Warrier's Collage on Tuesday June 14, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Tuesday June 14, 2022 1) TEN RARE and AMAZING FLOWERS https://youtu.be/JIMiNg5dAF4 2) Traditional Dance Of Thailand Https://Youtu.Be/04sfcOtG4u0 (Know more : https://www.holidify.com/pages/dances-in-thailand-1971.html) Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier Thought shared by V Rangarajan : "Everything is temporary- thoughts, emotion, people and scenery. Do not become attached. Just flow with it." (The amazing speed with which the train is moving towards destination blurs vision, slowly making the beautiful scenery outside disappear with the elongating shadows of the trees shining in the twilightšŸ™-Warrier) A Philosophy : Mainstream Weekly http://mainstreamweekly.net/article12432.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email Philosophy is nothing but religion rendered into thought and expounded by thought, i.e., another form and manner of existence of the estrangement of the essence of the human essence (Form und Daseinweise der Entfremdung des menschliche Wesens); hence equally to be condemned. —Karl Marx, Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844. ‘All gods are dead: now we want the superman (Ubermensch) to live’—let this be our last will one day at the great noontide. —Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Everything that touches of politics may be fatal to philosophy, for philosophy lives on politics. —Louis Althusser, Lenin and Philosophy. B Tryst with Nehru : Madras Courier https://madrascourier.com/biography/tryst-with-nehru/ C Collage Books An Intent to Serve : Tejendra Khanna An Intent to Serve https://amzn.eu/d/2kehNkS Description In a long and distinguished career as a civil servant, Tejendra Khanna served, most notably, as Chief Secretary of Punjab, Secretary of the Union Ministries of Food and Commerce, and Lieutenant Governor of Delhi (twice). In An Intent to Serve, along with the highs and lows of other prominent postings, Khanna writes extensively about his tumultuous years as LG, Delhi, with two Chief Ministers - Sahib Singh Verma and Sheila Dikshit - and the at-times-fraught relationship between the two offices. Unsparingly honest and forthright, he also talks about the law-and-order problems in the capital, including the serial bomb blasts, the subsequent Batla House encounter in September 2008, the horrific Nirbhaya case in 2012, and the challenges faced while organizing the Commonwealth Games in Delhi in 2010. As a member of the Yoginder K. Alagh Commission, constituted to propose changes in the recruitment to the higher civil services, including the Indian Administrative Service, he offers candid observations regarding the significant shortcomings in the services, and the ways in which Indian democracy's 'steel frame' can be strengthened. An Intent to Serve is an insider's look into the workings of Indian bureaucracy, with fascinating details about the way government business is transacted on the ground - the politics, the pressures, the lack of resources - and the constant balance a civil servant must maintain while trying to get things done. About the Author Tejendra Khanna is a 1961 batch IAS officer. He was the Chief Secretary, Punjab, during 1991-92 and conducted the 1992 assembly elections as Chief Election Officer, which brought back an elected government in the state after a long period of President's Rule. He also held important positions in the Government of India – as Commercial Counselor, Indian High Commission, U. (1975–77), Chief Controller, Imports and Exports (1989–91), Secretary to Government of India, Ministry of Food (1992–93), and Commerce Secretary (1993–96). On his retirement in 1996, he was appointed the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi and served in this capacity up to April 1998. He again served as Delhi's L-G from 9 April 2007 to 8 July 2013. 2) Tribune https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/reviews/story/top-civil-servant-tejendra-khanna-recounts-stints-in-an-intent-to-serve-401056 D Faith https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/reviews/story/top-civil-servant-tejendra-khanna-recounts-stints-in-an-intent-to-serve-401056 Dr Charan Singh https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1536064108709023744?s=20&t=eyBCM6yVeqJVZq41x7zJlw Unity in Diversity - 281 ą¤†ą¤Ŗे ą¤Øą¤°ु ą¤†ą¤Ŗे ą¤«ुą¤Øि ą¤Øाą¤°ी ą¤†ą¤Ŗे ą¤øाą¤°ि ą¤†ą¤Ŗ ą¤¹ी ą¤Ŗाą¤øा ą¤—ुą¤°ą¤®ुą¤–ि ą¤øंą¤—ą¤¤ि ą¤øą¤­ै ą¤¬िą¤šाą¤°ą¤¹ु ą¤µाą¤¹ु ą¤µाą¤¹ु ą¤•ा ą¤¬ą¤”ा ą¤¤ą¤®ाą¤øा God, itself, is male, is female, is dice, is the piece on chess board. Devotees, sit together and think : God's great world play, Tamasha Bard Gayand, 1403, SGGS E Story Time with Vathsala Jayaraman Lord Dattatreya Lord Dattatreya Jayanthi is celebrated on the Full Moon day of Marga Sheersha month. On many occasions this coincides with Arudra Darshan in Shiva temples in South. Dattatreya is a saint well known in Puranas. He was the son of Anasuya and Maharshi Atri. The name‘Dattaterya’ can be divided into two words-‘Datta’ and ‘Atreya’, where the former means given (by Vishnu) and the latter refers to Sage Atri, His father. He is considered to be the incarnation of the Trinity- Brahma, Vishnu and Siva – a Trimurti Avatar. There are many stories related to the birth of Dattatreya. Continued at H F Jokes on Time Management https://www.brighthub.com/office/home/articles/30878/ 1) Always Late Sarah was always late to work no matter how much she tried to be on time, or how many times her boss scolded her. She just could not wake up on time. Her boss said she would fire her if it did not stop. Sarah decided to seek the advice of her doctor. He prescribed her some medication and told her to take one pill before going to sleep. She did and she woke up before the alarm clock sounded and headed into work feeling well rested. Sarah told her boss about the doctor’s prescription and how well it worked. Her boss said, “That is great, Sarah, but where were you yesterday?” 