Warrier's Collage on Independence Day 2022

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Independence Day 2022 August 15, 2022 AZADI KA AMRIT MAHOTSAV https://photos.app.goo.gl/gubgsgiTMKKmJPJu7 1) Independence Day Quiz 2022 https://youtu.be/0IO6cDksaDc (Link Selection : M G Warrier) 2) Independence Day, 1957, K R High School, Purameri https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/warriersviews/independence-day-1957-at-krhs-purameri-24552/ 3) Painting By Reshmy Warrier https://www.instagram.com/p/ChM1SWBK0dI/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Good Morning 🌄 Happy Independence Day 🙏🙏🙏 M G Warrier Independence Day Poem : Franklin Misquith Verse for today. ---India's 75th Independence Day🇧🇴 Today is filled with resplendence, It is our 75th year of Independence. From Colonial Rule we set ourselves free, The Colonial powers were made to depart. The Tri Colour Flag was on high hoisted, We rid ourselves from bondage, that was foisted. Today a Special for all of us, Let's Rejoice, From 1947 on, Our free Will and Choice prevail! In all homes one can see, The National Tricolour flying high! Our Freedom came about due our freedom fighters and Armed Forces of Valour. We shall cherish this day, For many years to come. Let's one and all, Sing and Dance, With Ardour and Vigour, Beating drums. A Messages/Responses 1) Dr Prabha Ramadurai Thank you, for sharing the link “Operation Vijay" in our Collage group. I am proud to say that I am a daughter of a retired Subedar Major. After my birth I met my father first time when I was 4and1/2 years old. I still remember a man in army uniform eagerly coming towards me to hug me but I hesitated and was afraid even to look at him. My uncle who was the guardian of our family gradually made me understand our relationship. Vande Mataram. Let us pray for the safety and welfare of our Jawans. Prabha Ramadurai 2) V R Chittanandam Freebees Debate is raging the country with the SC also taking cognisance of this phenomenon. The debate is sure to become more vocal and acrimonious in times to come. But here are a few lines on the topic. On Freebees In the pre-election politics of today Freebies have their own loathsome role to play, Beyond the realms of ethics and fair play They come to spread their dirty feet of clay. Promises of freebees are made galore While some greedy voters expect for more Politicians knock at every door With promises, which they endlessly pour. Free sets of televisions and laptops, Grinders, washing machines and other sops, Free rations even beyond one’s own needs Are prices paid even as the nation bleeds. Neither the vote-beggars nor the givers, Who together make freebees-believers, Have some sense of duty or dignity But make their lives a mere frivolity. While the givers of freebees stain their hands The receivers sell their souls with more demands, Unmindful are both of the stinks they make On their character when they give and take. Oh, God, give us the wisdom and courage To say “No” when freebies lure on the stage. (C V Subbaraman, 14 08 2022) Freebies* do not just touch the government finances contrary to what is often propagated by the freebies distributors. It corrupts the mind. It eats into the solemn and sacred basic human dignity. The receivers of the freebies should think whether it is good for their character to accept freebies. Continued at H1 *See A3 for context 3) S Thyagarajan Shared an article : Revdi Culture : Freebie Vs Genuine Welfare India is in the grasp of a debate ignited by the Prime Minister over 'Revdi culture'. The Supreme Court is seized of an important issue of systemic reforms with bearing on politics and public finance : How to rein in the scenario of pre-election promises of‘freebies' to lure voters even when implementation of the promises means an unsustainable debt burden on public exchequer. Continued at H2 4) V Babusenan Thiruvananthapuram Unniyundaaya Santhosham kondudan Punyalokaaya Bhoothi kodukkayaal Aalavattam, kuda, thazha chaamaram Seshiccheelonnum Bhoopanu Govindaa (On Rama's birth,out of sheer happiness, Dasaradha gave away every thing to punyaloka(Brahmins) with the result that the entire royal court was denuded) This would mean that freebies are an ancient practice in Bharat and what we see today is old wine in new bottle. It is likely to continue as long as political parties, who contest general elections, do not care to match their actions with the promises set out in the so -called manifestos. Our voters may not be well educated, but they are wise. They prefer the tangible freebies to the intangible promises which are easily forgotten soon after the election. 5) R Jayakumar Delighted to know that your Father in law was a freedom fighter and you distinctly remember what happened on the day, the day before and after, when you went to interview your future wife. I too remember that day. We were to reach the girl's house at 4 pm but as there were no one to guide us the way we roamed on the streets for 1 hour and reached late for the interview. Communication was very slow and difficult in those days with out cell phones. My brother in law joked saying that in every house there should be a girl of marriageable age. Instead of roaming why not enter the nearest house and ask for a girl! Those days brothers-in-law had the right to insult with words and we had little right to protest. Now with 75 years of independence let us enjoy more freedom to protest. Happy Independence Day to all Collage readers. R Jayakumar, Mumbai. 6) E Madhavan Thrissur Remembered Nair-San Here's a link : https://pazhayathu.blogspot.com/2010/08/1933-indian-malayali-in-imperial-japan.html?m=1 1933 -AN INDIAN-MALAYALI -IN IMPERIAL JAPAN -A.M. NAIR-KNOWN AS NAIR-SAN; Ayappanpillai Madhavan Nair (1905 - 1990), was closely involved with Japan in the Indian independence movement. Movie in Malayalam Nair San movie in Malayalam is about the life of Ayyappan Pillai Madhavan Nair (Mohanlal) who had fought against British rule in India from Japan. This prominent figure, who is the owner of world famous Ginza Nair Restaurant* in Tokyo, is a native of Thiruvananthapuram. He arrived in Japan as an engineering student. *Know More : https://www.tripadvisor.in/Restaurant_Review-g14129573-d1660400-Reviews-Nair_s_Restaurant-Ginza_Chuo_Tokyo_Tokyo_Prefecture_Kanto.html 7) S W Fadnawis Wish you all a very happy morning on the occasion of India's 75th Independence Day. Let's laugh a little. On my appointment in the Bank at Nagpur in 1962, I was posted to Central Accounts Section. The CAS was recently shifted to Nagpur from Calcutta as Nagpur was comparatively new office and was centrally located. It was transferred with all the Victorian looking furniture and equally ancient looking Accounts Officer, Mr.B.K. Banerjee. I thought that he was going to retire in a few days although he stayed on for more years than we thought.His looks belied his age. His dress was peculiar; he always wore a loose pant and an overcoat reaching upto his knees. With his spects perched on the nose, he had a habit of looking under his glasses. In those days, CAS was a huge hall taking almost 3/4 of the 1st floor of the Bank with nearabout 200 staff members working. Mr.Banerjee's table was located at a central portion which was hidden from some staff. The A.O. was hard of hearing and needed a silence when he was speaking over telephone. As most of us have spent nearly 40 years in Bank's service, they are surely aware of the facilities available or not available then. Telephones were restricted to Departmental heads and other staff had to obtain permission to make outside calls which were required to be recorded. For very important and state priority call, trunk call was to be booked. As CAS was a very important Section dealing in Govt finances, lot of calls were required to be booked or received from Govts, Central Office etc.As I have mentioned, A O Mr Banerjee was hard of hearing and when he received trunk call, he had left strict instructions for others to observe silence till his conversation was over. On a particular day towards evening, a call was received by him and he ordered all to remain silent as it was a trunk call. There was a total silence and he started talking. Probably due to some disturbance at the other end he said loudly 'May I know who is speaking? This is Accounts Officer speaking'. The answer he got from other end 'I want to speak to Mr.Kankal' resulted in laughter so loud that it drowned the entire CAS hall. What had happened was somone from outside the Bank wanted to speak to Mr.Kankal who happened to be a very senior staff member and Mr.Banerjee misheard Kankal as trunk call. It was so hilarious. Even Mr.Banerjee enjoyed the laughter. Please don't misunderstand me for this remembrance. Inspite of all this, Mr.Banerjee was a very able administrator and managed the affairs of a sensitive dept like CAS till retirement.I don't remember that he was posted to any other dept. I am a person who lapses in nostalgia now and then.I enjoyed those funfilled days and even after 22 years of my retirement I am lost in those memories. Once again I wish you all sa very happy 75 years of Aazadi. S W Fadnavis B Collage Essay : Vathsala Jayaraman Real Freedom : From Bondage? One of the most sought after ideals in human history is 'Freedom'. Man's longing for freedom has resulted in fiercest protests, struggles, revolutions and civil war. Even today the fight continues. But what most people call 'freedom' is really a slavery. unless we know what 'freedom' is, we can't be free. We can neither avoid 'slavery' if we dont know what 'slavery' is. When August makes its august presence, very often we hear about the two words 'freedom' and 'independence'. Is it constraint free life from domination? Or is it making one free to dominate? In the same way 'independence' may mean not being dependent on any one or that we are 'in' for 'dependence'. In reality the latter seems to have some substance. To talk plainly the 'freedom ' itself is over exaggerated. At every point of life we accept restraints and support from others. Infants depend on parents for everything. A successful career and loving family are always opposite poles. Many senior citizens with children ready to support move into community living. They are independent, no doubt. But are they really free? They really place enormous pressure, stress and burden on the persons interested in their welfare. Extinct joint family system and single child norm became a reality only with a view of independence and freedom. But in reality what do we face? " Whatever overcomes a man, to that he is enslaved" is the most oft quoted saying. Addiction to modern technology of communications like WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter etc is no lesser evil to alcoholism and drug abuse. Relationship between spouse, relatives and children have almost become virtual.Longing for independence has actually resulted in total dependence on faceless people and become more prone to control. Under the wrong notion of freedom,we are tied to many unknown webs. Life can never be an impedimentless flow. But when we are paralysed with too many opportunities these constraints take away some of the choices . Essentially,'freedom'-that