Warrier's Collage on Thursday June 23, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Thursday June 23, 2022 Three Tips 🙏 https://youtu.be/QVoTr7j-wxE (Link Courtesy : Kiran Warrier Mumbai ) Good Morning Nice Day M G Warrier A Messages/Responses 1) R Jayakumar Just days ago Shri Warrier had mentioned that Nallasivan is a person who will never fail to keep up his promise, and he expects a biography of Govinda coming out soon from Nallasivan even before he himself completed his autobiography which he has already begun to write. Nallasivan seems to be in a hurry. He chose to complete first his own biography* albeit in a very condensed version. Of late mails from some friends are on unpleasant topics and I have marked them spam so that they don't appear in the Inbox in the morning. *Reference is to the write-up by S Nallasivan at D/H1 Continued at H2 B Current Affairs 1) Draupadi Murmu : NDA's Presidential Candidate https://m.economictimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/what-made-bjp-pick-draupadi-murmu-as-its-choice-for-the-president-of-india/articleshow/92373903.cms 2) Book Release Without Reserve* April -June, 2022, Page 99 : "Restoring Trust in Governance" by Shri M G Warrier was formally released by Shri Thomas Mathew, RD, Thiruvananthapuram at a meeting of the RBI Retirees Association on April 2, 2022. *J Santhanakrishnan shared soft copy of the latest issue of Without Reserve yesterday 🙏-Warrier C Anecdote from T N Seshan's Life* A TRUE INCIDENT During the course of a Management Seminar, Mr T N Seshan, former Chief Election Commissioner, shared an incident he had while travelling in Uttar Pradesh, with his wife. As they were travelling by road, they saw large mango trees filled with sparrow nests. Seshan's wife decided to carry two nests to their home. The police escort called a young boy who was grazing animals and asked him to bring down two nests and offered to pay him Ten Rupees. The boy refused as Seshan raised the offer to Rupees Fifty/Hundred. The boy refused & told Seshan and his wife,“Sahib, I will not do it for whatever you will give. Inside these nests are baby sparrows. If I give those nests to you, in the evening, when the mother sparrow returns with food for the babies and does not find them there, she will cry. I do not have the heart to see that.” Seshan and his wife were taken aback and felt small. Seshan later recounted that his position and the IAS label melted away in front of that little boy. He stood in front of the young boy feeling as small as a mustard seed. He added that after returning home, this incident continued to haunt him with guilt/shame for several days. Education, Position or Social status is never a yardstick for the measure of Humanity. There is nothing greater than Love. Let's not forget that knowledge is to know; love and understand the beauty of nature. We don't achieve anything by gathering a lot of knowledge as long as that knowledge does not get transformed into wisdom. And wisdom is useless as long as we don't apply it with love in our daily life. *Shared by Franklin Misquith D Life : Nostalgia Nallasivan remembering Nalla Days Good thing, exchange of greetings on Father's day is well behind us. Now for a change and make our discussions more lively, can we talk about ones father. In our friend's Group, we have been discussing many things, but only a handful discuss about their family in detail. If my memory holds, I am sure S/Shri PPR, M G Warrier, R Jayakumar and of course Vathsala Jayaraman, from time to time brought their parents to make their mails more intimate and closer to the heart. Now I throw open the topic for discussion. Continued at H1 E Faith Dr Charan Singh https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1539324086794350594?s=20&t=gPrY0YfiSw463_z0bPFI6g Unity in Diversity - 290 माइआ मोहि विसारिआ जगत पिता प्रतिपालि बाझहु गुरू अचेतु है सभ बधी जमकालि नानक गुरमति उबरे सचा नामु समालि In love for Maya, forgotten father & sustainer of world Without Guru, unaware, in clutches of Yama Guru: Meditate to get saved Guru Amardass, 30, SGGS F Leisure https://www.jokebuddha.com/Mahabharat In a remote village of India one Masterji is teaching the Mahabharat Katha to a class. He is at the' Krishnajanma' part of it. Masterji : to bachcho, so kamsa heard the akashwani that his sister's 8th child is goin to kill him. he was furious. he ordered to put Vasudev and Devki behind the bars. First son is born, and kamsa kills him by poisoning sencond one is born and kamsa thorws him off the mountain peak third one is born.. Now Ramu who is smartest puts up his hand. Masterji (sounding nervous and confused) : Ramu bete, whole india does not have doubt in Mahabharata and how come u have one? Ramu Beta : Masterji, if Kamsa knew that Devaki's 8th child was going to kill him, why the hell did he put Vasudev and Devaki in the same cell?? G Quotes from Bhagavad-Gita Karma Yoga https://blisscredo.com/karma-in-bhagavad-gita-karma-yoga-meaning-top-quotes/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw2MWVBhCQARIsAIjbwoPBz-qwiv-cw7bSmv6TYde9vVCLI7G_t6Cc_P3SGXHr6o26VT1FkDAaAoCKEALw_wcB Like : Karma Yoga in the Bhagavad Gita does not advocate being foolhardy or leaping before looking. Instead, it simply advises us to resolutely plunge into action after an appropriate consideration of the pros and cons. H 1) Continued from D My father was a righteous, honest, kind, compassionate and a man of courage. His only regret in life had been loss of pate full of lush hair and turned bald at very young age that he mourned equally if not more than the death of his mother when he was very young. He was the youngest son in a family of three elder brothers and a Sister. His eldest brother could be, and indeed was a father figure, 20 years older to him. Not only the elders in the family, even the younger, the next generation children looked upon for his advice