Warrier's Collage June 10, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Friday June 10, 2022 1) Rajiv Bajaj : Early life https://youtu.be/Tzg5ZSI6y20 (Link Courtesy : Kiran Warrier Mumbai) Flash : Presidential Election https://www.financialexpress.com/india-news/presidential-election-2022-date-schedule-election-commission-live-updates/2553952/ President election 2022: Election Commission flags off race to Rashtrapati Bhawan – voting on July 18, result on July 21, 2022. Good Morning Collage is changing Nice Day M G Warrier A Messages/Responses 1) T N C Rangarajan Back ground to numerology joke https://acmesalesrep.tumblr.com/post/1379573315/if-you-dont-believe-in-numerology-please-explain 2) Dr T V Gopalakrishnan Monetary policy needs a relook* Apropos the Editorial ‘Walking the tight rope’ (June 9), RBI has been doing its best to contain the inflation and inflationary expectations without losing track of growth revival by being pragmatic and realistic. Inflation cannot be controlled by monetary measures alone. It requires more administrative measures and a non-traditional approach as the demand induced inflation comes from people perhaps having sources of income other than known and declared sources. Further, even the fast digitisation of the economy may have influenced the surge in demand causing perhaps the demand induced inflation. A highly coordinated fiscal policy with adequately supported administrative policies can be more useful in taming inflation. Since the present inflation seems to be man made it would be more appropriate to combine some non-traditional methods with the traditional methods to curb rising prices. TV Gopalakrishnan Bengaluru *The Hindu Business Line, June 10, 2022 : https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opinion/letters-to-editor/article65511725.ece 3) Media Response : M G Warrier June 9, 2022 Kejriwal's 5 Point Agenda Last week Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal announced setting up of a Tiranga Samman Samiti of five people each to protect and maintain each one of the 500 national flags in and around the national Capital. The announcement included a 5 point agenda aiming at elimination of hunger, eradication of illiteracy and making Delhi beggar-free among other things. Similar ambitious programs were talked about in bits and pieces on various occasions and in various contexts by others earlier also. Out of the box thinking has brought changes in the way people lived on several occasions in history. If as CM Kejriwal can be confident of mobilizing resources for his 5 Point Agenda comprising hunger elimination, every child going to school, total healthcare, shelter for all and clean surroundings in every locality, we could extend Kejriwal's thinking to national level and start exploiting and deploying available domestic resources to extend the 5 Point Agenda nation-wide in a time bound manner, change for the better is bound to happen. The other option is to play with words like inflation, price rise, taxes, budget deficit and leave Election Manifestos and Annual Budgets to experts who have been doing their job fairly well. M G Warrier Mumbai 4) Message from another Galaxy? https://www.indiatoday.in/science/story/cosmic-mystery-strange-radio-signals-detected-coming-from-deep-space-1960253-2022-06-09 Cosmic mystery: Strange radio signals detected coming from another galaxy These extraordinary bursts generate as much energy in a thousandth of a second as the sun does in a year. 5) Modi's Horoscope S R Badrinarayanan shared a forward about Modi's horoscope & 2024 Elections : See H3 Know more : https://www.indiaherald.com/Politics/Read/994449834/Will-Modi-be-PM-again-in--Astrology-Prediction B Babusenan's Column The Monarch Once, long ago, I annoyed my maternal uncle with a tactless remark. He said : "Babu, always remember : What matters is how you tell a thing rather than what you tell." Then he narrated one of the several stories about Birbal. A certain astro-palmist came to Akbar's court and sought the emperor's permission to read his royal palm. After reading the palm carefully, he said : "Your Majesty will witness the passing away of each member of the Royal family." The emperor got annoyed and asked the attendants to throw him out. Somebody asked the distressed palmist to meet Birbal who, using his influence, took him to the emperor and said : "Your Majesty, this fellow is a really good astro-palmist. What happened was that, in Your Majesty's august presence, he got nervous and muttered the wrong thing. Kindly grant him another chance." After reading the palm again and cross-checking with astrological data, he declared:(as he was told) " Your Majesty is blessed with a very long life. "The Emperor was happy and gave him many presents before sending him away. Babu, you must have noted that the palmist said the same thing, but in a different manner. " One does not know if, what the astro-palmist foretold, fully proved correct, but Akbar lived sixty-three years, which, in those days, was a pretty