The good ghost is a viral story : Mini Krishnan
The good ghost is a viral story - A must read article for today, now! opinion/open-page/the-good- ghost-is-a-viral-story/ article31488069.ece
Hope this finds you well and the link opens.
This article by Mini Krishnan tells you all that you have been itching to tell everyone else.
M G Warrier
Bonus read:
Warrier's Daily Mail 03052020
Select links which may be of interest to you:
1) How pandemics begin: And how to prevent their recurrence
2) India: extreme inequality in numbers | Oxfam International
3) Universal Health Coverage fact-sheets/detail/universal- health-coverage-(uhc)
5) Unemployment News
This document, which can be considered as World Health Organization's(WHO) approach paper on Universal Health Coverage was placed on the website in January 2019.
4) Literacy Rates - UNICEF DATA
World Employment and Social Outlook – Trends 2018: ILO: Unemployment and decent work deficits to remain high in 2018 about-the-ilo/newsroom/news/ WCMS_615590/lang--en/index.htm
Unemployment is growing even in developed countries. This paper (2018) has been accessed from International Labour Organization's website.