Needed, a no-vacancy approach

Needed, a no-vacancy approach

M G Warrier                

The Hindu Business Line
September 5, 2019
Needed, a no vacancy approach
This refers to the report “AS India celebrates Teachers' Day, over 2 lakh posts in schools lie vacant ” (Business Line, September 5). The information about vacant positions in schools across the country and the evasive reasoning for the present situation given by the HRD Minister in the Lok Sabha are equally disturbing. Perhaps, proactive debates might have ensued the revelation.
When the country is going through the worst unemployment situation, lakhs of vacancies remaining unfilled because of procedural delays and Centre shifting the responsibility taking shelter under the "concurrent" status of the sector are both intriguing. Centre need to take initiative in encouraging migration of teachers from states with surplus teachers to states having less number of trained teachers awaiting employment.
Considering the need to promote more employment, Centre need to formulate a National Master Plan to coordinate efforts by central and state governments and all organizations in public and private sectors to move towards a "no vacancy" position, by filling vacancies at all levels as and when they arise. This will need policy support for identifying vacancies in advance, interaction with educational institutions for planning skill development and providing necessary linkages on time.
M G Warrier, Mumbai
*Submitted version


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