Warrier's Collage on Sunday June 19, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Sunday June 19, 2022 Rain Forests https://youtu.be/3vijLre760w (National Geographic) Govindashtakam : M S Subbulakshmi https://youtu.be/AMAy49Wkano Good Morning Happy Birthday to all readers having Birthday during the week ending Saturday June 25, 2022. Ayurarogyasaukhyam 🙏 and Best Wishes to all readers. Tomorrow : Focus on Malabar Nice Day M G Warrier A Messages/Responses Reshmy Warrier Mumbai The other night, I booked a cab at 1 a m from Mumbai Airport. And to my surprise, I was given the choice to opt for a female taxi driver. I immediately agreed. She drove in to the curbside so coolly and I hopped in. I know this story isn't news in many international markets. But it is so for me in India. Not just coz she is a female driver, but one doing this for a living at night. She said there are around 150 such cabbies doing airport rounds. It is of course due to dire financial challenges that one has to take up such a job. Because, for a woman, having a man's job/responsibility does not take away society/family's primary expectation of her as a homemaker and caregiver. Young child, ageing parents. When do you sleep then? I wondered aloud. Simply by catching winks between rides, she said. Have you faced any untoward incident? And to my joy, she said None (6 years on the job). "I don't have to fabricate a story for the sake of it and I can well manage myself", she said. I too agreed with her that Mumbai is by and large a safe haven for women. May such write ups be redundant in the future. Also hoping that women like her find a better balance between responsibilities and life. B Faith 1) Sunday Collage : V T Panchapagesan SUNDAY COLLAGE : Pragyanam Brahma INTELLIGENCE IS DIVINE : RIG VEDA OM SRI GURUBHYO NAMAHA, RESPECTFUL PRANAMS TO SRI KANCHI MAHA PERIYAVAL. Jagadguru Sri Maha Periyava - Kanchi Paramacharya 3 hrs · Experiences of Maha Periyava : "You could have learnt faster from Vedas than from Yale University!" QUANTUM THEORY A discussion by a Doctorate student, Yale university "I once went to a place called Vaasangere in Karnataka to have His darshan. He was camping in the mines area which belonged to Sandur Maharaja. Swamigal was a sitting on a tarpaulin along with the other devotees. Annathurai Iyengar of Veda Raksha Nidhi Trust was also there with a few students from his Veda Patashala. It was around 10.30 in the night. The Sandur Maharaja, Maharani and their son were also there. His son was a Reader in the Department of Mathematics at Yale University in the US. He had a PhD degree in Maths. His parents were standing there respectfully before Him but he appeared to be quite casual. Swamigal conversed with the Maharaja and Maharani in Kannada for a while. After a while He turned towards their son and asked, "Where do you live? What are you doing?" "I am a Reader in Maths Department at the Yale University", he replied. "What have you studied, you have done your PhD in which branch of Maths", He asked. Their son did not answer for a minute, hesitating to reply as he was unsure if Swamigal could make sense of what he had studied. His father goaded him to reply. "Quantum Theory", he said, matter-of-factly. Swamigal drew a +ve sign on the mud and circled it; He also drew a -ve sign and circled it. Pointing to the two signs Swamigal asked him, "Did you use the positive or the negative approach in your Quantum Theory PhD thesis study?" Their son who was a bit indifferent until then, was startled to hear this from Him. He was trembling for words and suddenly became more respectful and replied, "Positive Approach." "Why did you not take the Negative Approach, will you do it later", He asked. "It is difficult to use the Negative Approach", he said. Swamigal looked at Annathurai Iyengar and said, "He is saying it is difficult; can you ask the Veda students to recite this particular verse from Rig Veda?", and prompts them with first two words. The students recited that particular verse for 5 minutes. After this He turned to their son and said, "You must have obtained your PhD in your 24th or 25th year correct?" "In my 25th year", said he. "Rig Veda, the verse which you heard now, talks both about the Positive and the Negative approaches", He said. The son was astonished and requested the students to recite the verse again. "Are you now thinking that you need not have spent lakhs and lakhs of rupees for your 25 years of education and if only you had studied the Vedas you would have learnt this Truth in just 7 years?!", replied Lord Parameshwara." Narrated by Shri Thiruvannamalai Gowrishankar Mama! Yale University is one of the top universities in the world, but obviously not a match for the Vedas! SRI KANCHI MAHA PERIVA THIRUVADIGAL CHARANAM V T Panchapagesan 2) Dr Charan Singh https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1537896273881182208?s=20&t=SCUFRopk2JGX3V57Vub9NQ Unity in Diversity - 286 फरीदा जो तै मारनि मुकीआं तिन्हा न मारे घुमि आपनड़ै घरि जाईऐ पैर तिन्हा दे चुमि Farid, don't strike back those who hit you with fists Kiss their feet, go home 1378, SGGS C Story Time with S Nallasivan Govinda Naamam Lord Vishnu after saving Bhumi devi from the Cosmic Ocean, in His third Avatar, vanquishing the demon Hiranya Kashibu, was comforting the still nervous and shivering Bhumi Devi. Bhudevi finds the Lord in deep thought and she could see, feel and perceive that He seemed to be unduly worried, perturbed . She vows to herself to help the Lord at any cost, free Him from all His worries and make Him to be Himself, AQcalm and composed. She asked Him to open up. The Lord seemed to be a bit agitated too. After all He had to guide all his devotees to the path of Salvation. He told his consort that He tried to preach, pronounce and proclaim the true path in long winded sermons, as many as 700 notwithstanding the fact that He was in the midst of battle field, Kurukshetra. Continued at H1 D Knowing when to stop : TJS George bids Goodbye to regular writing at 96 http://mainstreamweekly.net/article12451.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email All good things must come to an end. This column started appearing as an Express feature in 1997. It has been going on without a break for a quarter century. That is a long run, a real long run. A year's 52 weeks multiplied by 25 means that a jaw-dropping 1300 installments of the column have appeared under the "Point of View" title. There were of course problems along the way. But they did not affect the flow. The call of duty always won. For those whose profession is writing, deadlines are deadlines. You ignore them at your peril. And peril is never an option for journalists who live on the goodwill of their readers. Knowing when to stop : M G Warrier https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/warriersviews/knowing-when-to-stop-and-make-a-new-beginning-2-30331/ Different views/opinions keep coming in electronic, print and social media these days about developments small and big, irrespective of the immediate relevance of such events for society or the nation. If someone wants to remain active and in the “limelight”, by doing something harmless which he feels he can do, why not allow him to experiment? Why someone else should decide when I should withdraw from active life if I feel I continue to be physically and emotionally fit? When younger people said “I do what I do!”, we appreciated and encouraged them. E Govinda Naamam continued (From H1) : M G Warrier Mumbai Shri S Nallasivan, my dear friend and one who once promised to write my Biography (I'm sure he will keep his word, just as I believe the Central Bank will not go back on commitments!) has made these observations at the end (not exactly!) of his long article : "It must strike you unique and unusual. À life long priest in a Shiva Temple in a remote village in Kerala, after the gift of three daughters when, a son who arrived before his time, an under weight baby, chose to call him Govinda. He possibly desired that his Govinda would be graced and blessed by the saviour of soul the benevolent, omniscient and omnipotent Krishna as Govinda. But again a devoted and a dutiful son, strangely in the days of choosing names more modern and fanciful, dovetail to astrological sign and numerological value, a roaring commercial proposition, had faithfully chose to call his son on the faith that he too would be a chip of the old block, a Govinda, and would be blessed like his father Govinda. S Nallasivan" Many know there's a mix-up of Namboodiri and Warrier blood in me, the former having a higher share : My father and my maternal grandfather were Namboodiris from the same Kannamkulam Illam in Payyanur. Coming back to my name Govinda, let me share my information about some traditions and practices in choice of names in the Malabar area of the first half of last Century. Each large joint family will have some 5 or 6 names each for both genders which will get repeated by rotation from generation to generation. In my father's Illam the male names were Sankara, Govinda, Narayana, Krishna and Kesava. There's a particular order in which names will get repeated. My father's name is Kesava and he is the fourth male member in his generation. His eldest brother was Govinda, next Narayana and the just elder one Krishna. His father Sankara and grandfather Govinda. Though we had shifted residence to a rented house nearer to the temple where my father worked within 3 months from my birth, my naming ceremony, which those days was done simultaneously with "Annaprashan" (First rice feeding held during the 6th month after the child is born) was held back in my ancestral home. The responsibility to feed and name was given to the senior-most male member in the family who happened to be my mother's uncle. He did everything according