Warrier's Collage on Friday June 24 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Friday June 24, 2022 Ten Beautiful Places 🙏 https://youtu.be/OHAWwaYu2H0 Good Morning Of late I'm getting some interesting responses from some close friends who regularly scan through Collage. As queries are personal I avoid including them here. But others also may have similar doubts. The questions include : 1) Why write-ups already shared in groups get repeated in Collage? 2) How much time you spend in a day to put together Collage? 3) Can't you reduce the size of Collage? 4) Who's reading Collage? Answers: 1) I'm sharing Collage with my contacts in the age group of 16 to 90 plus 2) Two to three hours. As I've not created "Broadcast Group" in WhatsApp, sharing itself may take more time. 3) I can. 4) Check with your contacts as Collage is accessible in public domain. A Google Search for Warrier's Collage will get them there. Nice Day M G Warrier Excerpted from WIMWIAN* June 2022 : When you visit Kolkata do go to Mother Theresa's home for children. A poem written by her is engraved on its wall. Allow me to read a few of the verses : People are often unreasonable, illogical And self-centred; Forgive them anyway. If you are successful, you will win some False friends and some true enemies; Succeed anyway. The good you do today People will forget tomorrow, Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, And it may never be enough; Give the world the best you've got anyway. *Alumni Magazine of IIM Ahmedabad A Messages/Responses 1) B Chandrasekaran Shared a story : Swami Vivekananda was wandering near the Himalayas some time. In the course of his journey, he came across a river. The boat had already left the shore and he sat near the shore waiting for the boat to come back. As he was waiting he saw another Sadhu, a Siddh Yogi approaching. The Sadhu saw Swamiji sitting and asked why he was sitting. To this, he replied he was waiting for a boat. Curiously Sadhu asked,“What’s your name?” Swamiji replied,”I am Vivekananda.” The Sadhu said in a mocking tone,”Oh! You are the famous Vivekananda who just thinks by speaking in foreign he has become a great sage.” “Could you cross this river? See I can cross the water by walking on it” and he demonstrates his power by walking few meters on the river. Swamiji showing his respect humbly asked,”Indeed it's a great power…how much time did you take to get this power?” The Sadhu feeling proud replied”It’s not easy, I had to bear the tough Himalayas for 20 years, devoted myself to penance and after regular 20 years of extreme Sadhna I got this power.” To this Swamiji said,”You wasted 20 years to learn something that a boat would help me do in 5 minutes. You could have used these 20 years serving the destitute, the poor. You wasted 20 years, to save 5 min. It's not wisdom.” 2) M G Warrier Shared a link : https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/political-reforms/why-inclusive-economic-recovery-growth-elude-us-for-so-long-43420/ Sometime back I wrote: https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/warriersviews/resources-management-challenges-and-opportunities-11102/ Posted online comments : ' a very realistic analysis. i have published a book \"chasing inclusive growth\" in which i have raised similar concerns. if we manage our resources professionally we can ensure faster economic growth and eradication of poverty in 5 years. half-hearted moves to manage domestic gold stock and real estate will not bring the desired results.' B Poetry : Madras Courier https://madrascourier.com/biography/how-gurram-jashuva-empowered-communities-with-poetry/ C Life Biographical notes : M G Warrier https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/warriersviews/my-story-so-far-chapter-8-naming-ceremony-43478/ Many know there’s a mix-up of Namboodiri and Warrier blood in me, the former having a higher share : My father and my maternal grandfather were Namboodiris from the same Kannamkulam Illam in Payyanur, Kerala. Coming back to my name Govinda, let me share my information about some traditions and practices in choice of names in the Malabar area of the first half of last Century. Each large joint family will have some 5 or 6 names each for both genders which will get repeated by rotation from generation to generation. In my father’s Illam the male names were Sankara, Govinda, Narayana, Krishna and Kesava. There’s a particular order in which names will get repeated. My father’s name is Kesava and he is the fourth male member in his generation. His eldest brother was Govinda, next Narayana and the just elder one Krishna. His father Sankara and grandfather Govinda. D Parrot Talk: Vathsala Jayaraman In many south Indian temples, the Goddess holds a parrot in her hand. This is the gentle form of Devi, a contrast from her more fierce form where she is associated with tigers and lions. Both Kamakshi of Kanchi and Meenakshi of Madurai hold parrots. These goddesses are various forms of Parvati, wife of Shiva. In this form she is the love-goddess or enchantress who charms Shiva and transforms the hermit-god into a householder, thus ensuring a participation of god in worldly life. Thus, parrot or Suka has very strong sexual and romantic connotations. E Books Sanskrit -English-Sanskrit Dictionary English Sanskrit Dictionary A English Sanskrit