Warrier's Collage April 2, 2021

Welcome to Warrier's Daily COLLAGE On Friday April 2, 2021 To see Bimbadhar Mishra's latest cartoons please visit the website at https://bimbadharmishra.in Good Morning https://youtu.be/vBGaDlBSik4 (Music ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽถ) Panchapagesan on Positive Energy Positive energy is vital in today’s fast - paced world..... Self healing is the process to restore energy balance inside the body using some simple techniques.. We all think before we speak. Then thinking becomes speech. Speech is our action or deed....... This is the simple method. Thought has positive vs negative and necessary vs wastage... How do we all utilize thought gainfully, developing positive energy! Positive energy is something we can never get enough of..... Especially in today’s fast- paced world... Self healing is a simple energy technique that can be done by ourselves for a few minutes. Self healing helps recentre and ground us. Especially on days when we feel overwhelmed by multiple demands on our time frame... or when we feel drained by people and places.... Some tested tips may help boost supply of positive energy .... Feel the earth beneath our feet for a few seconds.. Establish a connection between our soles and the ground duly visualizing roots going downwards... If we can walk barefoot in the garden or park, It would be even better.. A quick grounding aid, it helps retain the balance Especially on demanding days..... Take 10 deep breaths, make them as slow and deep as we can... Not only does more Oxygen reach our brain, we will find our blood pressure dropping and a sense of calm enveloping us. Practice as often as we like. Anywhere and anytime... Everytime we inhale, feel our body relaxing further.. Rub our palms together and feel vibrations. Gently place them over our closed eyes. Allow the warm energy of our palms to go within us for a few seconds restoring inner calm.. Affirmations work very well to raise our energy and to promote feelings of self-confidence and joy. Powerful statements that instill positive thoughts internally, replacing negative thinking effortlessly and easily practiced... Add a few tablespoons of Sea salt or Common salt to our bath water. It will cleanse us thoroughly of negative energy and relax our muscles.. Wear white or pastel coloured clothes. These colors resonate at a higher frequency and can actually raise our vibrations and bring in feelings of Harmony.. Finally and most importantly, consciously maintain a positive attitude. Refuse to allow negative thoughts to cloud us.. V. T. Panchapagesan. B+ve Nice Day M G Warrier M OBITUARY (JRP Ratnarao) at H A RBI Turns 86*: *Forward received from K Balasubramanian Coimbatore Forwarding note from Shankar mulund: Beautiful and heart-touching message shared by Shri Sridharan Ex-Principal Private Secretary to Governor on RBI’s 86th year๐Ÿ™: Reserve Bank of India - RBI - resounds the name when uttered there emanates a great respect and an honour that surrounds. Commencing its journey on a full-fedged basis since April 1935, it is almost 86 years it runs on wheels of righteousness, understanding the needs of a country through knowledge contribution by many learned Governors taking charge periodically with utmost care, by implementing economic policies in coordination with the Central Government and facing any situation balancing and neutralising ebbs that arise at times. Multifarious functions that are more sensitive for a country to develop its economic growth. How many Governors so far took the reigns of the institution and their contributions are applauded by the Universally renowned Economists and in spite of mounting economic pressures RBI faced with ease and sorted out many complicated issues maintaining its name in the global economic arena! Today - 1st April 2021 - we are proud to celebrate its 86th year and as a common and having the pride of serving this greatest institution for more than 40 years stepping on the first rung as a Typist and mother RBI lifted me up with her kindness and love to a level of Principal Private Secretary to Governor when I retired on 30/05/2009. Even today with an identity card issued to me by RBI and when I hold it with me close to my heart, I still hear the pulse as RBI beating and reminding me of its memories! Retirement from RBI is a boon and Mother RBI takes care all her retired children with care and safety till they live and the pension just dropping in on the date fixed for every month, taking care through medical facilities and friends available even after retirement to exchange bygone memories and beyond all, the name RBI will make anyone recognise you and retired from RBI will provide you with a shelter under her name leaving you not an orphan but be a close friend embracing you to feel her presence! Thanks a lot mother RBI - we will never forget you and even in my last breathe you will be there in my super-conscious stage! I am grateful to one and all with whom RBI knitted our bondage! Happy birthday RBI! B Interaction 1) Financial New Year* Heartiest Good Wishes for the new Financial Year to enable you to withstand the challenges being faced now. May Almighty God: Add (+)To Your Goodwill & Prosperity Out of Bounds. Subtract (-) From Your Worries & Difficulties to Big Zero. Multiply (x) Your Turnover & Happiness Multifolds. Divide (÷) Your Problems with Multiple Solutions. Wishing you a Happier, Healthier, Wealthier and Prosperous New Financial