to the practice, but didn't seek any suggestions about the name to be given to me. My father was visibly upset though he didn't protest. When formalities were over, my mother asked her uncle to announce the name. By that time he knew the situation was unfavorable. He asked my father to announce any name of his choice, adding that the name given during the rice-feeding ceremony will not be divulged by him later. My father thought for a while and announced that his son shall be known by his grandfather's name Govinda. That's how I got the name Govinda. M G Warrier F Vathsala Jayaraman, V Sundaresan & S R Badrinarayanan respond to Story at C : Govinda Naamam 1) Vathsala Jayaraman Shri Nallasivan has traced the route of Govinda starting from Bhuma Devi and elaborately lead our path to Andal and Govinda Naamam inter alia paying a glorious tribute to our President, Shri Mohandas and Shri Warrier. This enabled me to trace my earlier article on Govina Naamam written in 2018 annexed to my commentaries on Thiruppaavai of Andal. I forward my article on Govinda Naamam written in January 2018 during margazhi festival. GOVINDA NAAMA MAHIMA 1 If 'GO' is taken to mean swarga or Moksha, Govinda is one who awards good company, moksha etc. 2 If 'GO' is taken to mean valuable astras, and vindhathi means one who is possessed of those astras, Govinda is Rama who got Astras from sage Viswamitra. 3 If 'GO'is taken to mean'cows, Govinda refers to one who understands and protects the cows or Jeevaathmas 4 If 'GO' is taken to mean vedas, then Govinda is one who is realized thro Vedas or who is the essence of veda 5 The word Gopi or Gopihi refers to chaturvedas and their angas. Govinda is one who protects vedas. 6 If Go is taken to mean the third eye or special vision,the Govinda is one who knows the past, present and future. 7 If GO is taken to mean fire or Jwalaa, Govinda is none but the Lord Surya lighting the entire world. 8 If GO is taken to mean water, the essential source,then Govinda refers to Matsya and Koorma Mahavishnu of Avatars. 9 If Go is taken to mean 'EARTH' or bhoomi, then Govinda refers to varaha, Trivikrama and the ever walking Parasurama. 10.Govinda also refers to Hayagreeva, God of knowlege, since Go means the Gnaana. 11 Go means good words.Narasimha inspite of his anger blesses Prahlada. So Narasimha also is Govinda. So the name Govinda applies to all Mahavishnu of avatars. 12 Go means Vajrayudha. As Indra was awarded with Vajrayudha made out of the skeleton of sage Dadhichi with the sankalapa of Vishnu, Govinda is equated to Paranthaama. As we think of 'Govinda' The first thing that comes to our mind is Bhaja Govindam of Adi Shankara. Though it may look like admonishing of human nature, ultimately it is waking us from slumber, awakening from Moha to search for the divine within. Kshatra Bandhu was a Kshatriya with all bad qualities. He was too arrogant. Once he met Narada. "DarshanA deva sadhavaha"On seeing Narada he Govinda naama mahima is so great. "Yam yam yAnthi smaran bhAvam tyajethyanthe kalebaram" "SAnkEtyam parihasyam va stomam helana mevava" "How ever you recite the Bhagavan Naama, with or without thinking of bhagavan, even for the sake of kidding or talking ill of Bhagavan himself ,it yields the desired results." Just by addressing the servant boy by the name'Govinda' daily in a casual manner,kshatrabandhu attained the feet of God not withstanding the sins committed by him. Another great kavyam highlighting Govinda mahima is Ashtapadi or Gita Govindam by Jayadeva. Though it dominates in Sringara rasa, it is treated on par with bhakthi mahakavyas and forms an essential part of Bhajana Sampradaya. It is of great regret that in South, specially in Tamilnadu, the term'Govinda' is associated with stealing and cheating and dishonesty.This usage is so deep rooted in us that whenever we are deceived we loudly proclaim "Govinda, Govinda and pattai naamam' I don't know whether they have misunderstood the paasuram of Thondaradipodi Azhwar. As cases of cheating and robbery increase,we can console ourselves that Govinda naama recitation also will increase leading 'regret' first slowly leading to ' reformation' in the minds of unruly elements. Though 'Govinda Naamam' is recited by way of cursing the bad elements, it has its own vibration.A medicine cures a disease of both who know the real impact and that of a child which takes it unwillingly out of compulsion.Whether recited out of devotion, depression or accusation,Govinda Naamam has its intrinsic worth. 'GOVINDA NAAMA SANKEERTHANAM' --- 'GOVINDA! GOVINDA! became a sadhu. The name of the boy who was looking after him was 'Govinda'.The Rishi said that just by addressing him as Govinda, all his sins would be washed away. 2) V Sundaresan Since last Tuesday, there were many mails on "pension updation", followed by "latest rudest shock", and then pension getting relegated to "other issues". Now suddenly, starting from my good friend Nallasivan, everybody has been chanting "Govinda, Govinda, Govinda" and nothing else. Ayyoh! what does this indicate?