Warrier's Collage October 29, 2020 : Excerpts
Welcome to Warrier's Daily COLLAGE
October 29, 2020 Saturday
Your daily dose of inspiration, writings - by you, for you : Curated by MG Warrier
(Bhagavad-Gita Dhyanam)
(Ye Raat Bhigi Bhigi....)
(Link courtesy : Ramesh Warrier Thiruvanantapuram)
Quote for the Day :
"Mind acts as an enemy for those who don't control it"
(Based on teachings of Bhagavad-Gita)
Good Morning
Next issue of regular, edited version of Collage will be on Monday.
Nice Day
M G Warrier
M 134
A Interaction
PKK Nair
Ref: E Jyoti, Collage of October 28, 2020
A very touching real life story indeed! My eyes are filled with tears of benevolence.
I saw my God there ! Another real time story narrated by famous writer Mrs Sudha Murthy comes to mind. Once she was travelling by train when she saw a poor girl crying and telling the TTR that she had no ticket for her journey upon which Mrs Murthy offered the cost of the ticket on behalf of the girl!
Years passed by. Once Mrs Murthy was in the USA for some work and was staying in a big hotel. At the end of her stay, Mrs Murthy went to the counter to settle her bill. Mrs Murthy was surprised when she was told by the counter manager that her bill had already been settled. Suddenly a lady appeared before Mrs Murthy and told ”Madam, I recognised U. Years back you came to rescue me by paying the cost of the ticket when I was travelling by train. I will
never forget you in my life.
I am now a junior executive of this hotel. I welcome you to this Hotel
whenever you visit this city. Hope you had a nice time here.”
Mrs Murthy felt her heart full of joy and happiness. She thought our world is small and beautiful!
B Bhagavad-Gita
1) Lessons from Gita
2) Art of Living and Art of Meditation
C Readers Write
1) S Thyagarajan
Amit Kumar Gupt joins RBI Family
"Amit Kumar Gupt from Varanasi came to Delhi, lived on the streets, and worked at a tea stall near Hanuman Mandir in Connaught Place, Delhi. He came in contact with Kishalaya, a contact point run by Salaam Baalak Trust. He was persuaded to go to the Apna Ghar Shelter Home where he was looked after.
Amit soon became extremely focused and completed the 12th standard from Bharti Vidya Bhawan School and aspired to study engineering. He was enrolled at VELTECH University in Chennai and completed his graduation, and then worked at JLL for two years.
We're proud to share that Amit has been appointed as a Manager at RBI.
(Report courtesy : S. Thyagarajan)