Housing for seniors

My response*:
Though the article has covered most of the relevant aspects concerning independent post-retirement life, it doesn't help much in decision-making or give any suggestions for policy improvement from regulatory or administrative angles.
Time is opportune for government to consider some regulatory measures to ensure protection from exploitation for seniors who happen to opt for stay in care homes, by whatever name they are called. This can be achieved by mandating adoption of model bylaws as in the case of co-operative housing societies.
Other areas where guidance/regulations may be necessary include:
a) Arrangements for healthcare, preferably associating hospitals and health insurance providers.
b) Compulsory audit of accounts.
c) Health and hygiene.
It would be ideal, if state governments are able to run model care homes, on a cost-sharing basis, to start with, at district level. The possibility of introducing PPP model where government provides infrastructure support and subsidizes administrative costs from welfare budget also can be examined.
M G Warrier
*Letter published in The Hindu Business Line, February 27, 2020.


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