Warrier's Collage April 20, 2021

Welcome to Warrier's Daily COLLAGE On Tuesday April 20, 2021 Good Morning H Obituary: P Aravind, Pune M G Warrier Satsanga with Panchapagesan Cheerfulness and Joy is the lubricant of a peaceful and serene life.. A spirit of joy makes life worth living.. The mind that is cheerful in its present state will be averse to all solicitude as to the future and will meet the bitter occurrences of life with a smile.. Cheerfulness levels the mountains, fills the valleys, makes the rough ways of life smooth... cheerfulness is a necessary state of mind or attitude for one who is seeking holiness, inner peace without agitation of mind.. Sanctity demands self-conquest and in the process of Self-conquest , A happy heart and soul is helpful. A low-spirited soul is an easy prey of the devil. Finally, work done with cheerfulness is of greater value. Work in any form is worship satisfying the mind keeping it without agitation.. Cheerfulness also removes the drudgery from work, and work then becomes a Labour of love...It is indeed an important lubricant in the operation Of the human machine— both in the natural and the supernatural order. Beyond body, beyond mind, beyond intellect, explore SELF WITH AN ATTITUDE OF CHEERFULNESS AS IT MAKES A DISH A FEAST.. How we face it to achieve it, is within us with a service oriented approach with sincerity and devotion, senses controlled towards Realization.. V T Panchapagesan A Responses received through V R Chittanandam CheƱnai Snippets Interesting. Life is like That! Dr G Sundaram Nice to know that life has so many different shades N R Krishnan Quite interesting. I admire your constant untiring effort of collecting such information and sharing with others. I for one, would not have known so much without your rewarding posts. Narasiah Interesting episodes..Nigeria matrimonial culture ..Ha...ha,,,! S Rajagopalan Thanks for sharing. The reference to Africa made me recollect my experience of working in Kenya. The Kenyan names made me wonder. The names are - Marichi, Idumbi, Rwana , Kadama and many names we recall while reading our legends. I used to wonder - whether Sita was abducted to Lanka or Africa. Then a geologist working in the set up told me - that - Africa and India was a single continent which split up in geological separation. - P B Rajagopalan B Poetry I 20th Century Poetry https://www.bachelorandmaster.com/englishperiods/twentieth-century-poetry.html#.YHzWSmnhVPw C A "Sound Proposal in Writing": V Babusenan Thiruvananthapuram With a half-smile forming on her face, Vasanthi flaunted a letter at me. It was from my friend Sekhar Prasad addressed to her. I laughed. "The heavens are going to fall! He writes a letter to you? For the first time?" "And the last time if my answer is in the affirmative" She added. Sumukhi, who was standing behind her, laughed. "What is there to laugh at?" asked I with some irritation. "You read it yourself. Then you will know. But read it aloud. I want to know the full facts." Said Sumukhi. "All right" I said and started reading the letter :Dear Madam Vasanthi-"Very formal indeed-." I happened to meet a brilliant Indian lady last year here- a Tamil lady, disciple of the vivacious Carnatic vocalist Aruna Sairam. She had come to Chicago to give a lecture demonstration of a popular musical form in concerts as well as in Bharatanatyam : Tillana. Anita Rajan's singing was delectable and her explanations in English were crisp and clear. Being a member of the organizing committee, I was introduced to her. To my utter amazement, I found that she could not be disposed of as an accomplished singer. She is an outstanding mathematician and a professor of applied mathematics in the famous Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) wherefrom she took her doctorate in Mathematics. It is a question of genetics, she being the offspring of a leading Indian mathematician. In 2006 she was awarded the Erlang Prize for outstanding contribution to applied probability and, in 2020, the US Defence Department conferred on her the prestigious Newton Award. These are only two of the many feathers in her cap. Knowing you reasonably well, I can hear you commenting: "In that case, you could have proposed to her" If I say that such a thought didn't occur to me at all, that will be a lie. But, fortunately, she declared to the world that she is irretrievably married to Mathematics. IIT, Chennai from where Anita Rajan took her degree is going