Mail 28052020 : Burden of Social Responsibility

Mail, 28052020 :The heavy burden of social suffering

A Brief introduction to Upanishads:

A. "Sri Venkateshwara Suprabhatam By MS Subbulakshmi"

Many temple neighbourhoods and households in India wake up listening to the "Suprabhatham"

B. The heavy burden of social suffering

Posted the following online comments (yet to be published)

"Prof Rajeev Bhargava has put together thoughts the collective conscience of the humanity need to carry in the back of mind from now onwards.
I'm not attributing any motive for this article, but the images the author sourced came to media glare because there were "motivated" souls picking and choosing stories and anecdotes for different purposes.
Now, let's think of ways and means to reduce the agony of fellow-beings from today."

C. The burden of lies

D. When to tell the truth

I'm not trained to tell truth, since childhood. I have grown up listening to lies and half-truths. Later in life, I started thinking that telling a lie is a wrong thing. At one stage, I got reconciled to the universal truth that in certain situations you cannot move forward without telling a lie. In some countries, some professions, if one has to remain in position, telling lies is a requirement.
I'm not able to differentiate between right and wrong in many such situations. My confusion is growing with age.
Any response to clarify or confuse more, is welcome. Only condition is, don't tell me to stop telling lies. 

E. Teach the art of stealing

   Teach the art of stealing*

          Noticing that his father is growing old, the son of a burglar asked his father to teach him the art of stealing so that he could continue the family tradition after his father.

The father knew that if one wanted to learn swimming, he had to jump into the water.

Ok, said the father and he took his son when he intended burglary in a house.

Once inside, he opened a closet and asked his son to find out what was inside. No sooner had the lad stepped in then the father slammed the door shut and bolted it making such a noise in the process that the whole house was awakened. Then he himself slipped quietly away. Inside the closet the boy was terrified, angry and puzzled as to how he was going to make his escape. Then an idea came to him. He began to make a noise like a cat; whereupon a servant lit a candle and opened the closet to let the cat out. The boy jumped out as soon as the closet door opened and everyone gave chase. Observing a well beside the road he threw a large stone into it and hid in the shadows; then stole away while his pursuers peered into the depths hoping to see the burglar drown. 

 Back home again the boy forgot his anger in his eagerness to tell his story. But his father said. "Why tell me the tale? You are here. That is enough. You have learnt the trade.

Everything is an art and it has to be learnt using common sense. Escaping without being noticed is really an art.

* This piece has been stolen from a mail received from a friend this week. If you know the truth, abstain from telling it.


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