Warrier's Collage October 25, 2020: Excerpts

Welcome to Warrier's Daily COLLAGE October 25, 2020 Sunday Your daily dose of inspiration, writings - by you, for you : Curated by MG Warrier 1 Annapoorna Stotram & Annapoornashtakam https://youtu.be/53kej9snP0s https://youtu.be/qXsC1UzAQ-Q (Links courtesy : Dr G Sreekumar) Understanding the beginning of creation https://youtu.be/DZc_-Ll1E4A ( Vijayadashami) 2 Music (Kisi Na Kisi...) https://youtu.be/LTCshRCT-6I (Link courtesy: Ramesh Warrier) Quote for the Day : "To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance" -Oscar Wilde Today in COLLAGE: 4Gotten Generation Interaction Posted by: M G Warrier FLASH 4Gotten Generation* https://www.google.co.in/amp/s/timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/The-underage-optimist/the-4gotten-generation-an-open-letter-to-indias-youth-get-off-that-smartphone-it-can-destroy-you/ Very few people will guide you on the right path. Ration your time. Don't wait for the phone to remind you that it's tired! Please share with friends of all ages. (*Link courtesy : Kiran Warrier) Interaction 1) PKK Nair "I am very happy to know that your next book” Restoring Trust In Governance : India’s 2020s’ Challenge“ is going to be published shortly. I am sure this book will be yet another milestone in your long and chequered career in the premier banking institution in the country. I am confident that the new book of Shri Warrier would dwell at length the challenges faced by the country and opportunities it offers to tide over the present stalemate in India! I wish the book wii be well received by all those seriously interested in the development of our county. I wish Shri M.G. Warrier Good Luck🌹🌺 (Thank you Sir. I need all the Best Wishes and blessings-Warrier) 2) R Jayakumar Congratulations for the publication of your second book🌹 (Thanks. Release of the book will take few more days-Warrier) 3) Arthashastra Dr G Sreekumar, Chennai says: Shamasastry's translation came out in 1915. His translation has been superseded by other better ones. What I had read or heard is that an anonymous person handed over the palm leaves to the famous manuscripts library in Tanjore. My father, a student of history who had also taught at University College in the early 50s, once told me that a complete version was discovered from a mana in or near Trivandrum in 1910. The relative seclusion and safety, and non invasion by foreign forces probably explains why the text was discovered in the South rather than in the North. But of course SS got his copy sone time in 1907 or 1908 if I remember correctly, many years before his translation got published 4) Nose knows C V Subbaraman, Mysuru on "Nose knows" : "Interesting reading. The size or the power of the Nose - both are important. It is said that if Cleopatra's nose were a little shorter or longer, the history of Rome could have been different! In the Ramayana, it is said that the Raama Avataara had a mission. So when Raama was observing the Vanavaas, there was a lull. What could take Him to Lanka to engage Raavana in the war? So lands Shoorpanakhaa, whose cut nose took the story forward! When I was a lad, I had heard that the cut nose of Shoorpanakhaa became Nashik and therefore would ask if Nashik were to be overturned, would there be two hole underneath it?....... Nose has some interesting connections with it: Smelling a rat is one. Poking one's nose into others' affairs is another. Have a nose for something (talent for finding something). Cut off your nose to spite your face. Put some one's nose out of joint (to offend someone). Markets take a "nosedive" when it plunges. A nosy parker is an inquisitive person.......Nose is also oftentimes very expensive as our womenfolk love to wear diamond noserings." (Thank you for the nice response incorporating the tale of Shoorpanaka and Nashik. 'Nose is sometimes expensive'. Yes it is. Occasionally the expenditure becomes a total waste. Women from Naattukkottai Chettiyaars (Nagaraththaar_)families wear costly precious diamond ear rings and nose studs. A Chettiar lady had constant head ache, unbearable pain and she was unable to concentrate on anything. All treatments, diagnostic tests from Madras neurodoctors proved futile. As a last chance they came to Madras and consulted Dr.Lakshmana Swami Mudaliar, the famous medico. They were giving details of all the earlier treatments, diagnostic tests etc etc. The doctor was observing her face and nostrils having a very brilliant diamond. He asked the lady to remove the nose stud for a while and wait for half an hour. The patient was worried about how to keep the expensive nose stud safe. Within half an hour she had no head ache at all. Doctor informed that her neuro system is unable to tolerate the too much brilliance of the precious diamonds. Once it is removed, head ache has vanished. " You wear something in gold" the doctor advised. When I think of diamonds, I am reminded of this incident- Vathsala Jayaraman) 5) R Jayakumar Music and writing love letters.... The choice of the song for today(October 24) from the film Kanyadaan makes me wonder whether writing love letters is an art or poetry. Separation from the loved ones necessitates writing love letters, irrespective of the relationship. But in the case of love birds even after finishing writing a letter the lover wants to express through a song (poem) the feelings he went through while writing the letter. Two popular songs of this type are, the one from Kanyadaan (likhe jo khat tuje) and the one from Sangam (ye mera prem patra padkar) which I liked very much to listen quite often. There was also a song in the film 'Aaye din bahaar ke' where the girl in love, Asha Parekh, who can't write a letter asks the postman to write a love letter for her and telling what to write, through a song singing in the company of her friends (Khath likhde sawariya ke naam babu). There are also songs where the person who received the love letter expresses his feelings through a song. (Sandese aate hai from Border and chitti ayee hai ayee hai from Naam for example). The film Kanyadaan has a story like a social mystery to solve, like who is the husband and who is the wife of whom! It is about the problem of child marriage where both the children considered husband and wife, when they grow up forget to remember the fact that they were married as children. The boy when grown up falls in love with a different girl and marries her. The girl is persuaded by a different boy with the above song to fall in love with him and succeeds. When they decide to get married the girl's mother won't agree. All of them face mental problems to come out of the child marriage. After considerable confusion the film ends with the message All is Well that ends Well. R Jayakumar


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