Warrier's Collage on Thursday August 11, 2022 : Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Thursday August 11, 2022 Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav https://photos.app.goo.gl/gubgsgiTMKKmJPJu7 https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/herbinger/75th-independence-a-retrospective-journey-44173/ उपोद्घातम्(Upodghatham) 1) Gayatri Mantra : Recited by a Bali artist https://youtu.be/jQe7-hHnZ_I (Link Courtesy : Sitendra Kumar) Good Morning 🙏 Nice Day M G Warrier A Select Messages/Responses 1) A request : Shared by Madan Gauria, Moderator, Exrbites Group : While replying to large mails received via Group, please delete earlier mail except address line to save on space. Original mail has been already seen by the recipient. Even otherwise, it is available in their Inbox. (Please co-operate. This helps save space and time at the recipient's end also. Shared here because it's more applicable for Collage which sometimes runs into several pages and contains a lot already received in groups Thanks 🙏-Warrier) 2) S Venugopal Chennai Dear Warrier I am late in wishing you very HAPPY BIRTHDAY & also Latest in Rajini Style. Warrier's Wonder Collage is Awesome Beautiful Cheerful and Delightful🙏God Bless Govinda Warrier Family 👪and friends👭👬 and his very colourful and intellectual Collage🙏 3) R Jayakumar Yesterday was an unusual and a lucky day for Nallasivan that he could read the entire Collage and respond extensively. Unfortunately for me it was a day of outing and in a hurry I did not expect that Mr Govind Warrier's birthday would get mentioned under Leisure*. Please accept my belated wishes for a very Happy Birthday. Hats off to Mr Frank Misquith who is very cleverly inventing a special day for every day so that he can bring out his unending poems on different topics. Good wishes for his good effort. R Jayakumar, Mumbai (* Jayakumar, there's no specific convincing reason for taking Birthday to Leisure where we include jokes usually. Fear of more friends responding (See 1 above. The birthday as per records is coming later in the year. I'll be blamed for taking several births) was one reason. The YouTube link for a Birthday Speech was rejected on Facebook-Warrier) 4) Dr Charan Singh https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1557089370045235200?s=20&t=gpidi5jnt-tCxsmrHSsuKQ Unity in Diversity - 339 कहा भइओ जउ तनु भइओ छिनु छिनु प्रेमु जाइ तउ डरपै तेरो जनु So what if body is cut into tiny pieces Your devotee dreads if love for you is lost Bhagat Ravidass, Assa, 486, SGGS B Babusenan's Column : Promises to keep... The following is an excerpt from the first Independence Day message of the first Prime Minister of India : "The future beckons to us. Whither do we go and what shall be our endeavour? To bring freedom and opportunity to the common man, to the peasants and workers of India. To fight and end poverty and ignorance and disease. To build up a prosperous, democratic and progressive nation and to create social, economic and political institutions which will ensure justice and fullness of life to every man and woman. " We are completing our independent existence of three quarters of a century on coming Sunday. 75 years will be a pretty long period for an institution to celebrate it as its Platinum Jubilee(as RBI has done) but it may not be so for a nation. However, it is worthwhile for us, its citizens, to think as to where we stand vis-a-vis the above goals, depending upon our experience, big and small. As such an exercise will have political overtones, The Collage may not be an appropriate forum for it. I am acting only as a Remembrancer. (Collage is with you. The first Prime Minister ensured that the dreams were documented as a Constitution and gave it to the People. They were not as successful as the nation would have dreamt in 1947. Nehru didn't forget. While leaving he left on his table a note which read : Promises to keep* The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. *Robert Frost : https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/42891/stopping-by-woods-on-a-snowy-evening#:~ And Collage : Has been sharing the following link again and again : https://www.moneylife.in/article/how-much-of-indian-constitution-is-for-we-the-people/29687.html We'll pursue the goals given to themselves by the People of India in no uncertain terms in the Indian Constitution. The idea of asking ourselves to keep the National Flag flying wherever we are is nothing different 🙏-Warrier) C Current Affairs Media Response : M G Warrier August 10, 2022 Subsidy management* This refers to your insightful editorial "Sowing a crisis" (August 10). Our country is known for governments at all levels vying to play politics in managing distribution of public resources (read revenues raised by taxes). While governments in developed countries camouflage subsidies and "expenses on marketing" (which in some cases we call bribe) under different pet heads, we consider subsidy as a bad word which resulted in bad management of production, marketing and prices. We are yet to reconcile to the need for better management of domestic gold stock, land and agricultural production and marketing. The only silver lining is a well developed public sector, which, if skillfully managed and gainfully modernised, can meet