Warrier's Collage 22072020 : RAMAYANAM

Warrier's Collage 22072020 : Ramayanam M G Warrier A. Jatayu praises Srirama Watch "श्री राम स्तोत्रं जदयु (Sree Rama Stotram Jadayu) Sanskrit with meaning as subtitles" https://youtu.be/xt0zF2-Q0Do Ramayana Maasam Special B. Interaction 1) Follow up Goals of Meditation : Sarvapriyananda https://youtu.be/E0JGS0ZEods This has reference to the Power Point Presentation by Sathya Kalra shared earlier. 2) Jayakumar "Congratulations for your article on Skills Development published in the TOI blog yesterday. You have recommended for the old to keep up working on their talents which could be a hobby or a special skill which they had enjoyed in their younger days. The only hobby I am able to continue is using the camera. I have held in my hand different cameras right from my college days. Like, some of our friends are good readers and have a collection of books in their possession, I possess boxes full of albums of photos I had taken in the past fifty years or more. The problem is that the hobbies and skills become advanced in their outlook with the passing of time and we remain the same, old fashioned. The last time when I developed my photos and made an album was in 2014. Then also, the the younger ones at home laughed at me for spending money on album as photos can be stored permanently in Clouds. I had a liking for sports and games, but it took a nose dive after leaving college. I liked reading and music but health restrictions made me lose interest in them. But the skill part, we cannot avoid updating from time to time. When serving in the Bank I sided with the Association's view that computer took away employment opportunities and refrained from acquiring computer knowledge. But at the fag end of my service I was posted in a fully computerised section. I could not avoid it, but had to learn and handle computer programmes. I was also avoiding a smart phone initially and preferred carrying normal cell phone. But today I don't know who is my best companion, smart phone or smart wife! Regards R Jayakumar" ( Thanks. I too purchased a Kodak box camera in 1963/4. Couldn't pursue photography as a hobby. I have no regrets about shouting 'computers, man-eaters' when I did it. Political leadership and trade union leaderships were never professionalized in India. That reflected in different ways. In RBI,. while CAS, Nagpur (and banks ) were computerised much earlier, when I was posted to DGBA in 2001 computerization in Central Office had reached the level of laptops only. Data received was being processed "manually". Things changed since then. Just some stray thoughts- Warrier) 3) V N Kelkar "Swamiji's talk before IIT Kanpur students was inspiring. He explained very nicely window of opportunity that exists between PRAKRUTI and SANSKRITI. How the gap could be used for our progres was clarified while answering a question. His thoughts on EQ will also benefit the students in their career ahead. Second, the narrative on 21st century skills is crucial and the message needs to be spread amongst young generation. Thanks. VN Kelkar" (Today also I have included his talk on Meditation) 4) K P V Karunakaran "Thanks for the excellent collage. Your collage gives more than from any college. After reading your prasadam I may not be surprised many people will change their attitude and view of life and will be more in search of spiritual attainment than wasting time on other negative pursuits. Thanks and Regards" ( Thanks. I find this format more beneficial for me. Slowly, I'll allot more space for interaction (individual ceilings, applying to me also😊 will continue) and start watching from outside. I don't have a WhatsApp group. So I have to restrict the number of outward messages via that route to some manageable number. So, I get support of readers in further sharing- Warrier) 5) Sumi Prakash, Thiruvananthapuram " Thanks a lot uncle. I had always thought that Govindan uncle would write only on RBI and economy. I am thoroughly benefitted by the words of wisdom from the Warrier's Collage though I always have a backlog. Hope that you all are doing well. Can I ask a doubt? Is adithya hrudaya manthram, starting with -santhaapa naashakaraaya namo namah- a brief version of the above stotram?" (We are all well. Watch "Adithya Hrudhayam Slokam - A most effective daily prayer - The SUN God" https://youtu.be/LJe939cLlKY I think this link takes us to the portion of Valmiki Ramayanam in which the "Manthram" is included. The one starting with "Santhapa..." is an abbreviation by Ezhuthassan and is very popular in the south. Try sharing this with Samajam scholars and getting their views) 6) V Babusenan Tue 21 Jul, 2020 " When I reached the E part of today's Collage, three stories came to my mind one after another. I shall try to narrate them here hoping that you will forgive my occupying too much valuable space: 1) This was an actual incident told by my brother-in-law who had been, for some time, district magistrate of Thalassery. One day a case relating to a quarrel in front of a strictly vegetarian hotel was being discussed in his court. One of the witnesses submitted that he was at that time eating Kozhikkalu (Chicken leg). "Was it so?" In half disbelief the Magistrate asked. "Yes, your honour, I am telling the truth." Replied the witness humbly. When the court was adjourned, he called his clerk to his side and asked: "Krishnan, "How can anyone eat kozhikkalu (leg of a chicken) in a vegetarian hotel? Is it a practice here?" The clerk laughed politely and explained. Like Pazhampori, it is a fried eatable, but made in tapioca. 