced him as a friend and asked him to name any other desire, but by this time the sixty sons had gathered round their mother clamouring for food! ( We should not ask silly questions like the eldest will be 60 by then and only 10 sons will be below ten and whether such old sons would be craving for food) After all it is mythology far from the ambit of reasoning. Narada appealed to Vishnu to silence them. Vishnu gave them the Raj of the world to be enjoyed by turns for one year at a time. This is how each Hindu year has a separate name for a cycle of sixty years. At the end of this cycle falls the Kapila Shasthi, the sacred day on which Naradi was re-transformed into saint Narada ! D Guardian of Social Justice https://openthemagazine.com/feature/justice-nv-ramana-social-justice/ Excerpts: "In January, a bench comprising Justices Ramana, S Abdul Nazeer and Surya Kant observed that the work of women, as homemakers, was worth financial compensation and recommended fixing of a notional income for them. In 2018, a bench led by Justice Ramana slammed the Centre for refusing to extend permanent commission to serving women officers in the Indian Army. “Why are you harassing these women officers? This is discrimination,” the court told the lawyer appearing for the Ministry of Defence. Two years later, the Supreme Court ordered that the permanent commission would apply to all women officers in the Indian Army in service, irrespective of their years of service. A proponent of legal services reaching the last man, Justice Ramana has expressed concern that oppressed sections still lack access to the justice system in India. “When people cannot reach us, we should reach them,” he has said." E Work is Worship https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/marvellouscontinuity/work-or-wish-31029/ Excerpts: "Let’s connect with the daily gifts of our lives, and become grateful for the true values that shower every day. Let’s not put much weight on being liked by the cool crowd. We all have a significant place in the world, we all matter. Let’s not wish to matter more than anyone else. With loose units of ideas and perceptions, we cannot say anything definite. We should therefore follow our works and leave behind our wishes for something else. The phenomenal world of ours is valid and important till we work not imagine or wish. You cannot imagine the infinite with limited conceptions. So, we need to involve absolutely in our works. Work provides experience. Wish remains the wish until you do it. You wish for many things but, work for nothing; takes you nowhere. So in our lives and in our relations, we should apply our best. This truly determines our works." F Leisure Annual Appraisal* Corona Virus Submitted its ‘Annual Performance Self - Appraisal’ for 2020, for promotion: 1. Responsible for Global Digital Transformation and fast-tracking. 2. Reduction of Global CO2 emission. 3. Restructuring of Five million jobs 4. Global Hygiene initiatives: Ensured 100% compliance on washing hands... leading to collateral reduction of other communicable diseases. 5. Made global industry shift to WFH - saved exposure and costs. 6. Reduction in global noise pollution by making everyone keep their mouth shut (while masked). 7. Taught cooking, vegetable shopping, housekeeping to many. 8. Highlighted the importance of governance, adaptability and long term planning, by all sectors. 9. Spiritual contribution - Provided ample time to all people for reflection. 10. Provided a big boost to the Pharma sector, brought small utility stores back into priority. 11. Taught family values and values of life again. 12. Taught how to manage funds by avoiding unnecessary expenses. 13. Oriented masses towards prevention of disease through Yoga, cycling, walking and healthy lifestyles. 14. Ushered in a new phase of social reforms - in controlling ostentatious and wasteful expenditure in socio-religious events. 15. Stopped wasteful expenditure in business travels, unnecessary holidays and vacations, and brought in use of technology through videoconferencing, and innovative staycations. After due consideration: "Covid19 Coronavirus is promoted to next higher level with a mutant version" *Received in Group mail from S Thyagarajan G Quotes about Jokers https://mythgyaan.com/joker-quotes/ Like: " Smile, because it confuses people. Smile, because it’s easier than explaining what is killing you inside."


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