* Sundaresan V *Hope nothing inauspicious. This will also pass ☺️-Warrier) 3) S R Badrinarayanan How nice & fitting to have a mail pregnant with full glories on Lord Govinda especially on a Saturday considered more auspicious to Lord Maha Vishnu, the creator. On the special qualities of the name "Govinda" one can not miss the distress call by Draupadi to the ultimate Lord by this name when injustice in the most unacceptable and uncivilized fashion was aimed at her in the Kaurava court in the presence of most learned as also powerful. The poor woman who had to marry five men to keep the unthoughtful words of Kunti stands a mythological example of a suffering woman. She had five most mighty men all as her husbands. None can match Bhima or the archer Arjuna in power and strength. But, none could save Draupadi from the Kaurav atrocious act of disrobing her as initiated by I'll minded Karna, technically a Pandava ! It was a distress call to the Lord by the name of "Govinda" that saved the lady from the most barbaric act unheard of in any civilised fora past and present. The namesakes quoted by Nallasivan Sir is just a sample . The chant "Govnda Govinda " will be reverberating in the Vishnu temples be it any name of the Lord presiding in the temple. The hymn "Govindashtagam" with meaning is nice. The Guru of Adi Shankara is yet another Govinda { Bhagawat Padhaal}. The term, 'Govinda Govinda' used to denote and convey different meaning. For those waiting for a bonanza of pension arrears let the chant * Govinda Govinda* be told as thanks giving🦃and not as it used to be!! Awaiting a mail~ next on Gopala, .... Badrinarayanan G Govinda Naamam https://www.thehindu.com/features/friday-review/religion/Govinda-nama/article16889523.ece H 1) Continued from C His Bhagavad Gita, though discussed in detail, Duty, Devotion, Dedication, Dharma, Karma, Birth and Rebirth, and of course Surrender to the Supreme it have not served its intention as desired. His preachings are found to be observed more in breach than in practice. It has become a tool only AQ to mislead and misguide and more visible to exploit innocent gullible poor by the so called elite and educated. He bemoaned when He confessed with emotion that disturbed Bhumi Devi When he felt that there was an urgent need to take an interim Avtar, a short sojourn to the Earth às His Kalki Avatar is more than 437000 years away His other Consort Sri Devi who accompanied Him as Sita now bluntly refused, said No, for any business of short sojourn as she had to suffer, harsh Jungle life, a victim of abduction and to cap it all the worst humiliation of Agni Pariksha by the drop of the hat. Now Bhumi Devis's heart melted and she offered to make amends and spread the message of the Lord in so simple, adorable sweet Tamil that had all the portents of swaying gentle breeze and that too in just 30 Stanzas, Pasuram. She, as the dutiful daughter of Periyazhvar preached the path to salvation the easy way, just a deep prayer with flowers with heart and soul in unison, recite the names of the Lord. She did not even demand to recite and recall the thousands of the Lord's name like Bhishma in Vishnu Sahasranamam She invoked the Holiest of the Holy name of the Lord Vishnu in her opening Pasuram, Narayana. Of course her mission has been to make surrender, às easily as eating " Nei peitha Palchoru" before the Lord. She recite all His names, in her own way of singing the glory, like the renowned "Pallandu" of her father. She fondly recalls His Exploits, unique traits in vanquishing the demons and devils. She then in every Pasuram sings his various names, Vamanan, the dwarf, Thrivikraman who rose tall to cover the three universe, Madhavan, Kesavan, Mayavan, Manivannan, Damodaran and Thrumal. Then only realization dawn's as a bolt from the blue that when she had remained as a Cow herding girl, had observed the Karthiani Virath and Gopalan had been their heart and soul, and meant every thing to them and And more so He had been one among them as Govinda, she did not pay obeisance to Govinda so far. She now makes amends as if all those names she recited earlier with affection in comparison to Govinda paled insignificant. And she sought his mercy, his pardon for not praying invoking his name Govinda and in the last few concluding stanzas, Pasuram, the essence of her Tirupavai, where she make Surrender their fruit for prayer, praise him as Govinda three times. Now you know the greatness of the Lord as Govinda. Govinda is one who is known through Vedas. The proponent of Advaita Philosophy Adi Sankara paid ultimate obeisance in his composition to only Govinda. Govinda is the Protector of Land, the Earth, and after all he became Varaha and He was the one who had saved Bhu Devi from the Cosmic Sea,. and of course those