Warrier's Collage April 17, 2021

Welcome to Warrier's Daily COLLAGE On Sunday April 18, 2021 Good Morning Friends, Regular issue of Collage is back from today (April 18). Collage, on behalf of its readers and contributors wishes all readers having Birthday during the week ending April 24, 2021 Happy Birthday and Aayurarogyasaukhyam 🙏 Nice Day M G Warrier A Interaction 1) M G Warrier Mumbai Sudha and I got second and final dose of CoviShield vaccination at Jumbo Covid Centre, Mullund. We had our first vaccination at the same place on March 6, 2021. Yesterday all arrangements were more organised. The whole procedure was over in one hour. They were giving coffee and biscuits after vaccination. Feel sad about some Social Media Activists creating scare, while thousands of Health Workers are risking their own lives and health of their families silently work 24x7 to ensure our safety and well-being. They are rising to the occasion and despite several constraints defending people's health with the same devotion and dedication our jawans who serve to protect us. 2) R Jayakumar Mumbai Dear Abraham Sir The situation faced by the old lady during the wedding meal was a critical one. Even with good intentions one will be tempted to disclose the fact to the host and stop further distribution of the payasam because of the presence of a dead frog in it. It is normal for the cooks to simply throw away a fly or a worm or a cockroach floating on the food preparation and continue serving. But not some creature with flesh and bones. Maturity may always be not in hiding truths but in disclosing truth with minimum harm to others. (It is also a fact that some communities eat frogs. During my school days I have seen circus shows where a stunt man would swallow one or two live frogs and after a few minutes bring them out through the mouth alive.) Regards R Jayakumar (Depends on the tradition and circumstances. For those using river water or well water, it'll not be easy to change source of water just because one saw a dead fish or frog floating around. I'm not explaining further 🙏-Warrier) B Restoring TRUST : M G Warrier Mumbai https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/warriersviews/trust-deficit-handle-with-care-31104/ Excerpts: "I'm thrilled by the thought of the new door of professional counselling opening before me, and the possibility of writing another book based on the new experience. I’ll have to learn a lot. In the New Year, either I’ll be giving it, or taking. Yes, you are right. Give or take counselling! Either way, it’s going to be a different experience for me. Life is all about “give and take”, after all. My learning so far has been around economics and banking. So, the word TRUST for me has something to do with money, banking and solid tangible assets including real estate. **. ** How many of us will agree, deposit mobilized by the bank is money borrowed from the public? Then, how the terms of borrowing are decided by the borrower? This is where “trust” comes in. People will entrust you with anything if you are trustworthy. Governments, banks and institutions survive on trust. It’s trust that has helped the UK to remain a healthy nation running a government based on an unwritten Constitution. But for trust, how many nations will be able to finance their annual budgets, if net-worth (net of realisable assets and public debt) was the consideration for subscribing to government borrowings? So, everything hangs on trust." C Books about Isaac Newton https://fivebooks.com/best-books/isaac-newton-william-newman/ Excerpts: "What was Newton’s contribution? Isaac Newton co-discovered calculus with Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. He was the first person to truly quantify the universal law of gravity. He also was the first person to figure out that white light is actually an unaltered mixture of spectral colours. These were all radically new discoveries that completely transformed science.Beyond that, he instituted the kind of style of doing science that amounted to looking for non-causal explanations, where you simply mathematize the relationships among natural phenomena without speculating about ultimate causes. The classic example is gravitational attraction; Newton resisted others’ attempts to get him to explain the cause of gravity...." D What is maturity? : Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai There is a constant struggle between intellect and mind. After a long thought process, when we switch over to the intellect side, we suddenly find that our intellect is not leading us in right path and we are unable to find the difference between what we can change and what we can't. Intellect does not necessarily provide the actual maturity we need.We plunge into action and meet with downfalls. Again and again we try with greater vigour only to face negative results. When things just go beyond our control, when we get involved in accidents etc, neither we nor