Income as wage for work: Minimum Income Guarantee
‘Fiscal system must be prepared for Minimum Income Guarantee scheme’ - Business Line
My response:
Income as wage for work
My response:
Income as wage for work
This refers to the report “Fiscal system must be prepared for Minimum
Income Guarantee Scheme” (Business Line, March 29). Dr Raghuram Rajan’s effort
to justify NYAY even after his research for writing the “Third Pillar” leaves
an impression that he is still on theory and doesn’t want to go deep into the
ground level realities of ‘poverty cultivation’ in India. In India the system
is still comfortable to retain a target ‘catchment area’ of people below
poverty line poor and illiterate, to ensure availability of cheap labour (now
rechristened as ‘outsourced work’) in different sectors. It is in this context
that we are prepared to dole out a portion of taxpayers’ money to keep a ‘reserve’
of illiterate and idle people who will be available on call at starvation wages
to do unskilled work without any demand for fair wages.
This is not a criticism against the proposal for ‘Minimum Income
Guarantee’. Like the Employment Guarantee Schemes already in operation there is
a case for a comprehensive scheme, if possible outside the government budgets,
having the following features:
Target beneficiaries should be from
outside those covered by existing statutory schemes for social security, and
those who are in the employable age group. Say, 20 to 60 age group considering
all skilled/unskilled jobs for which they will be available on call. The
prospective beneficiaries can be asked to register with Employment Registers or
Special Desks created for the purpose in offices of Municipal Corporations or
LSG Offices.
The payment should be to unemployed
members of families which have no earning members with income over a
pre-decided threshold limit.
The funding could be from a corpus
created by contributions from prospective employers who will benefit from the
skill development initiatives and the availability of candidates with
identified skills. While employment is provided through the scheme, a fixed
percentage of the wages matched by an equal contribution from the employer
could be retained for post-job social security of the beneficiaries.
M G Warrier, Mumbai