Warrier's Collage on Tuesday June 28, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Tuesday June 28, 2022 🙏 1) Jaishankar speaking : https://youtu.be/gaBbBn2EJIQ (About people's role in politics) 2) House for Birds in Kannur https://youtu.be/ZKw3SoXbnfs (Link Courtesy : M Vasudevan Pallikkunnu) Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier Sant Kabir Das Jayanti on June 27, 2022 The Life of Sant Kabir Das http://indianculture.gov.in/stories/life-sant-kabir-das (Link Courtesy : S W Fadnawis) A Messages/Responses 1) S W Fadnawis I am deeply disturbed to know about the sad demise of Shri Batki. A very soft spoken gentleman who was an authority on legal matters and ever ready to guide. I had lot of interaction with him when I was working in Central Debt Division. I met him a few years back in one of the monthly meetings at CAB, Pune. May his soul rest in peace. 🙏🙏 2) Sitendra Kumar Collage contains loads and loads of information which not only can make a person an encyclopedia but a better human being as well. Just for example, in this collage, parrot is the theme, an article on Ashtavakra, Dr Patra's hope or assurance that inflation would be tamed in two years, discovery of virtues in father's nagging etc' are some of the gems which give sufficient food for thought to an individual to become an enlightened person. Kindly keep it up. Sitendra Kumar 3) V Babusenan Collage has been to me, from the very beginning, a sumptuous buffet dinner served in the morning. Items are naturally many and one enjoys the dishes according to one's need and taste. What is good for the proverbial goose may not be good for the proverbial gander. For instance, one may not be interested in spiritual matters, but one has the freedom to skip such articles. One may not like mundane topics such as what Babusenan writes and one may skip them. In that case, length becomes a problem only for the poor editor. It is my experience that the articles that appear in the Collage are generally of a high quality. Yet the proverb 'brevity is the soul of wit' still holds true. I feel safe here(I think so) as the complaint of some friends is that I sacrifice clarity on the altar of brevity. Here, I think that some of the very good writers can help the editor. The latter, on his part, will do well to adopt the policy of "One Writer, One Article" like OROP. As for colour, (I wish to include size of letters too) I am for confining mostly to a single colour, though, as the editor says, it is easy to change colour. It avoids the impression of being gaudy and saves the editor from the mire of taking sides. Letters of moderate size help the elderly who form a major segment of Collage patrons. See, I too have fallen into the trap of being lengthy. 4) Jayaram Krishnaswami There cannot be any standard size for the Collage because the compiler links the various items which he considers will be useful. So the option to the readers who want a shorter version can be something like a link for the entry headers which will take you to the details. The header can be even person wise as the readers can choose based on the earlier contributions of the person. Jayaram K 5) Collage View on Colour & Content Now we have clear views from 5 readers (C A Jacob, Babusenan, Sitendra Kumar, Jayaram Krishnaswami and M G Warrier) on the two suggestions. This is how democracy works. Out of a few hundred readers who read Collage, given an opportunity, only 5 expressed their views. And, of the 4 people (excluding me), three have given lot of discretion to me. So, the Collage decision is, to keep all suggestions in view while curating content in future. After all, Collage is a personal mail/message from me to you 🙏 Many Thanks -M G Warrier) 6) M G Warrier Mumbai Yesterday Collage released a supplement to report the sad demise of Chovallur Krishnankutty. If you missed : June 27, 2022 https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/kerala/2022/jun/27/writer-chowalloor-krishnankutty-passes-away-2470075.html Writer, lyricist and scenarist Chowalloor Krishnankutty passed away at a private hospital in Thrissur on Sunday night. He was 86. A recipient of the Kerala Sangeetha Nataka Akademi and Kerala Sahitya Akademi awards, Krishnankutty also served as the vice-chairman of the Kerala Kalamandalam. Heartfelt Condolences and Prayers 🙏 Report in Malayala Manorama : https://www.manoramanews.com/news/breaking-news/2022/06/27/chowalloor-krishnankutty-passes-away-27.html 6) Media Response : M G Warrier To The Editor The Hindu Business Line/The Hindu Letters June 27, 2022 Consensus on legislative proceedings The legislative bodies in India, top to bottom, from parliament to panchayats have become notorious for mismanagement of working hours. Latest instance being in the Kerala Assembly today (June 27, 2022). On several occasions in the past, in Indian Legislative Houses, there have been continuous disruptions of official proceedings, sometimes affecting scheduled business for weeks. A solution to this malady will be dependent on an all party consensus on regulated and disciplined functioning of legislatures. In both houses of parliament and several state assemblies, pre-lunch walkouts by opposition members have become a regular affair. Arguments for, include attracting media attention and creating public awareness about social and economic issues, where immediate legislative/government action is considered necessary. Strangely enough, media reports indicate blackout of select happenings in Kerala Assembly today. As a short-term solution the following measures can be considered : 1) Work out and arrive at an all party consensus on minimum active working hours during a week when legislative bodies are in session. 