Warrier's Collage on Sunday August 7, 2022 : I have a dream

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Sunday August 7, 2022 उपोद्घातम्(Upodghatham) I have a dream : Martin Luther King https://youtu.be/vP4iY1TtS3s 1) A Motivation Speech By Shweta Umre Maharashtra https://youtu.be/v-w5lv-5gfY (Shared by Vivek Amin Nagpur) 2) Shweta Umre, who? https://m.timesofindia.com/city/nagpur/citys-shweta-umre-bags-1st-prize-in-national-contest/amp_articleshow/68191773.cms (The above Video uploaded 6 months ago had been viewed by 7 till August 6, 2022 morning. Thanks 🙏 Social Media addicts-Warrier) Good Morning ☀️ Happy Birthday to all readers having Birthday during the week ending Saturday August 13, 2022. Ayurarogyasaukhyam 🙏 and Best Wishes to all Nice Day M G Warrier https://photos.app.goo.gl/yozU3qbjaJuTCBFL8 Vice President elect : https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/indian-vice-president-election-2022-live-updates/article65734383.ece Vice-President election 2022 : Jagdeep Dhankhar elected Vice-President A Messages/Responses 1) C V Subbaraman Read with interest the lesson on patience from FRM. So true.Small looking incidents, but of great value and learning. A car owner-driver was continually honking behind my scooter at a signal junction in Ahmedabad. It was annoying. I asked him if he was testing his device was in order. He grew wild, got down from the car and approached me with an aggressive posture. I told him he does not need a car. He asked me, "what do you mean, and who are you to tell me that?". I smiled at him and told him that he needs a helicopter and not a car. He went away silently. BTW, patience? Can there be any person in the history of the world more patient than the current Reserve Bank pensioners? Subbaraman (Can there be any person in the history of the world more patient than the current Reserve Bank pensioners? Yes Sir People of India. Who gave a beautiful Constitution to themselves and are still sleeping peacefully without bothering about what happened. Britons don't have a hard cover Constitution to use as pill** 🙏-Warrier ) It is said that an average Briton goes to bed peacefully with the thought that the King (or the Queen) is safe in the Buckingham Palace! Do we have such a palace in New Delhi? No. Yet the present 130 odd crore of Indians sleep well (other than those afflicted with Insomnia). You are right. We all live on hopes, hopes of a better tomorrow, each night passes with such hopes. Subbaraman 2) M G Warrier Shared a link : Question & Answer with S Jaishankar https://youtu.be/HgHJP7uxc04 3) Business Manager Book Review https://www.businessmanager.in/restoring-trust-in-governance-php/ 4) Inquilab Zindabad https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/the-idealism-behind-inquilab-zindabad-indian-freedom-struggle-umar-khalid-delhi-high-court-7941740/ Inquilab Zindabad slogan will stay relevant till people continue their struggle against diverse inequalities S Thyagarajan https://www.tristandc.com/index.php 5) India wins T20 Cricket Series : Reports S Venugopal Chennai Rohit's Team India won over the Windies at Florida and clinched the series comfortably. Batting first India hit up 191 runs thanks to good knocks by Pant and others. Windies showed some fire works and the scoring rate was very fast. But unfortunately for them the fall of wickets was equally fast, Pooran the skipper blasted Axar of 3 sixes and a four but was run out in a suicidal fashion. Indian bowling and fielding were fine. Rohit led the team very brilliantly! Kudos India! B Collage Profile : Martin Luther King https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/peace/1964/king/biographical/ In 1957 he was elected president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, an organization formed to provide new leadership for the now burgeoning civil rights movement. The ideals for this organization he took from Christianity; its operational techniques from Gandhi. In the eleven-year period between 1957 and 1968, King traveled over six million miles and spoke over twenty-five hundred times, appearing wherever there was injustice, protest, and action; and meanwhile he wrote five books as well as numerous articles. In these years, he led a massive protest in Birmingham, Alabama, that caught the attention of the entire world, providing what he called a coalition of conscience. and inspiring his “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”, a manifesto