Warrier's Collage 1302020 Part I : Current Affairs

July 13, 2020 Today, due to space constraints, this message has two parts. The second part is on Upanishads. M G Warrier Warrier's Collage 13072020 Part I : Current Affairs A. India's central bank I RBI Instills Confidence Please read my article titled "RBI Instills Confidence" published in July 2020 issue of The Global ANALYST using the following link : https://drive.google.com/file/d/12P_ALJo4x_bS8ua37Kn0BbnRrDRMFfhy/view?usp=drivesdk Select responses copied below : 1) Dr T V Gopalakrishnan "Well presented. RBI is unique and RBI always plays a very key role to Protect the economy from serious damages caused by natural or other calamities like the present pandemic or even the erroneous policies by chance pursued by the Govt. RBI is always and in ALL ways a saviour of the economy with or without full autonomy is a fact and RBI has earned world recognition for it'd professionalism in managing the economy very well and keeping the image of the Government as well. This needs to be clearly identified by the Government and the self centred bureaucrats. Well presented article." 2) K Ramasubramanian " A very good article chronicling the monetary policy and administration by RBI. Pension which is a simple issue has unnecessarily been procrastinated to be a major obstacle in healthy human relationship with the staff both existing and retired. The recent pension option can also be cited as a contribution by Shri. Das. On HR side several measures have been taken. The issue of creation of a separate regulatory and supervisory cadre within bank has developed rough edges to be smoothened out. In the matter of liquidity the utilisation by banks is very slow due to stagnant demand and hence banks park funds back into RBI as reverse repo . That does not augur well. Public policy and fiscal measures which hitherto focussed on supply side due to Corona, need to turn strongly towards demand acceleration. Das says the present crisis is quite unique in the last 100 years and wants RBI Banks and Government will work together to keep economy in shape Let us support his endeavour for success Very good morning" 3) Smt Vathsala Jayaraman " RBI Instills Confidence -A wonderful elaborate article exceptionally super, lucid in style and great in content.That is Warrier Sir" 4) S K Gupta "Atmanirbhar Package is Rs 20 lakh crore. In the article the word crore is left out" (I didn't notice error. Thanks for pointing out. Hope they will correct. I've requested to correct at least in eCopy- Warrier) II RBI Governor's speech, July 11, 2020 https://m.rbi.org.in/Scripts/BS_SpeechesView.aspx?Id=1097 Indian Economy at Crossroads : Shaktikanta Das B. Kerala Gold Smuggling 1) NIA investigation begins https://www.thenewsminute.com/article/gold-smuggling-case-accused-swapna-sandeep-brought-kochi-nia-court-remands-them-128484 Unfolding story. 2) Why gold is smuggled? https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/explained-kerala-gold-smuggling-rackets-big-shark-escape-6499243/ Informative story. 3) Gold waiting to be accounted/mainstreamed https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/sep/24/former-maharajahs-accused-over-temple-treasures A huge quantity of surface domestic gold in India remains idle with individuals and institutions. This article accessed at random from several on the subject gives an idea of the quantum. 4) Gold Management https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opinion/gold-management-needs-a-makeover/article20449587.ece1 This article was published in April 2012 and I have been writing in the media and to governments on the subject since then. 5) Gold and Indian Economy https://m.economictimes.com/wealth/invest/how-does-gold-impact-the-economy/articleshow/64538078.cms Some comparisons C. Society A Single Mother speaks out In search of my peace... https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/super-single-mumma/in-search-of-my-peace-22956/ Posted online comments : THE TIMES OF INDIA Dear Reader, Your comment on the article ' In search of my peace....' is now live on timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog. ' read the article and the interaction via comments. writing down has an unburdening effect. if you\'re not already doing, start recording your daily experiences, thoughts etc whenever you find time. you\'ll not be able to publish or \"share\" everything. but feel the \"lightness\" once thoughts are let off your mind. later, you will find anecdotes, incidents in your own record which are printable or can be shared with friends. you\'re right. social issues, real issues are the last priority for the so-called writers and media. their interest is in spicy negativism.' To reply to this comment , or see the whole conversation, click here. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Regards, Team TOI D. Celebration At Home My grandsons, Govind (son of son Kiran and Smitha) and Vihaan ( son of daughter Reshmy) passed Class X, ISCE both securing 90 plus marks. On Saturday, Vihaan, Reshmy and her mother Sudha celebrated the occasion by preparing an elaborate dinner at home. Have a look, if the link opens : Dinner at home on July 11, 2020 https://photos.app.goo.gl/dzUP3swSFp5tPUST9 ( Homemade pizza base + homemade pizza tomato sauce.. And fusilli pasta with broccoli, portobello mushrooms n bell peppers in homemade pesto sauce..) + Dessert : Chocolate made by Sudha


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