Warrier's Collage 16102020. : Excerpts
Welcome to Warrier's Daily COLLAGE
October 16, 2020 Friday
Your daily dose of inspiration, writings - by you, for you : Curated by MG Warrier
Shiva Thandava Stotram
Raasa Leela or Raasa Kreeda
(Narayaneeyam : P Leela)
Quote for the Day :
"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."
Malayalam Poet Akkitham Passes Away
In a letter to M T Vasudevan Nair, Akkitham made the following observatios on death :
"Death does not scare me. I harbour a wish that the path to death would not be defiled or unclean for one who tries to tread a clean path in life. However, I respect the reality, and am grateful, that there's no time left to fear, and shiver about, such things. There was a time when I was not here on earth, and there'll again be a time in future, when I'm not on this planet"
May Akkitham Achuthan Nampoothiri's Soul RIP
V T Panchapagesan on
Ashtavakra Gita
"It is really amazing ——Ashtavakra to Janaka..
I closed my eyes trying to visualize his teachings.............
If you wish to be Free,
Shun the poison of Senses.
Seek The nectar of Truth,
Of Love and Forgiveness,
Simplicity and Happiness.
Self is different from Body and even Mind.
Earth, Fire, Water, The wind, The sky——
You are none of thes
If you wish to be free,
Know you are The Self,
The witness of all these,
The heart of awareness.
Set aside from the body
Sit in your awareness
You will at once be Happy
Forever Still ,
Forever Free
Right or wrong
Joy and sorrow
These are of The mind only
They are not yours
It is really you
Who acts or enjoys
You are everywhere
Forever free......
Came back to my senses
From unknown world
Be Well,
V. T. Panchapagesan"
(We are proud of you, Sir. I don't think anyone else will convey the message with more clarity. Thanks-Warrier)