of the Negro revolution; he planned the drives in Alabama for the registration of Negroes as voters; he directed the peaceful march on Washington, D.C., of 250,000 people to whom he delivered his address, “l Have a Dream”, he conferred with President John F. Kennedy and campaigned for President Lyndon B. Johnson; he was arrested upwards of twenty times and assaulted at least four times; he was awarded five honorary degrees; was named Man of the Year by Time magazine in 1963; and became not only the symbolic leader of American blacks but also a world figure. C Sunday Collage : V T Panchapagesan AGE TELLS LIFE IS TO HUMBLE US REALIZING NEGATIVE THINKING GAINING MATURITY An old lady goes to her bank and presents a cheque for Rs 1000/- to the cashier, a young girl. Cashier : Dadi ji, you should withdraw such small amounts from the ATM outside. Don't waste a cheque leaf and my time. Old lady : What's the problem with giving me Rs 1000/- cash? Cashier : Sorry Dadi ji, can't be done. You either go to the ATM, or increase the amount to be withdrawn. Old lady : Okay, I want to withdraw all money in my account, keeping a minimum mandatory balance. The cashier checks her account balance and finds it to be over Rs 80 lakhs! She says_ "We don't have that much cash in the safe right now. But if you give me a cheque for Rs 80 lakhs, we can arrange the cash tomorrow. Old lady : How much can you give me right now? Cashier : (checks the bank's cash balance) Dadi ji, I can give you Rs 10 lakhs straight away. The old lady tears off the earlier cheque of Rs 1000/-, writes a new one for Rs 10 lakhs and hands it to the cashier. While the young girl is gone to the vault to get the cash, the old lady grabs a cash deposit slip from the public shelf and fills it up. The young girl returns with the cash, meticulously counts out Rs 10 lakhs, gives it to the old lady and says_ "There you are, Dadi ji. Now you will have to carry this pile home on your own. But count your money before leaving the counter. I won't entertain any complaint later." The old lady picks out two notes of Rs 500/- from the pile, puts them in her purse and says "I trust you, beta, I don't need to count. Now, here's a cash deposit slip. Please deposit Rs 9,99,000/- into my account and give me the stamped and signed counterfoil. And yes, count the cash in my presence." Moral of the story : Don't mess with senior citizens! P.S. It does not matter how old we are or where from we come from. Kindness, Manners, Respect, Compassion will be the signs of a decent aged human being. Let us not waste energy trying to convince others but seeing in yourself. V T Panchapagesan Collage Poetry Verse for the Day By Franklin Misquith 🌹🌻🌷I am still a bit of a muff, But daily I tuck in more than one puff, I like the voice of Mary Duff, She is made of soft fluff. With others I am only occasionally rough, Life for one and all is very tough, Most of us have to huff and puff, With prayer one can withstand any stuff. Try, if possible, with other's not to be gruff, Let your voice be soft as fluff, But at times, it is better to act tough, Just to make out you are made of sterner stuff.🌹🌻🌷 Dr Charan Singh https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1555639382257782784?s=20&t=5quXul8l5AwgwSAH2L-TeQ Unity in Diversity - 335 मानस देह बहुरि नह पावै कछू उपाउ मुकति का करु रे नानक कहत गाइ करुना मै भव सागर कै पारि उतरु रे Human body not received again: Make some effort for Mukti Praise God, Lord of compassion, to cross over terrible world ocean Guru Tegh Bahadur, Gauri, 220,SGGS D Vathsala Jayaraman's Column : Space Delight : Moon Humans have been fascinated by the moon through time immemorial and it has had a huge impact on our society and culture –mythology, arts, calendar, and so on. The world of Literature has used the moon to compare so many things, especially poets who describe the beauty of a woman's face by comparing it to the full moon. Continued at H2 E Babusenan's Column A Strange Fellow It was just after the first decade of the last century. Bertrand Russell was busy preparing for a lecture, sitting in his room in the premises of Trinity College, Cambridge. A handsome young man walked into the room and straightaway started talking. He said he was an Austrian, born in Vienna as the youngest of the eight children of a rich engineer. After completing studies at Berlin Technical Institute, he was specialising in jet engines at Manchester University, as his ambition was to