and support during times of crisis. When his sister was widowed with two grown up daughters and a son, other brothers turned a Nelson's eye, to her plight, it was my father who stood by her and supported her. He married the elder daughter and got his brother-in-law a job. He disposed off the only property inherited by him to see the younger daughter of his sister given in marriage into a prosperous family. He was a brave man and never gave in and succumbed during his life full of Challenges and struggle. He was a loving and devoted husband and I never saw him quarreling with my mother, respected and consulted her even on matters not necessarily confined to family. Yes! He had four children, two daughters, the eldest named after his family deity Kalyani, and the youngest Saraswathi, the darling of the family. Sandwiched between the two, were two sons. Though separated by a year, many assumed they were twins. Whereas the elder one seemed to have inherited my father's virtues, accommodating and good at studies, the younger one, in contrast was insensitive, thick skinned, gluttony and it was a poor consolation that he never failed in any class. He was fondly named after his (my father's) father, Nallasivan. While placing all his future dreams on the elder, unwittingly detested the younger one, for obvious reasons and had he appeared before the father he would slap him first before asking him what he really wanted. Though insensitive and thick skinned, it had gone deep in the young boy's psyche that made a permanent scar in his mind and made him squirm, falter displaying strange body language the very tenor of speech weak and feeble, whenever had to face his father. This remained unchanged until my father passed away. The cruel fate had to unfold a different script and my father was shattered man and many came to believe that he would not recover from the worst loss he had to suffer. The elder son during his summer vacation had had an attack of incurable chronic Anemia and succumbed to it and could not make it to the School when it reopened on One fateful 3rd June. My father in the midst of serious emotional crisis tried and succeeded and overcame it and all he had to do was a wholesale transfer of the undying love admiration and affection to me, the wayward lad. Things made me wiser and responsible and responsive and I turned out to be an altogether improved version, though a poor substitute to my elder brother. When my SSLC Public Examination results came with me securing very high, it was a surprise. Nay, shock to many among our dear and near ones Our small town, thanks to poverty and hands to mouth existence, enroll an earning member right after leaving School and College education never appealed as an alternative option. But my father was a different and determined man and proclaimed that his son would not only attend college, he would become the first ever graduate in the family. When everybody ridiculed him, made fun of him as the fool of the first order, he never even winced as he had the whole hearted support of my mother and the family in a mood to sacrifice. My father was getting a salary of Rs.150 with an additional cross on his shoulders, loan repayment Commitments, availed of during the marriage of his elder daughter. College Education in those days was dove tailed to huge expenditure on Hostel. Still my father saw to it, I did not feel the strain of College Degree course. As if he had a magic wand at his disposal, even arranged for all expensive Text Books Unbidden. Having a full understanding and conscious of the huge sacrifice of the family I too made myself a model student. Had earned distinctions in Science and Mathematics and an A+ in Commerce to match up to my father's dream of a Degree in Commerce. I could make it with a well deserving appreciation from the College by sanction of a Merit Scholarship, unusual for a poor non-reserved category student. The Hostel Warden had to call me in admiration to inquire as to how I had managed with the barest minimum mess bill without even an extra coupon for a rare cup of evening tea. I had chosen Khadi Shirt and Dhoti for my attire, not out of any Gandhian Principle, but they were the cheapest. I had no foot wear and that was long way away when I had to appear for my first interview in a British Managed Textile Mills. Then of course the family had become comfortable with an earning member in the RBI. My father started to breathe easy as the first three year income from the RBI saw his younger daughter happily entering into matrimony. I had brought my parents to Madras to stay with me to offer comforts and basic facilities denied to them all their life. This comforts and easy life brought a change in the attitude and approach of my father in his dealings with me. He, it would appear apprehended that I would easily forget the sacrifices made by them and desired to have me under tight leash with little maneuvering to handle family finance and became the defacto Head of the family especially in matters relating to Finance. Even after the arrival of the time for me to join in matrimony and to have a family of my own, with a only child, my father still wanted to have his own writ to prevail. These type of unpleasant, avoidable and frequent skirmishes, last unbroken for 11 long years. The stick wielded by my father always carried the age old sacrificial carrot at the end, an emotional blackmail from which one could not easily escape and free himself out. A time had arrived when my parents had to leave for the native town. My father was a thoroughly distraught man carrying a feeling of badly let down and utterly insecure. It was a burden imposed upon me to keep the unwritten promises to keep him in good humour and of course well provided for and protected. I was as good as my word, a guarantee clause ingrained in the currency note, and indeed made him at