The looming, inevitable endgame

The looming, inevitable endgame: ne of my young friends gave me this book, , by Atul Gawande, a surgeon in Boston and author of three award-winning works. Though it is set in the United States, issues of ageing and management of the


"Intellectuals often overestimate their own relative importance, which, in reality, is of no consequence to society or even to colleagues. What will I do when I have to shut shop? I have not been to a shop or bank or movie-house for ages. I cannot imagine how I will get along without my wife, but she can do very well without me, despite the personal loss. We are trying to make all transactions online. Old people are difficult to handle and scientists can be worse even for the best of children. I have not been admitted to hospital as far as I can remember...
...Anaayasena maranam."

My online comments:
"Anaayaasena maranam...vinaa dainyene jeevitham" is what most of us pray for. As rightly brought out in the article, there is a felt need to look at old age care especially 'geriatic care' with some seriousness. Today, even for those who can afford the financial cost, options are limited. The reputation of many of the 'care homes' is not very high. Hospitals should consider establishing annexes to hospitals where elders can stay at affordable cost and minimum comforts and assured medical attention at call. I have seen one such arrangement provided by a small hospital in Thiruvananthapuram. More such initiatives are needed. 
M G Warrier, Mumbai


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