Warrier's Collage 04102020 (Excerpts)

Good Morning Posted By : M G Warrier Prayer https://youtu.be/tkXFnRzXYis Warrier's Collage 04102020 : Yes to Life AA Rambo Circus A request* Rambo circus will do virtual performance. Whether you plan to watch it or not, a humble request to you - buy tickets (starting from Rs. 199 on Book My Show) as circus is one community that have no other source of income and depend on day to day collections which don't seem to come by anytime soon in the current situation. It's also a good treat to give your kids in this situation (*Forwarded message. We purchased a Family Ticket for Rs500 and watched this on TV yesterday. Really entertaining-Warrier) Interaction Collage follow up : Get inspired https://theprint.in/india/education/kochi-law-student-yamuna-menon-sets-new-nlsiu-record-graduates-with-18-gold-medals/512928/ (E X Joséph had introduced Yamuna to College. Now Reshmy Warrier has shared this link. Incidentally, before pursuing studies in a different direction, Reshmy had toyed with the idea of pursuing law. If my memory serves me right, she had given National Law School Entrance Test. Best Wishes once again to Yamuna and congratulations to E X Joseph who inspired Yamuna-Warrier) Yes to Life https://www.brainpickings.org/2020/05/17/yes-to-life-in-spite-of-everything-viktor-frankl/ This link came to me from Reshmy Warrier. Maybe all philosophies draw thoughts from same mountain and flow down to the same ocean 🌊 Blogs and Links 1) Trust Deficit https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/jaiwrites/ Posted online comments. 2) Pending court cases https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog/anonymous13/non-functioning-of-indian-courts-26690/ Posted online comments E Forthcoming book by M G Warrier : Weekly Update https://notionpress.com/author/m_g_warrier The book "India's Decade of Reforms" by M G Warrier was published by Notion Press, Chennai in 2018. Available with the Publisher and major online sales outlets like Amazon, Flipkart etc The same publisher, namely the Notion Press, Chennai is publishing Warrier's third book "Restoring Trust in Governance : India's 2020's Challenge" this month (October 2020). This will be a "Companion Volume" of "India's Decade of Reforms". Follow me at www.warriersblog.com for periodic updates.


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