18, 2015
and RBI
This refers to ET
editorial “Why Turn the RTI Heat on the RBI?” (Economic Times, December 18). The short
editorial excellently brings out the implications of the ‘landmark’ judgment of
the Apex Court mainly affecting RBI’s role as regulator and supervisor of the
financial sector. Though it is for the government and enlightened citizens to interpret and use the judgment in the right spirit, in public interest, reading too much
into the rights ignoring the statutory responsibilities vested in institutions
can be hazardous. The Supreme Court’s observations like, “The facts reveal that
as banks are trying to cover up their underhand actions, they are even more
liable to be subjected to public scrutiny” should open the eyes of both
government and the institutions and they should, by infusing transparency in
transactions, avoid similar indictments in future.
Our legal framework,
which has British origin and has not yet been ‘democratised’, insulates masters
against action by servants and institutions (both in private and public sector)
from litigations by clientele in several situations. Beyond citizen’s right to
information, transparency issues in the conduct of statutory bodies and
government departments which enjoy certain rights and privileges because of the
nature of responsibilities entrusted to them need to be addressed.
The temptation on the
part of government to bring in ‘ownership rights’ or on the part of regulators
and supervisors to take shelter under provisions of the statute book meant to
protect institutions and their clientele from embarrassment in exceptional
situations, in a routine manner, should be avoided.
The observations of the
Apex Court goes much beyond the issue of parting with information under RTI
Act. Without fighting this from a mere legal or prestige angle to protect the image, by falling back on
the secrecy clauses, RBI and other institutions need to go by the spirit of the
observations by the highest court.
A quick gesture could be
to initiate measures to make public, information the central bank comes into
possession and considers useful for banks’ clientele in deciding their
relationship with individual banks. The suggestion is not to make public all
information collected during the inspection of banks, but to keep depositors
and borrowers informed about the health of banks and educate them about the
practices and procedures followed by individual banks which can result in
erosion of the trust their clientele repose in them keeping the control the
central bank has over their operations. If legal provisions stand in the way,
they should be got amended, as ‘ease to do business’ include information about
the profile of the institution with which a customer deals.