become an Aeronautic engineer. Russell looked at him quizzically. Why did he come to him, then? Continued at H 1 F Leisure Smile* Husband came home drunk. To avoid wife's scolding, he took a laptop & started working. Wife : Did u drink????? Husband : No! Wife : Idiot!!! then why are you typing on a suitcase?!!! ******************************* SOORYA SOORYA SOORYA DAILY BULLETIN 6 TH AUGUST 2022 കളിയും കാര്യവും ________________________ *Shared by Sudha Warrier Mumbai Bonus : Collage Tourism : Temples in Bali Indonesia https://traveltriangle.com/blog/bali-temples/ A heaven in a lake, thats what Ulun Danu truly is. Located on the western side of Beratan Lake in Bedugul, this floating temple is a famous picturesque landmark, and also a recreational place for anyone visiting Bali. Apart from its structure, the cool atmosphere and positive vibes here are perfect for rejuvenating your mind, body & soul. Amongst all the temples in Bali, Indonesia, this is one of the most serene temples. Must Witness: The temples anniversary ceremony or Piodalan, and the serene views around. Main Deity: Lord Shiva G Quotes on children https://www.shutterfly.com/ideas/children-quotes/ Like : “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. H 1) Continued from E Besides, he was talking English with some difficulty. Russell told him that he knew German and that the young man could talk in his mother tongue. But he continued in his broken English. He was actually engaged in the designing of propellers for the jet planes the mathematics of which attracted him towards the principles of mathematics. His enquiries as to who was the right man to teach him that fetched him only one name. That was Russell's. That was why he came all the way from Manchester. Would he kindly oblige? Russell liked the young man's candid nature. He told him to sit in his class. If he found the course interesting, he could join formally. Russell found that he was the only one in the lecture hall whose face always bore an expression of doubt. Because of this, his liking for the young man increased. When other lecturers were upset by his nasty habit of frequent questioning, Russell enjoyed it. (Please remember his famous saying : 'In the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.') At the end of the term, the young man approached Russell and said : "Please tell me whether, in your opinion, I am a fool. If you say 'Yes', I shall go back to aeronautics." Russell smiled and said: "When you come back after the holidays, show me an essay written by you on any subject of your choice. Then I will tell you." The young man did as he was told. After reading the opening sentence of the essay, Russell said : "Don't go back to Manchester." That young man was Ludwig Witt genstein who became a more popular philosopher than Russell. 2) Continued from D Our moon was always called “The Moon” because we did not know that other moons existed until Galileo Galilei discovered Jupiter’s moons in 1610. Size and distance of the Earth and the Moon. The moon is farther away from Earth than most people realize. The moon is an average of 384,400 kilometers away. That means 30 Earth-sized planets could fit in between Earth and the moon. Interesting facts about the moon The moon's gravity is only one sixth as that of the earth. So we will weigh six times less than our weight on earth. A 100 kg person will weigh 16.5 kg on the moon. It is the fifth largest moon in the solar system. The moon rotates on its axis and revolves around the earth at the same rate. This phenomenon is known as synchronous rotation. Due to synchronous rotation only one side of the moon is visible from Earth at all times. The side that is not visible is known as the far side. Some refer to it as the“dark side”. During a "full moon," the hemisphere of the moon we can see from Earth is fully illuminated by the sun. On a "new moon" the far side of the moon has full sunlight, and the side facing Earth experiences night. Earth's moon has a core, mantle and crust. The moon's core is 240 kilometers in radius. The innermost part of the shell is liquid iron that is about 90 kilometers thick. Covering this liquid iron is a layer of partially molten iron that is 150 km thick. The mantle extends from the top of the partially molten layer to the bottom of the moon's crust. It is most likely made of minerals that contain magnesium, iron, silicon and oxygen. The crust has a thickness of 70 kilometers on the moon's