long life. This brings us to Queen Elizabeth II, who has the rare distinction of being the longest living monarch in history. I don't think that she would have consulted any astrologer or palmist or a two-in-one at anytime, but the possibility of her eldest son, the Prince of Wales, having done so, not once but many times, cannot be ruled out. He is a septuagenarian now. When the lady ascended the throne in early 1953, the British colonial splendour was in its fast-fading phase. Gandhiji and Shaw had left the scene and death was waiting in the wings to take away Einstein and Churchill. She could feel happy that Edmund Hillary raised the Union Jack on Mt. Everest. There were human triumphs like the landing on the moon, the amazing breakthroughs in genetics and the tremendous leaps in the fields of technology and medicine which she would have witnessed since then. But tribulations were more in number than triumphs : the Korean war, the almost twenty year long Vietnam war that came in its wake, the Suez and Falklands wars, the present Ukraine war. Such man-made affairs would have given her a lot of agony. A few days ago, England celebrated the platinum jubilee of her reign. Despite her age(she is 96 now) she participated in the festivities on a day and said : "While I may not have attended every event in person, my heart has been with you all; and I remain committed to serving you to the best of my ability." She may not have influenced any of the major world events, but she is extremely fortunate to have sat for a long time on the throne of a land about which Shakespeare wrote : "This earth of majesty, This seat of Mars; This other Eden, demi-paradise; This fortress built by Nature for herself Against infection And the hand of war; This happy breed of men This little world; This special stone Set in the silver sea". Richard II C Personalities 1) Collage Profile : Rajiv Bajaj https://www.campaignindia.in/article/the-cost-of-being-wrong-is-better-than-being-late-rajiv-bajaj/478095 Excerpts : Bajaj said,“Technology was saturated in the country. Advertising for automobiles is poor too. We compete more on perception than reality. Now, if you cut back to the two-wheeler market, there were 2 types of motorcycles - two-stroke and four-stroke. We came late to the market. We had to make a perception. We figured that if there's room in the world for a mileage motorcycle, there's also scope for a powerful motorcycle. So, we said to ourselves - if someone made the small one, we can create the power one. We had no research on hand, but had the conviction.” 2) Bonus Story of Alfred Dunhill* A church in London had rules that it would not employ anyone, without formal high school education. The old pastor was benign and not a stickler of rules. He allowed Alfred Dunhill (who lacked formal education) as the caretaker to clean the pews, sweep the floor and keep the podium spic and span. Dunhill had put off taking his high school examination till it became too late. Once the old pastor retired, he was replaced by a younger person who followed the rule book. As he came to know about the caretaker’s education, he issued a notice to him that either he should get a high school certificate in six months or he should resign. *Shared by S Thyagarajan Continued at H2 D Collage Essay : Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai Ganga and Parvathy Shri Babusenan has elaborated on the plight suffered by men who have two wives. Nothing less is the anxiety expressed by the female counterparts. Goddess Saraswathi was created by Brahma and hence the daughter of Brahma. Somehow Brahma was enamoured of his own daughter and he had five heads only to see saraswathi wherever she went. Somehow a compromise was reached and Saraswati agreed to marry Brahma and Manu was their son. Continued at H 1 Know more : https://www.speakingtree.in/allslides/10-controversial-stories-of-lord-shiva/172300 E Book Review The worlds and I By Ella Wheeler Wilcox https://amzn.eu/d/fz98hPY Description This book has been considered by academicians and scholars of great significance and value to literature. This forms a part of the knowledge base for future generations. So that the book is never forgotten we have represented this book in a print format as the same form as it was originally first published. Hence any marks or annotations seen are left intentionally to preserve its true nature. Bonus : Poem By C V Subbaraman My World : My Journey My tears have dried up without outward thrust My feelings are hard, I no longer trust The consolations of my kith or kin; They are mere gibberish from empty bin. My pains and pleasures are no different For I have none of them as adherent, To give sorrows or joy any longer, Or make me weaker or any stronger. I gaze at the world, With a pair of blank eyes, With no more emotions, And no more sighs: The world is not a foe, Nor a trusted friend, This is the modern developing trend. We are all humans in form, Without heart, But with a heart that beats, Till we depart, To keep us, like