our close relatives are able to use their intellect properly and things are left to destiny and nature. As long as we get success we can proclaim loudly that we acted with great maturity and practical wisdom. I know a person who was highly intelligent, calm and serene and for all the activities he will not be influenced by emotions but only by his intellect. He succeeded in everything. Many people, even elders used to consult him. An important occasion came. He had to choose his life partner. His was a reasonably rich family with 4 siblings ( all brothers, and he was the youngest). All the three daughters-in-law were educated girls from equally influential families and it was a harmonious joint family except for a few conflicts here and there. This intellectual gentleman contemplated well. His intellect advised him to go in for a girl from a poor big family so that the girl would have innate patience and 'sharing' mental set up. After thinking for three months, the marriage took place with a poor girl of his choice. But while all his earlier small decisions were correct, this important decision totally failed. The poor girl falsified all the expectations and there were uninterrupted conflicts day in and day out. He had to come out of the joint family followed by division of property and so on. The gentleman admitted his failure but learnt to accept the experience as success and to get along. Though a generalisation cannot be made out of a single case, there are many more practical aspects to ponder about while defining maturity. People talk about intelligence, design, choice and action as four important processes of maturity and consequent success. But ultimately, acceptance' of the situation resulting out of our own actions and those of others or circumstances becomes the symbol of maturity. Vathsala Jayaraman E Blogs and Links https://openthemagazine.com/columns/malice-towards-one-and-all/ Excerpts: "Now, you may wonder why seven years after Khushwant transited to the other world, I am recalling his stewardship of the now long defunct Weekly. Well, the thought occurred after I browsed an excellent book on the Sindhis and Sindh written by Shakuntala Bharvani, a visiting Fulbright professor, a few years ago. She has a couple of other books to her credit. As the name suggests, Bharvani herself is a Sindhi whose family migrated from Sindh at the time of Partition and settled down first in Calcutta, and later in Mumbai. What makes the book interesting is that she has woven together her own family story with that of the larger community of which she is a proud member. Sindhis, not unlike the Banias, are essentially a business community, though the author and her immediate family come across as an exception, having prioritised academic pursuit as well. Without meaning to cause offence, I clearly recall that Khushwant’s Weeklyhad mentioned about a popular saying in these parts that on seeing a Sindhi and a snake, you first neutralise the Sindhi. I skimmed through the book to find out whether the author would refer to the common saying among non-Sindhis and offer a comment. To my dismay, she did not. However, the Weekly editor softened the blow to Sindhi pride, acknowledging that they duly return the compliment, substituting Punjabis for themselves in that saying about snakes and Sindhis. The inimitable Khushwant, it should be noted, was a fully paid-up leader of the Punjabis. Though the book on Sindhis nudged me to recall Khushwant’s Weekly, I seek the indulgence of the Open editor to mention how the celebrated Sardarji would often tell a joke at his own expense. Like when Sahir Ludhianvi died. Easily the most progressive and powerful poet to have written popular songs for Bollywood films, at least for my generation of cinegoers, Singh in his Malice column mentioned how he would land up in his house for a drink. ‘And every time I showed up, which was quite often, I could hear his mother shouting loudly at Sahir, saying “these people do not come to see you, they come for teri kaali bottle (Black Label Scotch whisky).”’ F Leisure Jokes about science/scientists https://www.rd.com/list/funny-science-jokes/ Like: Sage marital advice* The doctor tells a woman that she has only six months to live. He advises her to marry a chemist and move to Toledo. The woman asks, “Will this cure my illness?” “No,” replies the doctor, “but it will make six months seem like a very long time.” (*If this is a repeat, at least now try to forget 🙏-Warrier) G Quotes about Trust https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/trust-quotes "I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me." -Isaac Newton (Sir Isaac Newton PRS was an English mathematician, physicist, astronomer, theologian, and author who is widely recognised as one of the greatest mathematicians and most influential scientists of all time and as a key figure in the scientific revolution.)


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