who dwell on it. Did He not raisee Govardhan in His little finger to save Vrindavan from the wrath of arrogance and evil manifested as deluge? As Jesus Christ has been the Shephard, Krishna as Govinda, the Cow herd is the saviour, the Shephard. The Vishnu Sahasranama unusually praise the the Lord, that is unique and making it special, Govinda, twice, as the 187 & 539 names. It is no coincidence that the value of Govinda according to Chaldean Numerology and Pythgorean Numerology is a unique 9, a cardinal number with the highest value and spell, Completion, Perfection and faultless. Govind according to Sikkhism mean God and in Gurmuhi, Gobind - Govind, is Preserver , Protector. One of the Yogi saint has been Govinda who has been credited with the 84 Asanas. Even Buddisam and Jainism have reverence to the name Govinda It is no wonder our President, the first citizen is both Ram(m nath) and Govind How we the EXRBITES could forget Govindarajulu Mohandas? K Govindarajan is best known among us as the Video Wizard, a magician capable making available before you blinked relevant loads full of video clips you desired. It must strike you unique and unusual. À life long priest in a Shiva Temple in a remote village in Kerala, after the gift of three daughters when , a son who arrived before his time, an under weight baby, chose to call him Govinda. He possibly desired that his Govinda would be graced and blessed by the saviour of soul the benovelent, omniscent and omnipotent Krishna as Govinda. But again a devoted and a dutiful son, strangely in the days of choosing names more modern and fanciful, dovetail to astrological sign and numeralogical value, a roaring commercial proposition, had faithfully chose to call his son on the faith that he too would be a chip of the old block, a Govinda, and would be blessed like his father Govinda. S Nallasivan Govindashtakam Stotram Meaning: I salute that Govinda who is the extreme limit of happiness, Who is truth, wisdom, eternal, stable, not ether bound and the eternal ether, Who is happy to crawl in cowsheds, is beyond problems and is the end of problems, Who due to illusion appears as without any form and with many forms, And who is of the universe, consort of Lakshmi and is without any lord. I salute that Govinda who is the extreme limit of happiness, Who with a child-like fear of Yasoda’s punishment when he ate mud, Showed her in his open mouth visible and invisible part of fourteen worlds, Who is the ultimate basis of the three worlds which are visible and not visible, And who is the lord of earth and the eternal goal thereof. I salute that Govinda who is the extreme limit of happiness, Who killed the valorous enemies of devas, reduced the burden of earth, Who cures the sorrow caused by the day to day life, Who is ever detached, who eats butter, who eats no food, who eats the earth, Who shines in the mind when it is clear but cannot be revealed by anything else, And who is peaceful, is peace and nothing else but peace. I salute that Govinda who is the extreme limit of happiness, Who looks after all beings in his playful form of a cowherd, Who protects those who look after cows, who playfully lifted, The Govardhana where gopis play and made gopa lads happy, Whose name “Govinda” is clearly by the cows*, who has many names, And who always is beyond the reach of the ignorant#. I salute that Govinda who is the extreme limit of happiness, Who is present in each and every group of gopis, who appears, In differing forms but actually is without a difference. Whose pretty form is covered by the dust raised by the hooves of cows, Who is realized by attention and devotion in thought, who is beyond thought, And whose greatness is determined by the gem of an individual’s thought. I salute that Govinda who is the extreme limit of happiness, Who climbed the tree along with cloths of women taking bath in the pond, Who wanted those who want their clothes back, to come close to the tree in the nude*, Who destroyed sorrow and passion, who is wise, who is at the end of wisdom, And who has a body that did not get disturbed by the senses. I salute that Govinda who is the extreme limit of happiness, Who is pretty, cause of causes, primeval, without beginning and a form of time, Who danced again and again on the head of serpent Kaliya in the river Yamuna, Who is black in colour, ever-present in time and destroys the evil effects of Kali, And who is the cause of the march of time from the past to the future.. I salute that Govinda who is the extreme limit of happiness, Who in the land of Brindavan is being worshipped by a crowd of worshipful devas, Whose nectar-like smile is as pretty as jasmine flower, who gives happiness to his friends, Whose twin feet are worshipped by the heart of great and worshipful sages, And who is the sea of good qualities which are worshipped by all. S Nallasivan


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