2) A doctor in govt. service was examining out-patients in a Kozhicode hospital.One woman came. She said: "Dr. my father was having kura throughout the night. He didn't have a wink of sleep." The doctor somehow missed the word 'father'. He felt irritated and said angrily: "Then, take him to the veterinary hospital ." The attendant intervened. He said: "Sir, in these areas, for 'cough 'we say 'kura' and settled the issue. In the South whence the doctor came, 'kura' means barking. 3) This story is my own experience. Years ago, I happened to be in Thalassery in connection with official work. On a Sunday my colleague and myself visited the famous pier. Sitting on the pier, one person was angling. We watched it. My interest was aroused and I used one particular Malayalam word animatedly. The angler turned to me and said: "Sir, have you noticed a few women walking hurriedly, almost running?" "Yes, why?" "Because you have uttered aloud a very vulgar word, perhaps the most vulgar word in these parts. I know you are from the south as I am. There it is a decent word." God Almighty spared me to retire as Currency Officer! Regards." C. Current Affairs 1) World Moon Day https://www.india.com/festivals-events/national-moon-day-july-2020-history-significance-of-the-day-and-why-it-is-celebrated-in-us-4089594/ Moon Day was observed on July 20, 2020 2) Gold smuggling in India : A Mega Serial 2014 February : BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-26511425 2020 : India Today https://www.indiatoday.in/news-analysis/story/what-makes-india-a-gold-smuggling-destination-1700066-2020-07-13 So far, there has been no serious effort to manage gold in India. 2020 : BBC News https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-53340948 A quick reading of these three reports after sieving out masala and politics gives the following takeaways : *From 2014 to 2019, gold smuggling to India has come down from 700 tons per year to 120 tons per annum. *The controversy now is over a catch of 30 kg smuggled using UAE channel (Remember, Centre asked Kerala to politely refuse flood aid of ₹700 crore offered from private sources by UAE ?). Incidentally, this is the estimated daily smuggling of gold into the country in 2019 as per above reports. *Centre is serious about gold accounting and management including the tracking of sources and uses of the yellow metal in the country. Let's hope, those who hold gold and jewellery in kilos and tons will accept self-regulation route without waiting for enforcement by government. 3) Management of cooperative banks https://www.news18.com/news/business/madras-hc-directs-centre-rbi-to-file-counter-to-pleas-challenging-ordinance-on-cooperative-banks-2725193.html Judiciary should not delay decision on such issues. 4) Sad demise Message received in a RBI retiree group : M G Warrier *Sad news: Srinivas alias SR Shetty passed away:* Deeply regret to inform that today (on July 21, 2020) forenoon, *Shri Srinivas alias SR Shetty retired DGM & OSD RRA* settled at Andheri (who was admitted to Kokilaben Hospital) died of Covid-19. Just now confirmed from his son *Sukesh Shetty*. Shri SR Shetty had a long inning in Secretary's Dept who retired as DGM & after his retirement he was OSD RRA for two years at Garment House, Worli, Mumbai. We lost a very learned, sweet natured officer who always had an educative approach with sub-ordinate staff. Shri Shetty had worked with a number of Sr Executives of Top Management and had attended a number of Central Board Meetings at various places. May almighty give strength to his family to bear the loss of the departed soul. I, hereby offer my heartfelt condolence on behalf of Secretary's Department family & all retired RBIte, as Shetty-saab had a long inning in Secretary's Deptt. *श्रीनिवास शेट्टीसाहब को भावभिनी श्रद्धांजली*🙏💐 *Sukesh Shetty : 9920950021* (Son of SR Shetty) *Ganesh Chinchole* Retd AM Address: डी-302, मंगलकलश CHS चोळेगाव, MIDC रोड ठाकुर्ली (पूर्व), जि-ठाणे पीनकोड - 421201. Mob: 9820185384 email: ggchinchole@gmail.com D. Anecdotes from Ramayanam Ramayana Stories - Lesser known Facts about Ramayana https://www.speakingtree.in/allslides/lesser-known-stories-from-ramayana Several anecdotes from different versions of Ramayanam. If you open the link, don't miss 36. Ravana taught an important lesson on governance to Rama. Excellent lesson. But so far no one has taken that lesson seriously. We are remembering the lesson after two more incarnations of Vishnu have played their roles and left the stage after Rama! E. Vishnu's Incarnations 1) The 10 Avatars of the Hindu God Vishnu https://www.learnreligions.com/avatars-of-vishnu-p2-1769984 2) Dasavatarastotram https://youtu.be/xwAcV9D3ajs


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