near-side (facing us) hemisphere and 150 kilometers on the far-side. It is made of oxygen,silicon, magnesium, iron, calcium and aluminum, with small amounts of titanium, uranium, thorium, potassium and hydrogen. Surface The surface of the moon is ridden with craters which are result of steady impacts from raining asteroids, meteoroids, and comets. These impacts occurred because the moon does not have an atmosphere to burn up the heavenly bodies. The moon has a very weak magnetic field. Water India's Chandraayan, and NASA's LCROSS missions have provided evidence that water exists on the Moon. How old is our moon and how was it formed. Our moon is slightly younger than our Earth about 100,000 million years maybe. While many theories exist regarding its origin the most popular and currently accepted theory is that the moon resulted when a Mars-like body (Theia) collided with young Earth. This is popularly known as the giant-impact hypothesis or the Theia impact. The resulting debris from both Earth and “Theia" coalesced to form the moon. At first the moon was hot and in molten state. Over 100 million years the surface cooled and crystallized. The lighter rocks floated upward and eventually formed the lunar crust. A Moonless Earth (Solon) Let us suppose “Theia” did not encounter Earth those billions of years ago and went on its way and no moon was formed. The moonless Earth would be known as “Solon” The tides will be about 1/3 high as a result of the pull by the Sun's gravity. However, this effect will be too negligible. The surfers would not even know that there was a sport called “surfing” When the Earth was first formed it was spinning very rapidly. Yes, the moon, with its gravitational force had slowed the Earth's spin considerably. - We would not have predictable weather. The moon keeps the Earth tilted on its axis which is the reason we have predictable weather. If not for the moon the Earth’s axis would tilt too far or not tilt at all. Our weather patterns would be much different. - We would not be safe. Our Moon is full of impact craters caused by meteorites. The Moon has been protecting us by taking the brunt of these impacts. Aha! While all the above is true none of them would matter to us. As a matter of fact – without our moon, we would not have existed at all!! Let's explore why. Multiple factors contributed to the evolution of life on Earth. 1. Earth's tilt - weather & temperature: Scientists believe that the Theia impact tilted the Earth's axis at 23.5 degrees and the gravity of the moon has helped the Earth to maintain it. It is this axis tilt that maintains optimum temperatures spread evenly throughout the Earth's sphere throughout the year. Without the axis tilt Solon would have extreme weather or no weather. Some parts would be only hot and some parts would be only cold. 2. Spin rate of the Earth : The young Earth was spinning very fast - 6-10 hours per day. This would have created hurricane force winds all the time. Therefore any animals life that were created would have adapted to facing hurricane force winds and also have a biological clock to sleep only three to four hours every day. Their bodies, and brains would have developed very differently than the species that inhabit the Earth today. 3. Meteorite impacts. Without the Moon to shield, Solon might have taken on many huge meteor strikes which could have wiped away life. 4. The most important factor were the tides. When life first began to appear on Earth, the moon was about half the distance as it is today. Therefore its tidal pull on the oceans was very strong and the waves were quite high. Also the Earth was spinning much faster. High and very strong tidal waves would pound the rocks, pulverize bits and pieces and take the nutrients back in to the ocean. This constant pulling of the ocean waves and the churning enabled primordial life to be spread across the planet. This, combined with the nutrient rich soup pools, provided the most optimum environment for the primordial life to evolve. In Solon, the only tides would be from the Sun. Today Solon would have slowed down a bit and its days might have been 8 hours long. Different species of life may have evolved from the very hot, very cold, fast spinning, erratic weather patterns, nutrition lacking seas, and confined primordial life. So, we have to thank "Theia" for our presence today and learning about it :) Vathsala Jayaraman


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