Relevance of a check list approach 
Please read this article once. Read it again ignoring the medical terminology and the procedures and processes explained. The article has a message for all of us. Or a couple of lessons, which needs to be shared further. One, of course is about the relevance of "check list". Actually the interesting book "Check List" came to my mind. Two, the patience and understanding with which the writer has picked up and passed on the lessons from tragic incidents. Not just in medical field. Inadequate care, lack of professionalism and more often sheer greed or laziness or a pedestrian approach (if the victim is not me) are all covered without referring to individuals or identifiable specific events which would have diverted attention from the call to repair and correct the system.
I wish, professionals in every field, medicine and healthcare, education, industry, politics and finance read this article and accept adapt appropriate suggestions
M G Warrier


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