Warrier's Collage on Friday August 5, 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Friday August 5, 2022 1) A Motivation speech in Malayalam by Divya S Iyer (uploaded @ YouTube 4 years ago) https://youtu.be/OU_9viPXXm0 (Posted online comments. Know more about Divya S Iyer : https://www.parentcircle.com/interview-with-dr-divya-iyer-district-collector-of-keralas-pathanamthitta-district/article) 2) Home-made Aircraft https://youtu.be/-aaDEDDqyR8 उपोद्घातम्(Upodghatham) Good Morning 🌄 A reader asked me why Collage is giving more prominence to certain individuals. There's no such priorities for Collage. It just happens. Like Divya S Iyer occupying more space today. But for Chittanandam's message yesterday morning(See A1) I would not have come to know this much about her. Collage believes in : https://vedapurana.org/single.php?s=519&secure&word=Aano+bhadra+krtavo+yantu+vishwatah Aano bhadra krtavo yantu vishwatah आ नो भद्राः क्रतवो यन्तु विश्वतः āno bhadra krtavo yantu vishwatah 'Aano bhadra krtavo yantu vishwatah' (meaning : Let noble thoughts come to me from all directions). Nice Day M G Warrier Thought* of the Day "Success will never lower it's standard to accommodate us. We have to raise our standard to achieve it. For every bird God provides Food, but not in the Nest." *Shared by V Rangarajan A Messages/Responses 1) V R Chittanandam Chennai When I read about Divya S Iyer, the Collector of Pathanamthitta District, I recalled a video that I came across sometime ago. She had gone to Sabarimala to oversee the facilities available to pilgrims and she had perchance met the Tamil Iyappa Singer, Veeramani. On seeing the Collector the singer started singing a famous Tamil song on Iyappa. The Collector also joined him in singing. The Collector had lived for five years in Vellore, Tamilnadu studying Medicine at Christian Medical College there. Chittanandam 👇 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOds1rH6uRA (Collage adds : https://youtu.be/kSnpxg87KBM) 2) Vivek Amin Nagpur Bank should advise to our Inspectors to add a paragraph on Unclaimed deposits in a branch compulsory. However when I was in DBS I never forgot to add a paragraph on deposits held in cases of death of account holder. I recollect some time around 1994 or so DGBA created a Cell to wipe out Sundry/Suspense entries in Bank and achieved great success. B Current Affairs Regulating Freebies : Supreme Court moved https://wap.business-standard.com/article/current-affairs/sc-wants-political-parties-to-suggest-how-to-regulate-freebie-culture-122080300717_1.html Solicitor General Tushar Mehta, appearing for the government, said, “Populist schemes distort the decision-making of voters. This is the way we are heading towards an economic disaster,” he said. Media Response : M G Warrier August 4, 2022 Learning from the temple* This refers to the report "Soon, that famous Tirumala laddu will be fully organic" (August 4). The Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD) in recent years has been playing a proactive role in economic development by becoming a model in using the platform of faith to spread the message of using resources for creating facilities for social and economic growth. The sweet message now being sent out through fully organic laddu by involving a network of thousands of SHGs will go a long way in creating awareness about organic farming and the benefits of organised ventures in production and marketing. TTD model in resources management and participation in developmental activities is worth emulating by similarly placed institutions across the country. M G Warrier Mumbai *Published in The Hindu Business Line on August 5, 2022 C Babusenan's Column Mahakavi Edasseri A kind-hearted Malayalee in Penang was making arrangements to save an young man from utter penury by taking him along with him, but he died midway and the plan fizzled out. He did not know that he was in a way making a very valuable contribution to the literature of his own land. Had his plan succeeded, there was every likelihood that we would have lost a major Malayalam poet. I am referring to Edasseri Govindan Nair who wrote the long narrative poem Poothappat(Song on the Pootham) Continued at H1 D Random Musings : F R Misquith Random Musings When we leave all our cares behind, Peace and calmness will fill our mind. Tis only when our mind is at peace, We will not fall apart and be apiece. We tread the wrong path in our search for happiness, If we're one with humanity it'll turn into Heavenly Bliss. There is nothing more we need to do than this, Just give your friends a very warm hug and a kiss. Each morn starts with some fireworks, We're treated little better than jerks, And receive nothing by way of perks, We have no clue as to what else lurks. Daily I shoot out a prayer from within, As I'm not blessed with a thick skin, It is even thinner than a big fish's fin, Sometimes all about is filled with a din. It's time to scoot with the garbage bin, What has to be done, I do with a grin, Or I'll be guilty of committing a big sin, Then into hell fire I shall be thrown in. As we become older, One should act bolder, Not lie supine like a boulder, Lest in our heart ill will smoulder. 