Warrier's Collage on Sunday August 21, 2022 : Isavasyopanishad

Welcome To Warrier's COLLAGE On Sunday August 21, 2022 ISAVASYOPANISHAD https://youtu.be/dk9PiA23T6Q Good Morning 🙏 Nice Day M G Warrier A Messages/Responses 1) Vathsala Jayaraman Chennai Today's Collage is a Madras Memoir. Shri Babusenan writes eagles like to visit Chennai, a citadel of Carnatic Music. Ancient Sangam poems in Tamil contain references to Carnatic music and eagle. They have compared the flight of eagle to alapanas and eagle's shadow to kirthanas. What a comparison! If you observe the eagle, it wont fly to great heights at a stretch. After the flight of a few feet, it will rotate the eyes and search for any available prey. After a few more feet, again it will stop and analyse. While coming back, eagles think highly of their shadows and thank God. Raga alapana has an important place in carnatic music. Great Vidwans keep the Raga Bhava in their minds, start in Aadhara Shadjam,stop a little, enjoy every swara sthana in the ascent like panchamam, then proceed towards the high Shadjam. The gradual swara prasthara at every stage is very important.In the same way ,with a built in confidence, vidwans continue the Krithi soon after alapana... This self satisfaction is comparable to the eagles' thinking highly of themselves on seeing its own shadow. Among God's creations even birds guide Carnatic Musicians while they present their art form. Vathsala Jayaraman 2) C V Subbaraman Our Space programme is exciting. Way back, some time in the 1970's, State Bank of India CGM Delhi met Dr. Hazari, RBI Dy Governor in a Bankers' meet near Khanna in Punjab. A Reserve Bank team led by me was on inspection duty in the neighbourhood and so we decided to partake in the meeting. SBI CGM said with some pride that the Bank has opened the highest branch in Leh. Dr. Hazari looked enthusiastic. "What next?" he asked. I immediately said, "Banking in outerspace". The CGM did not look happy, but Dr Hazari said, "surely, but not quite soon!". This dream of mine could perhaps come true when space tourism develops. Subbaraman 3) MAF : Group Mediclaim Policy for RBI Retirees HRMD, CO on August 10, 2022 announced* the Group Mediclaim Policy (GMP) for retired members of MAFS for the period August 15, 2022 - August 14, 2023. The policy for the said period has been placed with The New India Assurance Co. Ltd. There is a change in the allocation of third-party administrators (TPAs). *Source : RBI Newsletter B Current Affairs 1) World Senior Citizens Day 2022 : S Venugopal Chennai World Senior Citizens Day August 21 today. Safety of the Senior Citizens is unfortunately not taken care of, to an optimal level yet, by our society. In the olden days there was Joint Family System and the elders were taken care of well by the youngsters. But now it has become a material world and the Seniors are not provided proper safety from different angles. In the foreign countries like UK and USA, the State takes over the responsibility of the Senior Citizens. But in India, you have to be lucky to have good children to take care of you. Elders need safety and Police should provide the same on top priority basis. Elders living alone should inform the local Police so that they can keep a constant vigil on such of those citizens. Atleast in the future days to come the Police should take it up as top priority to establish contacts with the contrlol room directly by elders in emergency. Elders also should take care to be in contact with only genuine persons and make sure that they are identified properly! Elders care should be TOP Priority now! Let's be careful not to make others take advantage of elders' loneliness. Police and neighbourhood can play a proactive role in this effort! 