India's Epic Dilemma: The Hindu
India's epic dilemma
ethical text is the organic fertiliser of a society. Being fully open-ended, it
delights, beckons, and recaptures the deracinated Indian from the lure of the
ideological camp. While it generates passion, it also respects diversity of
interpretation. It represents life but, in contrast to life’s chaos, also
offers options. An ethical text is a living text. India is fortunate to be the
land of several epics such as Silappatikaram in Tamil or Palnati Virula katha
in Telugu and so on.
am not saying something very new here but only presenting, in a binary way, the
contrast between an ethical and an ideological text so that we can fight our
current politics. Because the Indian tradition has always seen the epics as
ethical texts, in contrast to the political trend today, we have great
commentaries such as that of V.S. Sukthankar. The sophisticated elaboration by
Mehendale on the rules of war and the consequences in terms of punishment of
their violation, in his wonderfully slim book Reflections on the
Mahabharata war, is another illustration of the Indian tradition of diverse
interpretations. Critical commentaries, dissent, alternative readings are
merely different forks in the road as we explore our national cultural
heritage. Unfortunately today, with the rise of cultural vigilantes, these
great epics are being converted into ideological texts. Because they receive
tacit support from the powers that control the state, they attempt to push
everyone onto the highway and away from the byways of Indian society."