'Tis good if we have one close friend, Who'll stand by us till the very end, Who'll fuss over us, tend and mend And every year a pretty greeting send. On us others always make an impression, This should not lead us into depression, But raise our being to a high elevation, It'll bring about a feeling of jubilation. ‘Tis said 'just a fleeting glance', Can lead to a new romance, Our eyes may pierce the other like a lance, But the fire that's lit shouldn't go askance. F R Misquith, PS My poems are yet to see the light of day. I must turn the same into pdf format. Posting on F B does not work. I have the same in doc form thanks to a few good kind hearted souls. We are yet to overwhelm the Covid-19 virus. Now we have Monkey Pox to contend with. Wars are raging around the world. There are wildfires to be extinguished. Flooded have also resulted in loss of lives, homes etc. Be are behaving like asse's when it comes to dealing with the issue of greenhouse gasses. So we are saddled with the issue of Climate Change, mankind may soon have to face the consequences of it's folly. Some countries are facing scorching temperatures, and this is resulting in heatstroke. Sandstorms are yet another issue, you cannot block the same with some toilet tissue. I could go on and on, but it is time to stop blowing my horn. E Faith Dr Charan Singh https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1554915379469635584?s=20&t=1qTBnEU4cdnp0rqxdl0Ytg Unity in Diversity - 333 जह जह देखा तह तह सुआमी तू घटि घटि रविआ अंतरजामी गुरि पूरै हरि नालि दिखालिआ हउ सतिगुर विटहु सद वारिआ जीउ God is everywhere You are within each heart Always thankful to Perfect Guru who showed me that God is with/within me Guru Ramdas, Majh, 96, SGGS F Vathsala Jayaraman's Column Space Study : I : Necessity of Space Study Year by year, humanity's situation on Earth becomes more precarious. With climate change, economic insecurity, and viral pandemics stressing the world's resources, why spend all this money on space? It's easy to see why this argument comes up: there are big problems to solve here on Earth, and going to space is expensive. This oversimplification ignores the nature of humanity, the drive that has made us the dominant species on Earth. If we want to stay that way, space exploration is vital. Here are five reasons why we belong up there. Continued at H2 G Quotes on motivation speech https://www.thoughtco.com/inspirational-quotes-for-student-speeches-6794 H 1) Continued from C Edasseri was born in1906 in a matrilineal family in Kuttippuram, that reached the nadir of decay, and his father died when he was only15. He was compelled to stop school education at the 8th standard and leave for distant Alappuzha as assistant to a lawyer. While there, he somehow scraped enough money to buy a blanket for his poor mother. With someone's help, the blanket reached Kuttippuram, but the old lady died before it reached her sick-bed. That was shocking news to the boy who later mentioned it in a poem captioned 'King Bimbisara's Shepherd' in the collection of poems called 'Kaavile Pattu' Here are the relevant lines : I too had a mother When a king bought me, a slave, She was given a price, a few coins She tied them to my apron-strings And left bare handed I bought a blanket later To protect her from cold Alas! When I came with the gift at last She had gone for eternal rest Under the cover of a thick earthen blanket. (Courtesy : Smt M Leelavathi, eminent critic) Tne hope of going abroad for a living having been frustrated, Edasseri settled down in the costal town of Ponnani as an advocate's assistant and remained there, much loved by the local people and, in return, contributing to their cultural efforts. He had started writing poems at the age of twelve. Of the poetic trio, Kumaran Asan died in a boat accident when Edasseri was hardly 18. Changampuzha took the entire Kerala by storm with his pastoral elegy 'Ramanan' when he was 30. These two were romantic poets. Of the other two prominent romantic poets, namely G Sankara Kurup(affectionately called 'G' and the first recipient of the Jnanapeet award) and P Kunjiraman Nair(affectionately called 'P') the former was only 5 years and the latter only an year older than Edasseri, but he refused to be drawn into the vortex of romanticism. His own harsh life and harsher lives of others, whom he knew closely, must have compelled him to remain firmly on terra firma. He did not claim, at any time of his poetic life ,that he visited any world other than where he lived. He was a Gandhian but that did not prevent him from poetically responding to the problems faced by farmers and labourers with a revolutionary zeal. Take, for example, the poem 'Putthan Kalavum Arivaalum' (The New Pot and the Sickle) published in 1951.The poor farmer hoped that his suffering would end when the time came to reap the corn. But when he reached the field with his labourers, he was aghast to find that an official deputed by the court was supervising the harvesting. Unlike the helpless tenant in Changampuzha's poem 'Vaazhakkula'(The Banana Bunch published in 1937) the farmer reacted violently. The poem ends with the message: Adhikaaram koyyanam aadyam naam Athinu melaakatte ponnaaryan. (Let us first remove the unjust authority with the sickle and then think about harvesting the Aryan paddy.) The new rice pot refers to the practice of cooking the first dehusked paddy in a new pot. In the same genre, appeared the poem' Panimudakkam'( Strike) which reminds us of John Galsworthy's famous play 'Strife'. The comparison, however, ends with the terrible suffering the families had to endure on account of the prolonged factory strike. Poor Raman , an ordinary worker in a cotton mill, bears no comparison to the strong willed labour leader in Galsworthy's drama. Starvation took a big toll and Raman had to sacrifice all his ten children. Yet he did not flinch. The poetic