is free from domination relates as to how we can individually free ourselves from restraints we place on ourselves.the ever-growing lust, desires and attachments place a cap on our flowing love, puts a ceiling on our abilities and strengths. Restraints are self made and rarely created by others. We never understand the root cause of our problems. Or we tend to misinterpret.The problem is not how we are treated by others but how we feel about it. We yield to self sympathy and that is the biggest cobweb that surrounds us all. Actual freedom consists in believing that no one can dominate us without our consent and willingness we should never dominate anyone as a part of of our righteous principle. Freedom is not that is awarded but is felt inside. Liberation is never to be achieved from others but from our own inherent bad elements. Now did you realise what 'freedom' means. Vathsala Jayaraman C Cover Story Collage in Classroom : Mixed Economy Mixed economy, in economics, a market system of resource allocation, commerce, and trade in which free markets coexist with government intervention. A mixed economy may emerge when a government intervenes to disrupt free markets by introducing state-owned enterprises (such as public health or education systems), regulations, subsidies, tariffs, and tax policies. Alternatively, a mixed economy can emerge when a socialist government makes exceptions to the rule of state ownership to capture economic benefits from private ownership and free market incentives. A combination of free market principles of private contracting and socialist principles of state ownership or planning is common to all mixed economies. Historical motives In addition to taking a variety of forms, mixed economies have come about from a variety of motives and historical causes. The British Corn Laws of the early 1800s, for example, were government interventions in the free market to protect native agricultural interests by limiting imports. The laws encouraged foreign protectionist responses and resulted in higher food and labour costs at home, which in turn led to an invigorated laissez-faire and free trade movement. However, at roughly the same time, abuses of factory workers led to government intervention to reform labour conditions for women and children. D Spirituality/Faith Dr Charan Singh https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1558555689185751040?s=20&t=_I8t-4BY4wu6-agVk4XcEQ Unity in Diversity - 343 एह किनेही चाकरी जितु भउ खसम न जाइ नानक सेवकु काढीऐ जि सेती खसम समाइ What type of service is this, if fear of the Master does not depart? He alone is servant who merges with the Master (Learn to merge with God's commands) Guru Anghad, Asa, 475, SGGS E Blogs & Links Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan... https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/pm-adds-jai-anusandhan-to-jai-jawan-jai-kisan-and-jai-vigyan/article25898288.ece/amp/ Prime Minister Narendra Modi added Jai Anusandhan to former prime minister Lal Bahadur Shastri’s famous slogan of Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan and Atal Bihari Vajpayee’s Jai Vigyan. He was speaking on Future India: Science and Technology at the 106th Indian Science Congress in Jalandhar. The Prime Minister said the life and works of Indian scientists are a compelling testament of integration of deep fundamental insights with technology development and nation building. “Today’s new slogan is Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan, Jai Vigyan and Jai Anusandhan. I would like to add Jai Anusandhan to it,” he said. He further said that it was through science that India was transforming its present and working to secure its future. F Leisure https://jokojokes.com/doubting-jokes.html G Random Quotes on Economics https://www.inc.com/geoffrey-james/top-10-quotes-about-economics.html "There is one rule for the industrialist and that is : make the best quality goods possible at the lowest cost possible, paying the highest wages possible." Henry Ford H 1) Continued from A1 But today a large number of people are so greedy that they place their human dignity and honour behind and look for more freebies; and towards this end may wish even more than one election in the five year cycle! How shameful!! It is said in our legends that when King Mahaabali ruled the country, all men were equal, there was no stealth or undermeasurement cheating, and all were happy. It was very difficult for any one to get an "Athithi" (guest) to feed, before one could take a daily meal. But today, alas, the government has by its imprudent policies and misgovernance, created an army of food-beggars among the population who are unable to earn their living with dignity. But this degradation had started even during the end of Dwaapara Yuga, when Yudhishtira was ruling. This Kind boasted that he fed 10,000 athithis every day! The Lord understood this false sense of pride of this king and took him to Paataala loka where the Lord's ardent devotee, Mahaabali was on penance. On hearing from the Lord the great achievement of King Yudhishtira, Mahaabali is said to have told the Lord, "O Lord, what sin have I committed to see such a king like this, who has made more than 10,000 of his subjects beg daily for their food? During my reign, I had to wait for years to get one single Athithi!". What should we then call our present-day rulers for their false sense of pride from and boastful "pro-poor schemes"? 