2) RBI Governor's Independence Day Message* : Governor's Message on the Occasion of 75 Years of Independence Dear Colleagues, We are all celebrating 75 years of our independence – Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav. I would like to extend my warm greetings to you all and your families on this historic occasion. It is an occasion marked by a sense of pride and solidarity across the length and breadth of our country. The spirit of unity in diversity that characterises our unique nation is also reflected in the rich legacy of the Reserve Bank which has played a seminal role in shaping the macroeconomic contours of our country. While we are proud of our achievements in navigating myriad challenges over years to reach where we are today, there are always new and unforeseen challenges which will come on our way. There would also be new opportunities in the road ahead. As the Central Bank of the country with comprehensive mandates and multifarious responsibilities, each of us in the Reserve Bank has an important role in fulfilling our responsibilities and meeting the emerging expectations in the journey towards realising the vision of a more resilient and dynamic India@100. On this momentous occasion, as committed public practitioners and proud citizens of our great country, let us rededicate ourselves to the service of the nation with renewed thrust and enthusiasm. Happy Independence Day. *Source : RBI Newsletter 3) MPC Minutes RBI has released minutes of August 2022 MPC Meeting. Reading between the lines, media has started speculating that RBI Base Rates may be raised by 25 to 50 basis points in the near future. https://epaper.business-standard.com/bs_new/index.php?rt=main/mainpage#4 C Heritage Wisdom Collage Think Tank : Part I Frontiers of Science WHY CAN'T SHIVA BE SPOTTED BY SATELLITE, IF HINDUS CLAIMED HIM TO BE ON KAILASH PARBAT (HIMALAYA)?* Recently in Quora (a Q&A platform), this query arose. The reply was beautifully explained by an American, F Shant, PhD from St. Louis Uni., 30+ years Practicing Practical Hindu Spirituality. Human eyes and recording equipment can't record what dogs and cats see at night. Then came infrared cameras. We realized shortcomings of our eyes. Microscope started seeing cells. Scientists went on to build bigger and bigger microscopes, electron microscopes, just realized that smallest part of independent existence, has many parts. Then came CAT scans, PET scans, MRIs, we started seeing what nobody knew existed. When scientists thought we knew everything, came dark matter. Never seen or heard of earlier, but now believed to occupy about 75% of space. Again we knew we don't know anything. AS A TRAINED SCIENTIST I CAN SHARE THE REAL SECRET OF WHY... For seeing Shiva on that mountain, we need different eyes. Once we have those, He can be seen not just on Kailash by scientists, but everywhere and anywhere, because that mountain is not the only place He is, He is everywhere. This separate set of eyes required are those of mind, those of heart, those of dedication, those of surrender. Once that comes, rest all falls into place. 🙏🏼 🙏🏼 🙏🏼 🙏🏼 🙏🏼 *Shared by A Chandramouliswaran Collage View : Perhaps F Shant tries to summarise the ancient Indian concept of Universe. Interpreted as Adwaita Philosophy by Shankaracharya http://kirtimukha.com/surfings/Upanishads/isavasyopanishad.htm See H for narration Part II Yogamaya* No one remembers the girl baby born on the same day who was interchanged with Krishna, a boy baby, to save his life. The boy's life was precious but the girl was born to sacrifice her life. Today is not only the birthday of Krishna but also of Yogamaya. It is said that Yogmaya flew off to Heavens freeing herself from the clutches of Kansa while announcing to Kansa that your killer has been born. Scriptures do not clearly mention that she too got killed like other siblings of Krishna. However more knowledgeable are requested to throw light on it. Yogmaya was also an incarnation of Shakti who came to be born along with the incarnation of Lord Vishnu to keep some old promise. When Kansa caught her by her feet and hurled her to the ground, she flew towards the heaven, saying “Kansa, your killer has already taken birth. I could have also killed you but since you caught me by my feet, I take it as your expression of humility and am pardoning you". Krishna was born in the darkness of the night, into the locked confines of a jail. However, at the moment of his birth, all the guards fell asleep, the chains were broken and the barred doors gently opened. Similarly, as soon as Krishna (Chetna, Awareness ) takes birth in our hearts, all darkness ( Negativity ) fades. All chains ( Ego, I, Me, Myself ) are broken. And all prison doors we keep ourselves in ( Caste, Religion, Profession, Relations etc ) are opened. And