narration of the suffering will bring tears to anyone's eyes. The message is: Kuzhivetti mooduka vedanakal Kuthikolka sakthiyilekku nammal (Burying our private sorrows deep in the soil, let us leap forward to a position of strength.) In a comparatively low key is the poem 'Kudiyirakkal'(Eviction) which was rampant in those days. The following lines echo the sentiment of those who were evicted by the landlords: Priyatharam njangalkkaa Purayidam swargavum Pakaram kodukkaam Athinnuvendi. (That property wherefrom we were evicted is so dear to us that we are ready to exchange even heaven for it) Then came the long narrative poem' Poothappaattu'( Song on the Pootham) that made Edasseri one of the all-time great in Malayalam literature. He was 45 at that time. One thing needs to be specially remembered in this context. Though, as a boy, the poet suffered from poverty, he enjoyed a lot of affection. He was the pet of his elder sisters who were good story tellers. In fact, the poem is conceived as if narrated by one of his sisters. He wanted to place motherly love above everything. He wanted to tell his readers that the magic wand of mother's love is capable of transforming an Yakshi's ferocity to gentleness. We have already discussed the poem in some detail. Edasseri wrote a large number of poems(over300) all of which have a social content, including those having a puranic theme. He wrote some plays too of which the most well-known is Koottu Krishi(Co-operative Farming) The owner of the farm and his two tenants(one an OBC man and the other a muslim) cultivated the farm on a cooperative basis and produced very much more than what one, single- handed, would have produced. When the question of dividing the profit arose, the owner of the farm insisted that it should be on an equal basis and it should be like that in future. The play was an instant success. Our major poets, including the Trio, had a tendency towards using Sanskrit words. For instance, here is one stanza from Asan's 'Chintaavishtayaaya Sita(Sita Engrossed in Thought) : Susitaambaranaayi vriddhanaay Bisineethanthumareechikesanay Lasithasmithanaaya chandrikaa Bhasitasnaatha mrigaanka kaithozhaam (Please note the Malayalam words are 'aay' and the last one.) The later romantic Changampuzha wrote in his poem 'Manaswini' : Neelaaranya nichola niveshtitha Neehaaraardra mahaadrikalil (The ending only is Malayalam) This occasional proclivity towards Sanskrit does not, in any way, cast a shadow on their greatness as Malayalam poets, but it has to be said to the credit of Edasseri that, though he learned Sanskrit from the great scholar-cum-critic Kuttikrishna Marar, he never did yield to the temptation of using it. In this, if I am not wrong, he was unique. The medium of his poetry is simple, spoken Malayalam with a Valluvanaadan slant. Only the muse of poetry and drama smiled at Edasseri Govindan Nair, not the muse of riches. He did not seem to bother much about the latter's indifference towards him. The Dame Fate was, however, very kind. She bestowed on him the rare luck of'anaayaasena maranam'. The great poet passed away in1974, on the brink of 69. 2) Continued from F New Technologies and Research Humans did not evolve to go into space, but we go there anyway. That has led to the development of various technologies that feed back into the economy and improve our lives on Earth. Without space programs, we wouldn’t have GPS, accurate weather prediction, solar cells, or the ultraviolet filters in sunglasses and cameras. There’s also medical research happening in space right now that could cure diseases and prolong human lives, and these experiments can’t be done on Earth. Space exploration could save your life. Asteroids Don’t Care About Us Speaking of saving lives, space exploration could save all our lives. The solar system has calmed down a lot since the early eons, but there are still an unknown number of big asteroids and comets out there that could smack into the planet and make the COVID-19 pandemic seem like a pleasant memory. It’s not a matter of if another large asteroid hits Earth, but when. A robust space program is the only hope we have of deflecting such an object. If we’re not working toward that goal, humanity already has an expiration date. NASA is currently making plans to run a spacecraft into an asteroid to test one possible method of saving Earth from such an impact. Colonization Is the Ultimate Backup Space Mining Could Save the World As the population continues its inexorable upward climb, the strain on our natural resources continues to increase. The extraction of valuable minerals has led to a host of problems, including environmental damage and human exploitation, but there’s a wealth of precious materials in space. Startups like AstroForge want to mine asteroids instead of Earth, which would mean an effectively unlimited supply of raw materials that are rare on Earth. We Are Explorers There are more practical reasons for space exploration, but one of the principal reasons we must continue is that we’re explorers. That’s why humans number in the billions — from our earliest upright steps, we’ve endeavored to learn more about the world around us, and this allowed us to build a planet-spanning civilization. Exploring space is an opportunity not only to discover new worlds and build advanced technologies, but to work together toward a larger goal irrespective of nationality, race, or gender. If we stop exploring, we stop being human. Vathsala Jayaraman


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