robots, Moving around, Till in the River of Death, We get drowned. All my noises, songs, Speeches, laughs and cries, Love and hatred, All vanish in a trice, They are all like momentary bubbles Breaking without leaving any rubbles. I have no longer any frustrations, And no satisfactions or depressions : They are all gone, But earthly illusions, In mind to carry bags of delusions. For such a world, I have no more respect, Let it not too from me, Something expect; I shall live alone, So too walk and die! F Leisure Smile https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/smile-quotes Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. Leo Buscaglia Felice Leonardo Buscaglia, also known as "Dr. Love", was an American author, motivational speaker, and a professor in the Department of Special Education at the University of Southern California G Quotes on fate https://www.brainyquote.com/topics/fate-quotes There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul. Ella Wheeler Wilcox Ella Wheeler Wilcox was an American author and poet. Her works include Poems of Passion and Solitude, which contains the lines "Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone." Her autobiography, The Worlds and I, was published in 1918, a year before her death. H 1) Continued from D Another version from Brahma Vaivartha Purana says a different story. Brahmavaivartha Purana essentially is in praise of Lord Krishna. It is stated that Krishna wanted to procreate with the help of Radha. But Radha never agreed. She created a beautiful damsel Saraswathi from her lips. Radha created Lakshmi also from herself. On seeing this Krishna created Lord Vishnu from the left part of his body and he ( Krishna) conducted the marriage of Vishnu with both Lakshmi and Saraswathi. Alreday a version states that Vishnu married Ganga. Saraswathi and Ganga always fought with each other over their supremacy and it was often mediated by Lakshmi. On seeing all these things Vishnu decided that he be better satisfied with Lakshmi alone and converted Ganga and Saraswathi into rivers. Saraswathi in course of time became dry and she was elevated to the status of Goddess. This is a story about Parvati's jealousy and insecurity. As you know, the river Ganga descended from Lord Shiva's matted hair. When it first came down from the Himalayas, it became entangled in Shiva's hair. Then it passed through his hair and became the Ganga. During the time when the water was entangled in Shiva's matted hair, Shiva became very fond of the water. He gave it so much of his attention that his consort, Parvati, became terribly jealous. "My husband spends all his time touching his hair," she said, "He does not care for me at all." Seeing that Parvati was utterly miserable, her son, Ganesha, felt sorry for her. "I cannot bear to see my mother so sad, depressed, morose and miserable," he said. "I have to do something." Ganesha somehow made Sage Gautama kill a cow and as a parihar the sage used his spiritual power to bring the Ganges down to earth. When the Ganga was flowing properly, he bathed in it and became purified. Ganesha's plan worked. Once the Ganga was no longer entangled in Shiva's hair, Parvati had Shiva all to herself again and she was filled with happiness. There are many poems in Tamil detailing the envious clash between Parvathi and Ganga. I think there was a performance 'Parvathi Viraham' in Malayalam also. As we read more we get lot of confusions and more and more we realise the only Supreme Consciousness and all other Gods and Goddesses seem to help in moulding our thoughts into a single 'Para Brahmam) Of course literary enjoyment, appreciation of literary excellence in Kamban, Valmiki or Vyasa or Tulasi Das or Kalidasa or Bharathi are equally divine in their own way and we forget ourselves in the literary world and it seems to be superior to Aathma Saakshatkaaram even. Regarding jealousy etc of the two wives or the mental agony of men having two partners, I feel that they need not be entangled in identity crisis as normal huaband-wife. Vathsala Jayaraman 2) Continued from C2 Dunhill knew that you could not teach an old dog new tricks and that he had no option but to resign. He started out his afternoon stroll in deep thought and got into Bond Street. Suddenly, he felt an urge to smoke. He could not find a single tobacco shop on the entire street. He walked further down into a side street where he could purchase his cigarette. He came back to the busy Bond Street. He realized that a small cigarette shop in the street would be a sound business proposition. He resigned at the church and started a small shop on Bond Street which prospered way beyond his expectations. He noticed that many of his customers were coming from the other side of the street. He started another shop on that side of Bond Street. The two shops multiplied to four and then sixteen In three years, Alfred Dunhill Co. was a leading tobacconist in England. He started machine-rolling cigarettes and introduced his own brand of Dunhill cigarettes. In