Process of spiritual sadana

Process of spiritual sadana: Sometimes, even a seemingly simple situation becomes impossible to tackle as in the case of the elephant king Gajendra. Being endowed with invincible strength and power to rule over his retinue, he is

The story of "Gajendra Moksha"...Kumbheendran poy thrikootachalasarasi Mudaa Pantagasthyasya Saapaal..."
Sometimes, even a seemingly simple situation becomes impossible to tackle as in the case of the elephant king Gajendra. Being endowed with invincible strength and power to rule over his retinue, he is confident that he can easily shake off the crocodile that has gripped his foot when he enters the water to pluck a flower to offer to the Lord. But the elephant’s effort to free himself goes on, says the Bhagavata Purana for a thousand years. The struggle and the sincere cry for help symbolise the essence of the spiritual sadana and realisation constantly at work in every jivatma, pointed out Sri M. A. Venkatakrishnan in a discourse.
Though our spiritual tradition tries to instil the important truth about ego that holds sway over every jivatma, it is not easily imbibed. Even in the daily prayers and worship when the term ‘Na-ma-ha’ is uttered, it is a reminder that the person is giving up ownership of oneself. But no jivatma is able renounce the sense of fulfilment in one’s thought, word and deed by which one accomplishes in life.
Initially the elephant struggles on its own, then seeks the help of kith and kin and then realises that none except the Almighty can help. He then cries out to the Lord in all sincerity and faith. The Lord then rushes to help and puts an end to the long struggle and gives release to both the elephant and the crocodile from the curse that bound them. Spiritual progress gets gradually refined as one perceives clearly the intricate way one’s atma is bound to that of the Paramatma. As the jivatma contemplates on this truth and seeks God’s help, more wonderful is the way of response of the Paramatma. Such is the Lord’s exclusive compassion towards the jivatma who seeks His feet.

Follow the 'moral of the story' explained in simple language...

M G Warrier


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