2) Moods & Emotions* 1 If a person laughs too much, even at stupid things, he is lonely deep inside. 2 If a person speaks less, but speaks fast he keeps secrets. 3 If a person sleeps a lot, he is sad. 4 If someone can't cry, he is weak.. 5 If eats in an abnormal manner, he is tense. 6 If someone cries on little things, he is innocent & soft- hearted. 7 If someone becomes angry over silly or petty (small) things, it means he needs love. *Received from T J Kurup G Quotes on Time Management https://www.inc.com/dan-scalco/22-time-management-quotes-to-inspire-you-to-achieve-your-goals.html ‘He who every morning plans the transaction of the day and follows out that plan, carries a thread that will guide him through the maze of the most busy life. But where no plan is laid, where the disposal of time is surrendered merely to the chance of incidence, chaos will soon reign.” – Victor Hugo Victor-Marie Hugo was a French poet, novelist, essayist, playwright, and dramatist of the Romantic movement. H Continued from E Dattatreya is said to have been born in Mahur, Maharashtra. As per the legend ,the Goddesses Saraswathi, Lakshmi and Parvati wanted to test the chastity of Anasuya, who was reputed to be the epitome of chastity. So, they sent their husbands Brahma, Vishnu and Siva, who asked Anasuya to serve them food in her nude form. Anasuya made the Trinity take the forms of small babies and then fed them with no clothes on her body. It is said that Maharshi Atri, seeing this, invoked the spiritual powers and transformed the three babies into a three-headed baby, who was named Dattatreya. Another story says that Dattatreya was born of triplets as a result of immaculate conception. Later on, they were born as one baby to Atri and Anasuya. Lord Dattatreya is represented as having three faces, one of Lord Brahma, the second of Lord Vishnu and the third of Lord Siva. He has six hands. The three right hands hold a trident, a rosary and a lotus flower whereas the three left hands have a discus, a conch and a water pot. The three heads from the same trunk signify the powers of creation, preservation and destruction. It signifies the intimate unity of everything. The four dogs in the Dattatreya iconography represent the four Vedas. The cow that is seen in the picture is Mother Earth, who has taken refuge in Dattatreya. Mother Earth is supposed to be under His protection. Various sects of believers worship Dattatreya differently. In the Nath tradition, Dattatreya is recognized as the incarnation of Siva and as the Aadi Guru of the Adinath Sampradaya of the Naths. He has also been adopted by the Vaishnavaites and worshipped by them. Lord Krishna narrates the story of Lord Dattatreya and his 24 Gurus to his dear friend Uddhava in the 11th Skandham of Shrimat Bhagavatham and this is considered as the 2nd best teaching of Krishna after Bhagavat Gita and is popularly known as Uddhava Gita. Once King Yadu saw Lord Dattatreya (Avadhoot) wandering in a forest happily, free from worries. The King with humbleness asked the sage, about the secret of his happiness and the name of his Guru. Further said to sage, that despite you look capable and wise, why do you live in the forest. Even though you have no family, nor any loved one, how could you be so blissful and self-contented? To answer the Yadu's queries, the Lord Dattatreya (Avadhoot, one who have given up all worldly desires) replied : "My bliss and contentment are the fruits of self-realization. Soul(Atmaa) alone is my Guru, yet I have gained the necessary wisdom from the whole creation, via 24 individuals who were therefore my Gurus. I shall elaborate the same for you". Further Lord Dattatreya said : (… I have taken shelter of twenty-four gurus, who are the following : the earth, air, sky, water, fire, moon, sun, pigeon and python; the sea, moth, honeybee, elephant and honey thief; the deer, the fish, the dancing girl Pingala, the kurari bird and the child; the young girl, arrow maker, serpent, spider and wasp…”. (Srimad Bhagavatam: Canto 11: Chapter 7: Slokas 33~35) Shri Krishna speaks through the mouth of Dattatreya why he adopted these 24 gurus and the lessons he had learnt from the above 24 Gurus. Dattatreya can be called as 'Environment Guru' in today's study of environmental science. He is popularly known as Yoga Guru, since he propounded principles of yoga earlier to Patanjali. It is believed that Shirdi Baba Was an incarnation of Dattatreya, followed by Shri Sathya Sai Baba. Another incarnation of Dattatreya as Prema Sai is awaited by devotees. Vathsala Jayaraman


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