Hidden dangers in our pursuit of growth | Business Line
Hidden dangers in our pursuit of growth | Business Line
The writer concludes the article with the following observations:
"In the long-term interests of the economy one hopes that the government would not make clarion calls for lower interest rates.
Such calls make good copybook but damage the economy. One prays that government lets the RBI decide interest rate policy."
We do not know the stance taken by policy makers, but media did not spend much time/space on RBI Annual Report 2014-15 which has raised several concerns about the Indian Economy and the approach of Centre to the central bank itself. Prayers like this from people like Tarapore get more relevance in such situations!
M G Warrier, Mumbai
The writer concludes the article with the following observations:
"In the long-term interests of the economy one hopes that the government would not make clarion calls for lower interest rates.
Such calls make good copybook but damage the economy. One prays that government lets the RBI decide interest rate policy."
We do not know the stance taken by policy makers, but media did not spend much time/space on RBI Annual Report 2014-15 which has raised several concerns about the Indian Economy and the approach of Centre to the central bank itself. Prayers like this from people like Tarapore get more relevance in such situations!
M G Warrier, Mumbai