Warrier's Collage 31072020 : Dr Viral Acharya

Warrier's Collage 31072020 : Dr Viral Acharya A Interaction 1) K Ramasubramanian, Mumbai " Prolific writers have made today's collage very interesting . In manthrapushpam which is chanted after Aarathi in temples uses the name Sadyojatha to address Lord Siva several times". 2) V Babusenan, Thiruvananthapuram " The incident narrated by Shri C.V.Subbaraman in the Collage of the 27th July is very interesting though tragic. I shall repeat it here for convenience's sake: One boy was riding on a bicycle. A deadly snake with which a bird was flying got lose from its beak and fell on the boy. The snake bit the boy who fell from the cycle and died. Many will say that the poor boy was destined to die like that and some will say that it was a conspiracy of circumstances. There is a similar story in Halasya Mahatmyam, an old Kriti about the glory of Madurai ruled by the Pandya kings. A hunter missed his target and the arrow ,on its downward journey , got caught in the branch of a tree. One day a Brahmin with his wife and child came that way and they took rest in the shade of the tree. The Brahmin went in search of water and his wife lay in the shade to give milk to the child.At that time, a wind blew and the arrow, with it's head down fell on the woman killing her instantly. When the Brahmin came back with water ,he saw the gruesome sight of his wife lying dead in a pool of blood with an arrow having pierced her throat and the child crying by her side. The Brahmin remembered having seen a hunter on his way back. On his complaint, the hunter was arrested. Circumstantial evidence was against the hunter, but Kulotthunga Pandya, a very just king, refused to believe this. He made investigations on his own and found out what actually happened. The poor hunter was set free. My dear friend P.K.K.Nair's quite interesting narration of his peculiar hobby has reminded me the famous saying of the European philosopher Rousseau which I am tempted to quote below with a slight modification: "Man is born free but is everywhere with chains." In the early 50s, we had in Sree Narayana College, Kollam a distinguished Principal. A. Rama Iyer, who hailed from Trichy, was a well-known authority on English. He knew by heart many plays of Shakespeare, especially 'Merchant of Venice'. Whenever a lecturer was absent, he used to regale us with the famous court scene of that play. We had the advantage of proximity to his office. From him only we heard the revered name of Right Honourable V.S.Srinivasa Sastry who was said to know English much better than the English themselves and was a silver-tongued orator in that language, as Shri Nallasivan has mentioned. Principal Rama Iyer was an ardent admirer of Sastri. We could never see him walking without the Oxford Dictionary closely held to his chest and he would never tire of telling us that, in doing so, he was following the great man's advice. Regards" B. National Education Policy https://pib.gov.in/PressReleasePage.aspx?PRID=1642049 GOI Press Release on NEP. Collage will share some links/views on NEP soon C. Dr Viral Acharya 1) Viral Acharya's new book : "The Quest for Restoring Financial Stability in India" https://www.moneycontrol.com/news/business/economy/viral-acharya-in-new-book-urjit-patels-exit-caused-by-govt-attempts-to-undermine-rbi-autonomy-5604321.html 2) Viral Acharya's Media Interaction a) ET : Mythili Bhishnurmath https://youtu.be/sN-Hr2mdl_I This is more than a media interview. Like Arjuna, who knew everything gets a reassurance from Krishna by raising his doubts intelligently, Mythili, who is also an ExRBite, helps Dr Acharya to open up. We'll remember the last question and Viral's response. b) NDTV : Rajdeep Sardesai https://youtu.be/oxS52_-cgrE The channel explains the present scenario well before proceeding with interview. c) Business Standard : Tamal Bandopadhyaya https://youtu.be/-L-FNLhNDCk Interesting interview. d) On Economic Downturn caused by C-Factor https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/warriersviews/economy-downturn-and-challenges-before-india-experts-views-15171/ This is a repeat. But helpful in understanding what Dr Viral Acharya says. e) Part of the game in RBI https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opinion/books/dealing-with-fm-was-a-tightrope-walk/article9745407.ece With the exception of Dr Bimal Jalan and Dr C Rangarajan only governors from IAS cadre could withstand the pressures through finance ministry and do what they thought was right in public interest. As Dr Reddy reveals even they had sleepless nights. D Leisure : Words of wisdom Wisdom vs Learning*... Formation of Character, by Ernest R. Hull is worth going through..... Some extracts...... Our boy may become a very Hercules of Physical health and Strength, And yet a perfect dolt. He may be clever as the devil —and yet as wicked.. He may be as good and pious as a saint, and yet a Flabby helpless creature.. He may be the pink of aesthetic refinement and yet a sensual Iiberatine. He may be a perfect genius and yet as fantastic as a gobline.. The best qualities in one line may be discounted or even cancelled by some Glaring disability in another—-the head of gold the trunk of brass and the Legs iron and the feet of clay —-a bundle of disparities rather than a man.. For our enemy , Forgiveness, For our opponent, Tolerance To our friend, Our heart. To our child , Good example To all men, Charity........ Wisdom through learning...... Time pass in my solicitude. But worth going through... Be Well," *Received via group email from V. T. Panchapagesan, Ex-RBI, Chennai E Obituary Sad to report the demise of Shri R Padmanabhan who retired from RBI, Thiruvananthapuram in 1993 ( Kalyan House, Plamoodu, Thiruvananthapuram). He passed away at Bangalore. He was 87. May his soul rest in peace. Condolences to the bereaved family. Prayers M G Warrier


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