Year 2021-22 *Courtesy: Yashodhan Mujumdar Mumbai 2) R Jayakumar Mumbai Installing Love in the Heart..... This has reference to Shri Panchapagesan Sir's forward on installation of love with technical support. Today is Maundy Thursday to observe the last day of Jesus before his death when he gave his final messages of love and servanthood to his disciples. Speaking on love he said: " I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have Love for one another. " He said again: " This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you. " R Jayakumar C Reader's Contribution Monologues of a Grandma, in verse: Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai It has never been my ambition To write poems like Tennyson or Wordsworth, Or become a great writer. But I wanted to enjoy the happiness, Of a five year old, Absorbingly stringing beads one after the other. I know fully well, That being a mother is, Learning about strengths That we did not know we had; And dealing with fears, That we never knew to have existed. Unfortunately we got diverted, When recognition for career women, Made its appearance. We missed many a precious milestone, In our children's lives: True, there is incompareable joy, In seeing our little darlings; The baby's kicks with its tender legs; The joy of holding the soft little fingers; Its great touch on cheeks; The giggling secret that is intelligible only to mother; The sleeping beauty on our cosy laps; Even the cries conveyed some interesting information. Yes, we had the opportunity to enjoy everything. But, but, but ........... Their activities brimmed with energy of the highest order never enchanted us. Neither could we understand and appreciate, The false tummy aches, To avoid schooling, Nor the real pains of our children. We were always in a hurry to keep breakfast ready, And pack them off. We yelled at them unreasonably, With the single motive, Of early compliance, At times unwillingly, by children. We have been threatening, Rewarding and abusing, All simultaneously! We missed the bushy hair and chubby cheeks, Of our own children, That drew appreciation and envy from others. We missed the wonderful opportunity, Of appreciating our children's reaction, To the admiration, Shrinking their eyes with a silent smile, Hiding behind something. They somehow grew. Nearly half a century is over. Children, even without our assistance You studied very well, And got settled abroad. If we are granted any wish by God, We would like to see our children as kids, To hug them to our fullest satisfaction, Allow them to shout at their maximum, Will listen to their grievances patiently. Another golden opportunity, We are blessed with grand children. We thought we had forgotten all about baby care. But our arms remember, To hold and bathe the baby, We could sing lullabies, Tell stories; Thank God, remained healthy, To climb the loft to take the toys Or keep them back! We can take small steps with the child; Talk in their language; Draw funny cartoons with crayons. We can entertain them with cans of ice creams, Drink, dine and dance with them Hugging, kissing, tickling and giggling liberally allowed. Are we going to rewind the past? Never, Luck has slipped out of our hands! We can have a brief darshan of grandkids, Only through skype or video call. Virtual grandma cuddling with virtual kids. My grandson is holding a greeting card in his tiny hands, And pestering me to see and read. Tears blurring my vision and choking throat, I read in a feeble voice, 'Grandma holds hands for just a little while, But our hearts for ever". "Life is what happens to you while you are busy making plans" This quote is pretty clear to me now. Fifty years back, Our profession no longer defined us; Nor did our motherhood. We were just two pieces, Never transformed into a meaningful WHOLE. Were we mothers? Are we grandmas? Neither for sure. We are simply oldies by age. But who can prevent me, Standing at my doorsteps, Silently watching, The little fingers, Holding their moms' hands, Some hugging their mothers, Getting assurance for the next day's 'NO SCHOOL'. Thank God! An elementary school is just opposite: Who can stand in my way, Of enjoying their innocent smiles in exchange, For daily hugs? Who can prevent you, From exchanging affectionate glances? *** "We can do no great things; But many small things with great love"-Mother Teresa. These reverberating words lingering in my heart do wonders. vathsala Jayaraman D Current Affairs 1) Monetary Policy https://m.timesofindia.com/business/india-business/monetary-policy-committee-to-meet-6-times-during-2021-22/amp_articleshow/81779331.cms 2) Inflation Target Unchanged till March 2026. https://www.livemint.com/politics/policy/indias-inflation-targeting-framework-kept-unchanged-for-next-five-years-11617195203211.html E Blogs & Links 1) Ramassery Idlis https://www.thehindu.com/features/magazine/In-search-of-RAMASSERI-IDLI/article12291378.ece Excerpts: "I took over when my father (Sankaranarayanan) died,” says Jeevanandan. “This shop must be more than 75 years old. I have heard my parents say that the Ramasseri idlis date back to over 100 years. It is believed that the Mudaliars, the community to which I and the other families in this village who make idlis belong, migrated from the neighbouring districts of Tamil Nadu. We have been following a tradition handed down to us by the elders. We now have only four families and two shops that sell these idlis here. In the past, this village had handloom. Now it is the idlis.” 