Ease of living

Subject: LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Send your letters by email to bleditor@thehindu.co.in or by post to ‘Letters to the Editor’, The Hindu Business Line, Kasturi Buildings, 859-860, Anna Salai, Chennai 600002. - The Hindu BusinessLine


If the link opens please read my letter "Ease of living" (5th one)
Submitted version is copied below:

M G Warrier

January 20, 2020
Ease of living
This refers to the report “Government makes it easier for pensioners to submit life certificates” (Business Line, January 20). This is a welcome gesture which will help in reducing the hardships of pensioners* who may miss the due date for submission of life certificates for various genuine reasons. Perhaps paying offices may be authorized to collect, on an optional basis, alternate mobile numbers/email IDs of spouses/nominees of pensioners who also can be alerted about non-receipt of life certificates.
It would be a great service, if banks and post offices send SMS/email alerts to senior citizens when their deposits mature. Updating contact information periodically will reduce the chances of matured deposits getting transferred to "unclaimed" category by banks, post offices and institutions like LIC and EPFO.
M G Warrier, Mumbai
*As on January 16, 2020, in Mumbai RBI, 132 pensioners (including 82 Family Pensioners) are yet to submit Life Certificates.


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