to honour her shortly with a Distinguished Alumna Award. She has invited me to attend the function. You may ask how you are concerned with it. Dear Vasanthi, if you will agree to bind your future life with mine, tell that to your brother, my friend, through whom I prefer to hear the good news. If your answer is'yes', let the function be as simple as practicable. On our first journey together to Chicago as man and wife, we shall be attending the function at IIT, Chennai where I will proudly introduce one gem of a lady to another. I presume that your visit to the Thirunelli temple went off smoothly and that I too formed part of your prayer to Lord Vishnu... After reading the letter, I looked at Vasanthi enquiringly. "Tell him not to write such letters again." She said. "What do you mean?" I asked somewhat perplexed. She explained: "Sekhar could have taken the telephone and talked to me. Though a neurologist ,he didn't have the nerve to do so . That is why he wrote the letter" She continued with a smile. "Tell him I am agreeable and he need not bother to write again." D Health Walk with me https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/walking-for-good-health Excerpts: Walking for 30 minutes a day or more on most days of the week is a great way to improve or maintain your overall health. If you can’t manage 30 minutes a day, remember ‘even a little is good, but more is better’. Walking with others can turn exercise into an enjoyable social occasion. See your doctor for a medical check-up before embarking on any new fitness program, particularly if you are aged over 40 years, are overweight or haven’t exercised in a long time. Lead Links as you open the Link: Health benefits of walking Walking for 30 minutes a day Building physical activity into your life Make walking part of your routine Wearing a pedometer while walking A comfortable intensity for walking Warming up and cooling down after walking Footwear for walking Making walking a pleasure Safety suggestions while walking Where to get help E Poetry II 1) All about yesterday*: Franklin Misquith Very soon I shall fall asleep, There was a time I could leap, Now the climb up is quite steep, All I can do now is slowly creep. We are done with another day, The sun was up so we made hay, I wish I could take off to some bay. And there a dragon in it's lair slay. Our feet are not made of clay, We should be up and underway, And to a verdant park fly far away, There we'll dance and sing all day. F R Misquith *Received in Exrbites Group mail 2) Radha: Jyotirmoy Sil https://madrascourier.com/art-and-poetry/radha/ "One more time she opens her instagram, Their moments are still fleeting. She drowns her self deep in her eyes, …So deep that leads her into oblivion of a lake And mutters her name with the intense rave, ‘Nila…’ Her name burns like that raw rum sticking in her throat, Hears the sound of her earrings, Feels the cold breeze that passes her hair carrying fragrance Senses the warmth of her fingers that goes within her Denying every phenomenon. She perceives the red spot of her tiara Would resemble the colour of the blade if that goes through her vein. Or will she decay minutely Succumbing to the tradition?" 3) Friendship Poems https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poems/friend/short/ Like: Poem About Improving Someone's Day When someone's having a bad day, A smile could go a long way, So make sure to put one on And keep it until the day is gone. (Link Selection: M G Warrier Mumbai) 4) Butterfly šŸ¦‹ effect https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/jblblogs/the-butterfly-effect-30434/ F Leisure Smile* It’s human to---- 1) Bachelors A & B are sharing a flat. While washing plates, A breaks a plate. Immediately B exclaims-How like you! A minute later, it is B’s turn to break a plate. B doesn’t blink. How unlike me-he says at once. 2) The girl is monopolising the conversation with the boy. How beautiful I am. How fashionable my dress is---- Suddenly she realises her folly and says: "Sorry, I am doing all the talking. Now you talk, tell me how beautiful I am. How do I look in this dress?" G BALLAD “Fountain, coolest fountain, Cool fountain of love, Where all the sweet birds come For comforting-but one, A widow turtledove, Sadly sorrowing, At once the nightingale, That wicked bird, came by, And spoke these honied words: 'My lady, if you will, I shall be your slave.'"


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