several challenges facing crucial sectors like Space Research, Defence and Banking. M G Warrier Mumbai *Published in The Hindu Business Line on August 10, 2022 : https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/opinion/letters-to-the-editor/article65755209.ece D Vathsala Jayaraman's Column Space Delight : Jupiter A doubt* : *Received by Vathsala Jayaraman "I think Jupiter is called Guru or Viyaazhan in Tamil astrologically.We have heard of 'GuruPalan'( Good influence of Jupiter) and marriages are likely to materialise when Jupiter is in a favourable zodiac. Even in astrology they say that Jupiter takes 12 years to pass through all zodiacs, one year in each Zodiac or Rasi.To my knowlege Zodiacs have no connection with the elliptical path of the planets. Scientifically these zodiacs are stated to be many thousands of light years away compared to all the planets which are comparatively nearer.. I used to wonder how the planets which are moving around the sun in an elliptical path swerve away and occupy each zodiac for a year.( Each planet has its own period of stay in a zodiac. What will happen to their movement around the Sun ? Is it a simultaneous rotation? How is it technically possible? Astrologers on their part say that astrology is a science. But we are unable to correlate the two movements ( astronomy and astrology) even while analysing it with common sense. I Know I am totally deviating. But you seem to have analysed a lot about the planetary movements astronomically. In your considered opinion, what do you think about the maths involved about planetary movement as per astrology. If you have any idea, can you please enlighten us/ Sorry for the diversion. Hope I have made my doubts clear to you. I am not talking about predictions or faith in astrology. It is entirely a different aspect concerning human psychology in essence. I just want to know that the movements assigned to planets as per astrology can be proved scientifically. Kindly enlighten." Continued at H 1 E Collage Dream : 2027 is less than 5 years away https://openthemagazine.com/columns/the-age-of-asia/ Fast-forward to 2027. That’s when, five years from today, India’s GDP is expected to overtake Germany’s GDP (currently $4.1 trillion) and become the world’s fourth largest economy. Thus, the economic pecking order in 2027: 1) The US; 2) China; 3) Japan; 4) India. F Collage Independence Day Quiz* https://www.readersdigest.in/games/story-quiz-independence-day-special-125000 *Link Courtesy : Reader's Digest G Quotes on Mantras https://www.speakingtree.in/blog/top-5-mantra-quotes-from-scripture-and-masters “Of the many methods of yoga one of the most potent is the yoga of Gayatri Mantra. Mantras have powers to endow one with remarkable abilities. The Gayatri mantra gives the devotees spiritual as well as material benefits.” – Ramana Maharshi H 1) Continued from D Jupiter This planet has a lot of superlatives : largest, fastest, first... While it is unknown who discovered Jupiter, and while there were many other astronomers who observed the planet closely, it was Galileo who meticulously documented all his observations. The fifth planet from the Sun, Jupiter is huge, really huge. If we combine all the other planets – Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune - this mass will be less than half the matter of Jupiter. It has a radius of 69,911 km. (Earth is 6,371 km) Eleven Earths side by side will span Jupiter's diameter. If the Jupiter was a hollow ball about 1,300 Earths would fit in. Formation A long time, roughly 4.5 billion years ago, just after our Sun formed, the remaining debris gathered into planets. Jupiter ended up gathering most of the swirling gas and dust. After formation, Jupiter settled down in its orbit 5.2 astronomical units (AU) (almost 778 million km) from the Sun. Some Interesting facts It takes 43 minutes (yes, almost ¾ of an hour!) for sunlight to reach the planet. This is the first of the four outer planets (planets between our Sun and the asteroid belt are considered inner planets and those beyond the asteroid belt are the outer planets) Jupiter is made up of mostly hydrogen and helium – the same components present in our Sun. They say that had Jupiter accumulated more mass, it might have ignited to become another sun. But it would take at least 79 more "Jupiters" to crush together to ignite into a small sun (smaller than our Sun) Jupiter's interior As we plunge deep into the Jovian atmosphere, the pressure and temperature is so intense that the hydrogen atoms are squeezed together tightly compressing the gas into liquid. This has given rise to the largest ocean in the Solar system; only it is an ocean of liquid hydrogen and not water. Scientists believe that about halfway to the center, the atoms are squeezed so tight that electrons start escaping from the Hydrogen atoms making them electrically conductive like metal. This, combined with the rapid spinning of the planet has generated the planet’s huge magnetic field. Jupiter's core is extremely hot about 50,000 degrees Celsius. Scientist are not sure if the core is solid or a dense soup of iron and silicate materials. External appearance Stripes Looking at a picture of Jupiter we see stripes of clouds, swirls and a huge swirl. Scientists believe that Jupiter’s atmosphere