home, in his own house. I availed of the Bank Housing Loan and constructed a fascinating, small cottage though with adequate space, ample opportunities to make life purposeful and meaningful with a Garden of their own. My father was happy and contended for a few years as both his daughters were there around to offer some more comfort and they were in a very strong financial position secured by their long term secure investment made decades back, the son. But this did not last long and my father always desired to check whether I was still under his spell, would send urgent summons to come for a immediate visit unmindful of my personal and family convenience and Office engagements. Though I could convincingly prove that I was the same old College lad son, and ready to bid his callings then and there, he could not get rid of the psychological shackle within which he entangled himself. This too did not work and he became mentally disturbed and became a recluse, and started gradually withdrawing himself. He refused to step out of the house and he confined his interaction with his daughters and wife and shun everybody else. I understood the strange and unique malady afflicting my father and took a transfer to Trivandrum and was readily available on demand, at short notice, as my house was away just three and half hours bus ride across the Western Ghats. My father did not suffer from any physical or age related ailments like BP/Sugar. But he succumbed to the worst malady, an unwanted, nonexistent sense of insecurity and undesirable paranoia. There was only one cure for that! Yes I should have taken retirement from service and stayed with him. Alas the Bank came out with a Scheme only in 2004 and my father I believe and sincerely fear, that he passed away in 2000, as a disturbed and dissatisfied man. S Nallasivan 2) Continued from A1 But many pleasant mails from friends including my own mails to the group too often land in the spam folder. Yesterday when I found time to see the spam folder I found a mail on the subject My Father and it was from Nallasivan whose mails are on my liked list. Without going through the mail I first transferred it quickly to the Inbox and opened to read the contents. First I thought it should be his response to some Father's Day message from Mr Badri or Madam Vathsala. But it turned out to be a mini autobiography of Mr NS himself. As I went through each line of his life story, many times repeating from top to keep myself well connected, I was beginning to feel that the story fitted more or less the same for me. I am expert in doing two jobs together at one time, at least in one respect that is watching a movie on the TV and reading and replying mails on the smart phone. But this time I failed. Though the TV screen was running a Mohanlal's movie (Grandmaster) I totally ignored it and concentrated on how to respond to Nallasivan's life story My Father. Both Nallasivan and I seem to be of similar nature and brought up in similar family conditions. May be it is because we both belong to the same culture and same soil, belonging to the inimitable Tinnevelli wallas. The story is the same because I was born with two brothers and three sisters and it was nothing but struggles through out life for my father to educate, to get jobs and to get married all six of them one after the other. If one was put in municipal school another went to convent school. If one did night college with day time job another went to regular college. If one went to work in a factory another worked in an office. If one got married in a well-to-do family another married a spouse from a little known family. I can only mention how my father carefully and patiently looked for a marriage alliance in my case. The negotiation went for a long time because the girl was working in a bank and her parents did not want to lose income by marrying of the daughter early. My daddy agreed to wait for two long years by which time the girl could save her salary and give to her parents to meet her marriage expenses. With his son having RBI job my father could have extracted a larger dowry amount from a village girl. But he settled for a token amount because he was getting a daughter in law born and brought up in Bombay. At that time my income was very important for the family as there were two sisters and a brother after me to settle in life. Our accommodation was a single room plus kitchen with an open balcony, MHB room. When marriage was fixed I asked my father where I would sleep after marriage. He suggested to have the balcony enclosed and make it a tiny bedroom. What if the daughter in law didn't like the joint family arrangement in a dingy house, he gracefully said 'you are free to rent another room and stay separately'. It is another story that we lived in the balcony bed room for two years and our first daughter was also born within that. It was God's hand that immediately after the child was born my wife became eligible for housing loan and within a year we all shifted to a flat in Kandivali from where all my three siblings were married off within a period of two years (two were already married). By the way, until this Sunday I never felt any importance for Father's Day. (There is a day celebrated as Parents' Day in our religious calendar which is given more importance). But this Sunday when the world was celebrating Father's Day my son came to my house in the early morning and wished me for Father's Day and as previously arranged, he took us in his car to Pune to my daughter's house where my daughter and granddaughters all wished me for Father's Day with chocolate cake, and in the evening when we were returning to Mumbai, on the way my other daughter from States called me to wish me for Father's Day. I felt first time it was truly a Father's Day. Thank you Nallasivan. R Jayakumar


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