Readers' Editor column: Moody’s, Modi and mood - The Hindu

Readers' Editor column: Moody’s, Modi and mood - The Hindu


Post-LPG (Liberalisation-Privatisation-Globalisation), it will be tough for any country to insulate against comparisons in the market-place. Those who comment on performance of India under various parameters may have several constituency interests and in some cases may be totally ‘ignorant’ of the Indian context. Indian media too has several interests to protect. It is difficult to blame media for not sieving the stories they publish to ensure that they do not go against the nation’s interests. It is not just the question of ‘freedom of expression’. But in the changing scenario, government should put in place an arrangement to come quickly with responses interpreting views expressed in the media by external agencies or spokespersons of other countries or international bodies, to the country’s advantage.

All these and more, point to the need for India to set up an internal agency capable of collecting and interpreting data/views to the country’s advantage. May be, NITI Aaayog can take initiative in this direction.

M G Warrier 


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