2) Compulsorily allocate first or second half of the day for scheduled business including question hour during which time members will not indulge in interruption leading to disruption of official proceedings. 3) Still if proceedings sometimes get disrupted, make up by extending the day's session or working on holidays without extra compensation. The suggestions are only indicative. Details may have to be worked out based on consensus. M G WARRIER Mumbai B Mythology Story Time with Vathsala Jayaraman Duryodhana's Promise to Arjuna Long before, when Pandavas were living in the forest, after losing in Dice game, Duryodhana once came to the forest to flaunt his material opulence in contrast with the Pandavas who were living in exile due to his wicked usurption of their kingdom, thus displaying his venom and hubris. He placed his camp on the opposite side of a pond where the Pandavas used to stay. Continued at H C Collage Books https://centerforfiction.org/book-recs/five-books-on-the-mixed-blessings-of-nostalgia/ Five Books on the Mixed Blessings of Nostalgia D Collage Obit : Chovallur Krishnankutty (86) passed away in Thrissur on June 26, 2022 Media Reports : Mathrubhumi June 27, 2022 Chowalloor Krishnankutty was renowned in the roles of devotional songwriter, screenwriter, and critic. He had penned screenplays for the Malayalam movies, including 'Sreeragam', 'Prabhatasandhya', and 'Chaithanyam'. The dialogues of the movie 'Sargam' was written by Chowalloor. He had won the Kerala state award for Best Song in drama and also the Kerala Sahitya Akademi award for Humour. Chowalloor is survived by his wife Thrissilery Variyath Saraswathi and children Usha and Unnikrishnan. The funeral rituals were held at his residential premises on Monday evening. Interview: https://www.mathrubhumi.com/literature/interviews/writer-chowalloor-krishnankutty-interview-1.5995514 E COVID, Kovida & Sanskrit https://www.wisdomlib.org/definition/kovida By accidental coincidence the current pandemic was named popularly as COVID. Yesterday my cousin sister Bhama Warrier (Thrissur) who gives discourses on spiritual matters, casually asked me : "Do you know the meaning of the Sanskrit word "KOVIDA"" I said : "Talented, perhaps..." Our discussion ended up in my search for the above link! Kovida (कोविद) refers to “one who is learned" COVID is super-intelligent (crooked), really Kovida (कोविद) ! About Sanskrit Language : Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). Closely allied with Prakrit and Pali, Sanskrit is more exhaustive in both grammar and terms and has the most extensive collection of literature in the world, greatly surpassing its sister-languages Greek and Latin. F Facts about Nostalgia https://listverse.com/2019/06/05/10-astounding-facts-about-nostalgia/ Most people would consider nostalgia to be a connection with good memories of the past. However, it is clear that nostalgia has little to do with memories themselves. The feeling of nostalgia is actually related to emotional states, not memories. G Quotes on Nostalgia https://www.yourfates.com/nostalgia-quotes/ Like : “Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” – Dr. Seuss Theodor Seuss Geisel was an American children's author, political cartoonist, illustrator, poet, animator, and filmmaker. He is known for his work writing and illustrating more than 60 books under the pen name Dr Seuss H Continued from B Once, while he was taking bath in that pond, the heavenly princes, named Gandharvas, came to take a bath. Duryodhana could not tolerate this; he had a fight in which the Gandharvas captured him. On the request of Yudhisthir, Arjuna saved Duryodhana and set him free. Duryodhana was ashamed, but being a kshatriya, he asked Arjuna what benediction or boon he would like. Arjuna replied that he would ask for the boon later when he needed it later in the Mahbharata war. As the Kauravas were losing the battle, Duryodhana approached Bhishma one night and accused him of not fighting the battle to his full strength because of his affection for the Pandavas. Bhishma, greatly angered, immediately picked up five golden arrows and chanted mantras declaring, "Tomorrow I will kill the Pandavas with these five golden arrows." Duryodhana, not having faith in Bhishma's words, asked Bhishma to give him custody of the five imbued golden arrows saying that he would keep them with him and return them the next morning. It was during that night that Krishna reminded Arjuna of his unsatisfied boon and told him to go to Duryodhana and ask for the five golden arrows. When Arjuna came and asked for the five golden imbued arrows, Duryodhana was shocked, but knowing full well his honour and duty as a kshatriya declared, "I will give you the five golden arrows. But can you please tell me who told you the five golden imbued arrows existed in the first place?" Arjuna replied with a smile, "Who else other than Shri Krishna could have advised me?" Afterwards, Duryodhana honourably kept his word and gave the five golden arrows imbued with a lifetime of austerity and power by Bhishma. Later, Duryodhana broke his customary manner and conceded to himself privately, "All of the rishis say Krishna is the Supreme God, maybe they are right." Being shocked and convinced by Arjuna's knowledge of the very existence of the five golden arrows, Duryodhana secretly got on his knees and said a quick prayer to Krishna. Duryothana went back to Bhishma and asked for another five arrows after describing what had happened. An amused Bhishma told him that he had used all his life long merit in those five arrows and hence could not enchant another batch. Thus Duryothana lost his best chance of winning the war. Thanks to Lord Krishna for adding a positive score to Duryothan's characterisation. Vathsala Jayaraman


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