Daily Blog, 19052020 : Think Positive

Warrier's Mail, May 19, 2020: 'A Battle of Three ‘A’s

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M G Warrier

A. A Battle of Three ‘A’s : Appointments, Autonomy, and Accountability of Appellate Courts | Economic and Political Weekly : Book Review

Appointment, Autonomy and Accountability. These three A's are relevant and important in relation to any higher level appointments. If these aspects become areas of concern in appointment at the highest level in judiciary, perhaps time is overdue to sort out differences. 
On August 15,2014, Prime Minister acknowledged that Planning Commission was a house in disrepair needing re-building. Perhaps, the observation was equally applicable to several institutions and services including IAS (someone joked,. It's "I Am Safe")

B. Think positive and never lose hope


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Dear Reader,
Your comment on the article ' Think positive and never lose hope' is now live on timesofindia.indiatimes.com/readersblog.
the quote \"the future belongs to those who prepare for today\" is the most apt one to be squeezed in, in any interaction with children of \"all ages\" today. lockdown, let\'s accept, has slowed down not just economic growth. there\'s a tendency to procrastinate, because of the uncertainties about tomorrow. the other day, i was speaking to my nephew who works for railways and has some role in training loco-pilots. after the chat, i was wondering, why others are not following the philosophy of indian railways in work culture. they are silently using the \"lockdown holidays\" to complete pending maintenance work, catching up with the backlog in training of personnel and complete a variety of tasks which remained unattended when trains were running normally. in a way, several categories of staff in railways are more busy these days. and we, ignorantly assume, with a sarcastic aversion, that all government staff, in the guise of \"working from home\" are enjoying paid holiday.
one can always use time productively and idling is individual choice.
perhaps i have strayed away from the focus of this article. but believe me, excellent articles like this will help readers to bring back positivity in their thoughts.
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 Team TOI

C.  Show me the money! Analysts say illusory stimulus leaves economy, stocks in big trouble 

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D. 7 Simple Ways to Deal With a Disagreement Effectively

Dealing with disagreement effectively and efficiently is much beneficial and "cost effective" than pursuing elusive agreement. 


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