Dictionary New Composed, Enlarged & Improved Edition, 2 vols. https://amzn.eu/d/19zwOzx A Sanskrit-English Dictionary https://amzn.eu/d/cVMu4a1 F Leisure Jokes about elephants : Reader's Digest https://www.rd.com/article/elephant-jokes/ G Quotes from Ramayana https://www.scrolldroll.com/ramayana-quotes/ H Continued from D Normally we don't see Sita Devi, consort of Rama having a parrot in her hand. But Kamba Ramayanam speaks of Sita bringing a parrot from Mythila after marriage. Sita asks Rama to name the parrot expecting him to tell her own name. But Rama names the parrot after his beloved mother Kaikeyi. One of the earliest collections of erotic stories in India are known as Suka-Saptati or 70 tales of the parrot. Before leaving on a trading expedition across the sea, a merchant leaves a wise parrot in the care of his wife, more so that the parrot takes care of the wife. There are many many details about parrot. The name "Srirangam'' itself emanated from the mouth of a parrot. Sriranga Vimanam is stated to have arisen from the milky ocean and was worshipped by Ikshwaku family and was handed over to Vibheeshana by Sri Rama. Vibheeshana after finishing his nitya karmas in Cauvery could not remove the Vimanam. As Lord Ranganatha conveyed His desire to remain there itself, Vibheeshana left the Vimanam there. Earlier the place was called "Sesha Peetam" (Ref : "Hamsa Sandesham" by Vedanta Desikan) There was huge deluge in Cauvery river. Entire Gopuram, Vimanam etc were totally immersed in floods and greenery and an expansive forest was formed. A chola king went for hunting to the forest. When the King was taking rest beneath a tree, a parrot was repeatedly telling the Shloka Kaveri Virajaa seyam vaikuntam ranga mandiram sa vasudevo rangesha; pratyaksham paraman padham vimaanam pranavaakaaram vedha shrungam mahaadbhutham Sriranga Sayee Bhagwan Pravasrtha Prakaashaka; (Cauvery is nothing but the Viraja Nadhi of Sri Vaikuntam) Ranga Vimanam is the parama padham. Shri Ranga natha is residing in Parama padham.This is the Sri Ranga Kshetram of Lord Narayana) Listening to this, the Chola king cleaned the entire forest area and removed the covering sandhills. The Vimanam, kovilaazhwar etc were extracted from beneath. He reconstructed the entire structure. He was popularly known as Kili Cholan( Parrot chola) Shuka Brahma Rishi, the parrot faced sage is the main narrator of Bhagavatha Puranam to king Pareekshit awaiting death in a week. He is the fifth and final member of the Rishi Parampara of the Advaitha Guru Parampara. According to Mahabharata after 100 years of austerity Shuka was churned out of fire. He was born with ascetic powers with vedas dwelling in him. Vyasa sent Shuka to Janaka, the great king of spiritual attainment. Janaka identified the highest sense of realization in Shuka and said that there was no need for Shuka to follow the traditional four Ashramas. Shuka surpassed his father in spiritual attainment. Once, when following his son, Vyasa encountered a group of celestial nymphs who were bathing. Shuka's purity was such that the nymphs did not consider him to be a distraction, even though he was naked. But they covered themselves when they faced Vyasa, father of Shuka. However in Devi Bhagavatham Shuka is stated to be a Gruhastha with 5 children Kili jyothisham In and around the Big Temple, Thanjavur many parrot astrologers eke out their living. “Amma Meenakshi, take a card for Bharathy after worshipping Kamakshi" says the astrologer. The parrot hops out of the cage and climbs up the box seemingly to offer worship to Kamakshi's picture on top of the cage, comes down and starts selecting the card. One by one, the parrot takes the cards in its beak, throws them away till it chooses the right card.“Is this the right card for Bharathy?” asks the man.“Yes” it screeches in Tamil, nodding its head. “Is there any card among those you discarded or the ones you have not picked for Bharathy" asks the astrologer again. The parrot nods its head again, this time to indicate a no. Thanking the parrot and putting it back into the cage, the astrologer opens the card to show the picture of God or Goddess that has come out for Bharathy. It is Siva and Parvathi. Saying it is good for Bharathy, the man goes on to read the fortune or make a prediction from a book. Irrespective of whether it is true or not, the reading apparently provides some solace for Bharathy and her family. The bird Meenakshi has traded her freedom to fly for a role as astrology consultant for multitudes seeking a quick-fix solution to their woes. The parrot has been assisting the astrologer in reading the future of hundreds of people passing through this temple town. There are scores of astrologers who use parrots (kili josiyam in Tamil) to predict the fortunes of people who consult them. Most of the astrologers and their wonder birds occupy either side of the road leading to the Big Temple. Many astrologers are from Thirunelveli. The astrologer charges just according to the customer's urgency and financial status.They make from Rs 200 to Rs 1000 a day depending on the inflow of visitors. The parrots are stated to be purchased mostly from tirunelveli. With a few grains or other food crumbs., these parrots are fortune devatas for the astrologers. Vathsala Jayaraman


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