Life after COVID 19

M G Warrier   
My response* to the BS editorial of March 16, 2020                           
March 16, 2020
Life after COVID-19
This refers to your editorial “Policy after COVID-19” (Business Standard, March 16). The editorial has briefly yet comprehensively covered the possible impact of the unexpected disruption caused to the economy in general and the financial sector in particular by sudden arrival of the virus on the scene.
As GOI and RBI are in constant dialogue on fiscal and monetary policy issues, joint effort to ensure professional management of savings and credit related aspects mentioned in the editorial can be expected.
The same harmony need to be maintained in coordinating healthcare management as well as procurement and maintenance of uninterrupted supply of articles of daily need including medicines at ground level. Here the task is going to be strenuous for government as numerous government departments and private agencies are involved.
Needless to say, exploitation by vested interests to capitalize on shortages of goods and services should be prevented at any cost using available government machinery.
M G Warrier, Mumbai
*BS didn't publish


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