five years, he was a millionaire many over. To ensure a consistent supply of tobacco, he entered into an annual purchase agreement with a couple of American tobacco farmers and went across to America to meet them. It was a big boost for the American tobacco farmers and the contract signing ceremony was converted into a media circus, with a Senator and Governor participating. When the contracts were actually signed, Dunhill affixed his thumb impression because he had not learnt to sign his name. The Governor was impressed and said, “Well Sir! This is awesome. Even without a formal education you have achieved so much. Just imagine what you could have done if you had a formal education!” Dunhill's characteristic often repeated reply was, “If I knew how to read and write, I would still be sweeping the church!” Remember whatever happens in our life is a plan for our Betterment and not for our Harassment. S. THYAGARAJAN 3) What is the future of Modi post-2024, astrologically? Will he remain in politics?* Before we talk about Modi's horoscope beyond 2024, let us take a look at how things will pan out in the coming four years. The horoscope given below is widely accepted to be correct and made for 17/09/1950 at 10.59.29 in Mehsana Gujarat. The present Maha Dasha is of Moon which is placed in her Neech Rashi in Lagna but gets a complete Neech Bhang. When this happens a planet becomes very capable of giving favorable results. In this Kundali the Lagna and the Chandra Kundali are identical. When this happens the events in one’s life happen with twice the intensity. The moon becomes the lord of the ninth house and represents the good fortune. She represents divine help, sudden events of good or bad nature, religion, spirituality, and higher knowledge. Ninth house represents favors from government, wisdom, fortune, philosophy, and pilgrimage to holy places. The circulation of money, the mother’s illness, business dealings with foreigners or foreign countries are also seen from the ninth house. The Moon also represents places of worship, righteousness, and kingdom. Moon’s placement in the Lagna indicates that all factors mentioned above-become very important to the individual. Moon’s Mahadash implies that steps will be taken to achieve objectives in these directions in the coming years. Moon is placed with the Lagna lord Mars and the union of the Lagna and the ninth lords generates a powerful Raj Yoga. The energy of Mars combined with the Budhhi of Moon provides the impetus for the right actions. Why only the right actions? Because Moon as the ninth lord represents spirituality and positive thinking. This combined with the razor-sharp intelligence of the Budh-Aditya Yog becomes the driving force of the Moon Mahadasha. The Anrtardasha is of Venus which becomes the lord of the seventh and twelfth houses but primarily gives the results of the seventh house. Placement of the seventh lord Venus in the tenth indicates diplomatic successes. The third level Dasha is of Saturn which is the lord of the fourth house in the birth chart and placed in the tenth house. Saturn is Ast or combusted as he is placed very close to Sun. Saturn period started on 24/10 2019 and ends on 27/01/2020. This period has been rather insipid for obvious reasons. Saturn period gives way to the Mercury period from 27/01/2020 to 21 /04/2020. This period will bring the pop, snap and crackle back into Narendra Modi’s life. Saturn transits to the third house in the Chandra Kundali and begins to give excellent results in the areas of leadership, elan, ability to put one’s point across to the masses and victory in one’s career. This period lasts for thirty months. Transit Jupiter’s presence in the second house ensures that the ruling powers in his chart remain strong right until the end of 2020. The real deal, however, starts with the advent of the Sun Antardasha from 26/05/2020 to 22/11/2020 and beyond. The sluggish economy will begin its take-off run, lift its nose and fly again. A slew of bills that have a far-reaching impact on this country’s demography, economy and welfare will be brought to the parliament and passed in both houses. A long-simmering dispute with our western neighbor may be comprehensively decided for good around this time. Baluchistan may become an independent nation like Bangladesh. The Mahadasha of Lagna Lord Mars begins to operate on 22/11/2020 and runs until 17/10 2027. This period will mark the zenith of Narend Mars Mahadasha gives way to the Mahadasha of Rahu on 17/10/2027 and it is around this time that Namo will decide to step down and make way for a younger colleague. He may take ‘Sanyas’ from active politics and assume the role of an advisor. For all practical purposes, he will renounce the world of politics. ra Modi’s career. He, along with his allies will win the 2024 elections with an unprecedented win which may surpass the victory of Rajiv Gandhi in 1984 with 404 seats. *Forward received from S R Badrinarayanan via Group mail


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