2) Continued from A2 What is a ‘freebie’? When it should be objected or defended? What is wrong when government taxes affluent sections of population to extend benefits to weaker sections? What is wrong when government extend sundry benefits even by borrowing money? ———————————————————Context: What is a freebie meant to lure voters and what is genuine welfare expenditure — this is a grey zone, with beneficiaries of each type unwilling to give up their benefits. Redefining the 'state': The state was once expected to carry out only basic functions, more or less: internal and external security, policing, and administration of justice. Then came the provision of public education and health and then public infrastructure to facilitate economic activities that no one else is able or willing to finance. The line becomes hazy when it comes to 'necessary public infrastructure'. Example: About 82 crore people get 5 kg wheat/rice per month at a token price of Rs 1, 2, or 3 per kg under a law enacted in 2013. They have also been getting 5 kg free cereal extra under PM-GKAY since April 2020, currently valid up to September 2022. Whether 82 crore people require it at this point is debatable. Some argue that more people deserve this benefit while others want a reduction in the current numbers. Provision of public goods is meant to benefit the general public and the community at large and nobody can be excluded from enjoying its benefits. If governments stuck to their traditional roles, there wouldn't be such a debate. But governments worldwide have expanded their role even beyond their current taxation capability and providing benefits to people from borrowed money. The government's case: In 2020-21, the central government’s tax revenue (excluding states’ share) was Rs 1,426,287 crore. Committed liabilities of interest payment was Rs 679,869 crore and pensions, Rs 208,473 crore. Expenditure on defence was Rs 340,094 crore, on police was Rs 91,610 crore, and on salaries/allowances of non-defence, non-police manpower was Rs 264,790 crore. After using all the revenues (tax and non-tax) for these essential expenditures, the centre is left with just about Rs 49,000 crore. After paying these mandatory expenses, the government resorts to borrowings for the expenses that remain. Governments don't finally repay any debt using revenues; they keep refinancing old loans by taking fresh ones. Hello to subsidies: The government's subsidy bill comes up to Rs 707,707 crore for three major ‘subsidies’ — food, fertiliser, and petroleum subsidies. The centre has schemes of subsidy/subvention or income supplementation like old-age pensions, scholarships, and income support to farmers; government paying part of health insurance or life insurance premiums, interest subsidy/subvention for loans to farmers, affordable housing, MSMEs, export credit to offset high cost of capital, and subsidies for buying electric vehicles, so on. There are cross-subsidies like the Indian Railways charging less than the actual cost of passenger transport by charging extra on freight of goods transported or charging less from students, employees, senior citizens, and freedom fighters. The centre also has a host of subsidy/incentive schemes to promote industrialisation in industrially backward states or startups. Tax concessions are a special form of subsidies where for some people, some items are taxed at a rate lesser than the standard or given various exemptions or deductions to reduce tax liability. States' participation in the subsidy-freebie debate is understandable. One of the most common provisions is concessional tariffs for power supply to poor households and farmers. High-end power consumers are charged more, so that low-end power consumers don’t pay for some units or pay less than the cost of power supplied. Under-recovery of the full cost of supply of water for irrigation or drinking is also an established subsidy. Free passes to women commuters or free-pilgrimage type of freebies or free WiFi, etc, can be categorised as freebies/subsidies. Loan waivers are another form of subsidy. Consequences of these subsidies/freebies are visible on the finances. For example, the cultivation of rice in water-scarce areas using high-power pumps to draw groundwater from the depths is an environmental disaster. Rice export is as good as water export. The power sector is the worst hit by these subsidies. The unpaid dues of power sector companies have piled up to some Rs 250,000 crore. This is more than one-third of the total value of annual electricity supply. States’ subsidy dues to power distribution companies alone are over Rs 75,000 crore. After repeated interventions to bail out cash-starved DISCOMs, the centre has moved to amend the Electricity Act 2003 to insert new DISCOMs, giving consumers choice to switch DISCOM (like switching from one telco to another telco), etc. Capital privilege: Delhi is able to fund a lot of subsidies from revenues because major expenditures, like for Delhi Police, are incurred by central ministries. All pre-1993 loans are serviced by the central government. Making it work: State government finances are reeling and need swift corrective measures. Tax to subsidise is still a preferable strategy over borrow to subsidise. The real issue is to determine who deserves government subsidies. Most can claim to be relatively poor and needy. A line must be drawn somewhere. Bottom line: Even though the Supreme Court has expressed concerns about freebies, it is not something for the courts to decide. However, the intervention can perhaps help develop political consensus around some core principles and basic criteria for state fiscal support to individuals. (Adapted from Dr Subhash Chandra Pandey's article) S THYAGARAJAN


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