that is the real Message And Essence of Janmashtmi. Happy Krishna Janmashtami 🌹 *Shared by Dr T V Surendran Mananthavady D Sunday Collage : V T Panchapagesan Every one of us has some Inherent traits. Having born in this mundane world, some shines, some go unnoticed. There is Some Cue to be followed. Let us not bother about the result. Concentrate on the fight. When things continue to go wrong, let us remember : It is the time we have failed that will tell. It is not the amount of hard work we have done. But if it is done truly and well, we can proceed further without fear. It is how we rose after falling that counts. V T Panchapagesan E Spirituality Dr Charan Singh https://twitter.com/CharanSingh60/status/1560719925383032832?s=20&t=LqpDn1HxYu2sp1HZMVcJRQ Unity in Diversity - 349 पूरउ पुरखु रिदै हरि सिमरत मुखु देखत अघ जाहि परेरे जउ हरि बुधि रिधि सिधि चाहत गुरू गुरू गुरु करु मन मेरे On seeing True Guru who meditates on God, sins vanish. Oh mind, if desirous of spiritual wisdom/powers, then dwell upon Guru Bard Nalh, 1400, SGGS F 1) Collage Poetry : C V Subbaraman To Franklin Misquith on Mosquitoes To Franklin with wishes for mosquito-free life And free from any other kind of worldly strife, May life be at its ever best, and with all zest With peace and tranquillity and enjoyable rest. Franklin penned his verses on mosquitoes When they were perhaps biting on his toes For, he didn't hear their monotonous tunes Targetting his ears too with such misfortunes And hindering his rest on Morpheus' laps, He might have with success swatted them perhaps, Or else he would have added some more lines On the mosquitoes' tunes and their outlines!. 2) Paradoxes Galore* World Over Economy Paradox : 1A. If interest rate goes up : “How the poor could afford a house, car for themselves?”. 1B. If interest rate comes down: “How will elders earn interest from the bank?". 2A. If foreigners invest in our country: “They are taking away our wealth as profits/dividends”. 2B. If domestic Co. invest outside: “Our wealth shifts for the development of outsiders”. 3A. If tax rates are increased: “the Govt is robbing people”. 3B. If tax rates are lowered: “the Govt is trying to help the rich". 4A. If GDP grows: “the Govt is working primarily for the big corporates”. 4B. If GDP contracts: “there is no job creation”. 5A. If currency strengthens: “our exports get impacted”. 5B. If currency weakens: “Our import bill has gone up”. 6A. If Food prices go up: “Masses are suffering". 6B. If Food prices come down: “farmers are suffering”. 7A. If stock market comes down: “The economy is in a mess” 7B. If stock market goes up: “it’s not a true measure of economy; only corporates are being supported”. 8A. If Corporate tax rates are increased: “Govt is penalizing private enterprise". 8B. If Corporate tax rates are cut: “the Govt is only trying to boost the profitability of corporates”. So heads I win, tails you lose.. *Shared by V Rangarajan G ISAVASYOPANISHAD https://www.thehindu.com/features/friday-review/religion/isavasya-upanishad/article8656811.ece Isavasyamidam Sarvam... The words ‘idam sarvam’ indicate that both sentient and non sentient entities are real. The words ‘yat kincha’ indicate that everything has Him as the inner self. In other words, He is Omnipresent. Lord Narayana does not move and yet He is faster than the wind. What this seemingly contradictory statement means is that the Lord, being all pervading, is present everywhere. So where is the need for Him to move anywhere? And yet, it is not that He is without the capacity to move if He so chooses. Nothing is beyond His capacity. He is both Omnipotent and Omniscient. He is far away and yet close by, says the Upanishad. He is close to those whose minds are focused on Him. But He is far away from those who are attached to objects enjoyed by the senses. H C Part I continued... When I was a child, my father would try to explain me the concept of illusion (Maya) as enunciated by Krishna in his favorite book Gita. I would listen with rapt attention. But it was much more difficult a concept to grasp than say, the ‘square root of two’ problem in the school which I had just barely learnt after considerable struggle. Remember there were no computers then and I had dedicated most important part of my brain to