is made up of three layers and is about 71 kilometers deep. The topmost layer where we see stripes and swirls maybe clouds of ammonia, the mid layer might be ammonium hydrosulphide, and the innermost layer could be water and ice. The stripes and bands that we see across the surface could be the result of the planet’s fast spin which separates the clouds into older denser clouds and fresh warmer clouds rising from beneath. The Great Red Spot When we think of Jupiter the first image that comes to mind is the Great Big Spot. This has been swirling for more than 300 years and is a gigantic storm twice the size of earth. Recently three more spots merged into one to form the “Little Red Spot" which is about half the size of the Great Big Spot. Scientist do not know if these storms are shallow clouds or deep rooted as pillars or funnels. The storms continue to rage for hundreds of years due to the fact that lack of a solid surface there is no friction to slow down the storms and eventually dissipate them. Rings Jupiter also has a three ring system but it is not prominent or intricate as that of Saturn's. These rings were first discovered by Voyager in 1979. Till then only Saturn was believed to have the ring system and this discovery came as a surprise. Now we know that all the four outer planets -Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus - have rings. Jupiter's ring system has three main components : a pair of very faint outer rings called the gossamer rings; a wide, flat main ring; and a thick inner ring called the halo. Magnetosphere Jupiter is surrounded by an enormous magnetic field called the magnetosphere, which has a million times the volume of Earth's magnetosphere. It is 16 to 54 times more powerful that Earth's magnetic field. It spreads to from 1-3 million kilometers towards the sun and then tapers off to a billion kilometers almost touching Saturn's orbit. The magnetosphere rotates with Jupiter which is a spinning fast. As it rotates it sweeps up charged particles and the fast rotational speed accelerates the particles to high energies. This has resulted in intense radiation which can destroy spacecraft. Charged particles are trapped in the magnetosphere and form intense radiation belts. These belts are similar to the Earth's Van Allen belts, but are millions of times more intense. Jupiter's magnetic field also causes some of the solar system's most spectacular aurorae at the planet's poles. Jan 11, Noisy Jupiter Did you know that Jupiter is also the noisiest planet in our solar system? Jupiter emits radio waves in three different wavelength bands : Centimeter – Decimeter Decameter – Potential for Life From what we have learned about Jupiter it is impossible for life, as we know it, to survive. The one possibility of life is on one of its moons, Europa. Let's take a look at Jupiter's moons. Jupiter's Moons Jupiter has 69 moons out of which 53 have been confirmed. The remaining 16 have to be approved by the IAU after confirming their orbits. Of the 53 moons, the first four and the largest, were discovered by Galileo Galilei in 1610. These are known as the Galilean satellites or Galilean moons. They are — Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. Io is the most volcanically active body in the solar system. Io's surface is covered by sulfur in different colorful forms. We already learnt that it interacts with Jupiter's magnetosphere to create strong radio signals. Io has a core, and a mantle of at least partially molten rock, topped by a crust of solid rock coated with sulfur compounds Europa. Europa's frozen crust hides beneath a liquid water ocean. Scientists believe that life may survive in the oceans of Europa as they do on Earth. While one may wonder how liquid water may be present at such a far distance from the Sun, it is believed that heat needed to keep the water liquid comes from inside the moon; similar to the ones that drives Io’s volcanes. Europa also has a core. And so does Ganymede. It is believed that Europa has twice the water as that of Earth. Here is an illustration. If All the water is taken from Earth and formed into a ball it is less than all the water taken from Europa and formed into a ball. Ganymede the largest moon in the solar system. It is even bigger than planet Mercury. This is also the only moon known to have its own internally generated magnetic field. This could be a result of convection currents in its iron core. Ganymede’s magnetosphere is buried in Jupiter's more powerful magnetosphere. Callisto. The second largest of Jupiter’s moons, it is the fourth moon based on the distance from Jupiter. It is the oldest moon and the most heavily cratered object in the solar system. Unlike the other three moons, Callisto does not exhibit any plate tectonic or volcanic activity A fun tidbit It is interesting to know that Ganymede, Europa and Io have a little game of their own. They like to play catch. Every one orbit that Ganymede makes around Jupiter, Europa makes two orbits, and Io makes four orbits. Like our moon, these four moons are tidally locked to Jupiter, which means they keep the same face towards Jupiter at all times and rotate once on their axes for every orbit around Jupiter. Vathsala Jayaraman To be continued...


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