2) Places of Worship in India https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/yours-truly/do-gods-need-an-address-30706/ Excerpts: "When we look into the annals of world history, there are instances of savagery in the name of religion or community. Ethnic cleansing too is a barbaric way to upheld one’s own religion or community as superior and punish the others. Ghosts of the Holocaust, Circassian Genocide and the likes will forever haunt human civilization even if they are able to colonize Mars and Moon. History, never without a benefit of the doubt, is a reminder of our past. If we had all moved forward from kerosene lamps to solar panel lights, why can’t we use the same wisdom to stop killing in the name of God?" 3) www.warriersblog.com Collage is being posted at my Blog and my Face Book Pages F A must read Khushwant : Il Santo Grande By Ramachandra Guha* In the summer of 1970, Khushwant Singh took a month's leave from editing the Illustrated Weekly Of India. He had been awarded a fellowship by the Rockefeller Foundation, to be spent in the estate they own on a hill overlooking Lake Como in northern Italy. The Vila Serbelloni, as those who have been there know, is a sensuously beautiful place to live in for a month , or a week, or a day. The food is good, the wine better, the views out of this world. Between meals, one might walk through the pines, or admire the garden, or drink coffee in a cafe by the waterfront. When the Foundation invites a writer here he is not even expected to write. The one thing the estate lacks is a tennis court. For Khushwant Singh, who had played two sets in a colonial club every morning of his life, this was a real, and unanticipated, hassle. Reluctantly, he decided to make do with a daily swim instead. Clad only in the mandatory kachchha, he would, after an early breakfast, walk down the hill and breast his way across the lake. Then, his abundant hair hung out to dry, his kada glistening in the mid-morning sun, he would climb the hill on the other side. In time he would return, get into the water once more, and swim back to the Villa Serbelloni. This daily ritual was followed, with increasingly awed fascination, by the residents of the far shore. Back in the 1970s this part of Italy had some peasants, real peasants, who cultivated fields and reared sheep on the slopes around Lake Como. Nothing in their culture or folklore had prepared them for the sight of a Sardar after his swim. The lord who once lived in the manor house had been seen, if at all, only atop a horse. Of the Americans who later patronised the place, the odd fellow might have entered the water, sometimes, but thy were white, with close cropped hair and clean shaven. A week passed, and still the Sardar came, every morning. Another week and the peasants had convinced themselves that this was a saint, il santo. By the end of his stay he had been elevated further still, to the rank of "great saint", or il santo grande. So epochal was Khushwant Singh's holiday in the Como hills that to this day local history is marked by reference to it. Do you not remember the murder of that inn-keeper, an old man will say, it happened the winter following the visit of il santo grande. The story of Khushwant Singh's beatification was told to me by the philosopher Ninian Smart, whose wife is Italian, and who owns a little cottage in the hills abutting Lake Como. The Sardar does not, I believe, know of his elevation at all. Were he to be told the tale he would have a hearty chuckle. Heartier still would be the chuckles of the hundreds of thousands of Indians who read him. For these have been brought up to understand that the Sardar is an authentic anti-saint, who has malice towards all and whose worldly ways would make Mahatma Gandhi weep. &&&& *Suggested by E Madhavan, Thrissur Read Guha's 2014 Article published in Outlook: https://www.outlookindia.com/website/story/the-man-who-gets-things-done/289463 G Quotes about dilemma https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/dilemma-quotes "The central dilemma in journalism is that you don't know what you don't know." -Bob Woodward (bobwoodward.com. Robert Upshur Woodward (born March 26, 1943) is an American investigative journalist. He started working for The Washington Post as a reporter in 1971 and currently holds the title of associate editor. Education: Yale University (BA) Born: Robert Upshur Woodward; March 26, 1943 (age 77); Geneva, Illinois U.S. Known for: Reporting on the Watergate scandal) H Obituary J R P Ratnarao Hyderabad Copied below is the message about the untimely demise of J R P Ratnarao in Hyderabad on March 31, 2021, shared in RBI Retirees Groups Heartfelt Condolences to the bereaved family May his Soul Rest in Peace Prayers ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ Sad beyond words, Friends, Ratnarao was my colleague in RPCD CO We were family friends for long After my retirement in 2003 we lost contact. Recently he was staying in Mumbai and we got reconnected... Message received in Rbichennaifriends Group copied* for the information: M G Warrier *Sorry to inform that JRP Ratna Rao, retired CGM passed away last night in Apollo Hyderabad. Surgery for removing cancerous urinalysis bladder went well but gas created breathlessness and he suffered cardiac arrest. May his kind soul RIP ( WhatsApp forwarded msg) K. R. Vijayaragavan Hyderabad


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