do other things more beautiful and charming like ‘Floating in the ocean of myth’. - Myths attracted me from childhood as I found them absorbing, beautiful and appealing. It was the perfect reality for me. No full stops there. No limits such as the sky. Just let your fertile imaginations go on and on till some anti-myth particle disturbs you. I got my myth-generating engine installed in my mind very early in life by reading existing myths voraciously. The mother board of the myth engine was always full of affection to quench my hunger for myths. Like all mothers. The engine is very easy to start. Just think about the churning of sea incident and the divine damsels (‘apsaras’--aps: water, rasa: essence) emerging from ocean. Support your chin with your hand. Close your eye if you are alone. You can keep your eyes open if you are in school. Say ‘Om matrike-svaray namah’. There you go. Myths after myths roll by. Vishnu has just married Lakshmi. I am next in line. I have got to motivate these demons to give their best to the churning process. “You can do it, Obama style. Come on.” In such trance-like state, I have travelled all over the universe in ‘pushpak-grade’ aircraft. Fought innumerable wars with all varieties of demons, employed all kinds’ of innovative mantra-software for weapon delivery systems, created new weapons systems, married n number of times, pleased Shiva by reverse-head penance (tapasya) and obtained a reservoir of boons. The speed-of-light travels brought me face to face with Narada many times and we hatched ‘The plan’ to teach haughty Indra lessons in modesty. I advised God of death about new techniques of torture, provided consultancy services to God of Love on strategic acquisition of modern armory such as ‘virahi-flora thornilus’ which would bomb the mind (manasa) of the lovelorn (virahi). But who is Maya? I never encountered her anywhere. “Things are not what they appear to be. There is a constant veil of illusion or ignorance being drawn across our eye. What we see as real is not real due to the effect of Maya. Krishna’s most important weapon in his play (lila) is illusion (maya)”, My father would explain from the Gita. It does not make sense. Why would Krishna do such silly things? He looked a straight guy in the photo. True he stole butter. He also crossed the line by stealing garments of Gopis. But that’s ok. A little play (lila) here and there is ok. In any case who would not like to steal garments of Gopi-like beauties should they appear in hordes in the lily-covered pond near anyone’s house? But drawing a veil made of illusion (maya) over every Gopi’s doe-eyes incessantly to delude them is not what I expected from Krishna. Worse, he is doing this with everybody in this universe including me. I wanted to crack this ‘maya’ thing once and for all. I closed my eyes and started the myth engine in search for ‘maya’. What happened is magical. I gradually saw that it is not a veil. It is something like an ointment--maya ointment--made in some factory far away. There is a feminine devi ‘Joga-maya’ in charge. She is equally or more powerful than Krishna. She looks very furious when angry. She has the ultimate weapon to defeat anybody—very powerful sleeping pill. She can put everyone to sleep. Even Vishnu was put to sleep by her. Krishna had to pray Yogamaya to assist her during his birthday—Janmashtami. Without Yogamaya , Krishna would have been killed immediately after birth by his butcher uncle Kamsa. But everybody in the jail where Krishna’s mother was kept was put to sleep by Yogamaya. Krishna was born and his father Nanda quickly took him to Yoshada before anybody could get up and take notice. What a non-violent way of doing things! That’s how Yogamaya saved Krishna’s life. She has thousands of names:- Mahamaya, katyayani, Durga, Bhranti, vrtti, Shakti,Gauri, Nidra. Legend has it that she is the original feminine force of the universe. Creation, sustenance and destruction are not possible without her active participation. She is the counterpoint, the negative charge, the electron, the unified force field pervading the entire universe. Everything is null and void without her participation. None can remove the ointment of ‘maya’ without her consent.


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