A good beginning. Lot more to be done
M G Warrier
NAVAGRAHA STOTRAM* According to astrology, the positions of the nine planets in the twelve constellations of the zodiac and their movements are considered to be quite significant. The nine planets ‘Navagraha’ affect every aspect of human life. They play an important role in the activities, physical and mental health and life of any individual. The unfavorable positioning of any of these planets can be the cause of problems, bad health, and stagnation for many people. However, there is a solution to avoid the ill effects of the position and movement of the ‘Navagraha’ in our lives. Navagraha mantras (or stotram) are simple mantras which work as powerful healing tools to reduce the negative effects of any of the nine planets. These mantras are Hindu holy hymn addressing the nine planets. Benefits Of Navagraha Stotram And The Way to Practice The Navagraha Stotram is written b y Rishi Vyasa and is considered to be the peace mantra for the nine planets. They are powerful m...
The King of Ragas -------------------------- Long ago serpents were put to lot of hardships.They were afraid of other animals. They had to seek refuge in the hermitage of sage Saraba.The sage was a true devotee of Lord Shiva.He used to pray Shiva with melodious songs. As he sang a particular raga the snakes were much inspired and they began to dance,. Slowly the serpents became friendly with the sage. They brought water in their mouths for the pooja.They secreted a special fluid in which the flowers got stuck to their bodies.The sage was much astonished by the service of the snakes.As the sarpas became very close to the sage ,they requested him to help having Darsan of Lord Siva. As requested by the sage Shiva appeared in the form of a Kapalika and stayed in the ashram.The...
Govt accepts one rank, one pension; ex-servicemen continue agitation | Business Standard News My VIEW: As former Defence Minister Antony has already alleged that NDA has ‘diluted’ UPA’s OROP and NPS has been introduced without taking into confidence those who were to be the beneficiaries or victims (and these are the people who will administer OROP and the existing ‘Defined Benefit Pension Scheme in the coming years!), both schemes will get ‘reformed’ sooner than later. With a view to make transition smoother and reduce friction which will affect the morale of the work force, GOI should review NPS keeping the following factors in mind: (i) Those who joined defence and civil services and organisations in the public sector did not have option to bargain and decide their service conditions including remuneration package. What attracted them to the service was the job security and social ...