Message 05062020 ;: Speed Reading

A Great Book

Discovery of India is not a book readers would be borrowing from libraries these days. In our times owning Discovery of India, Glimpses of World History and Autobiography of the author of these two books (Jawaharlal Nehru) was an aspiration. Slow readers like me just owned them and, without our knowledge, applied speed reading techniques to feel their contents.

Mail 05062020 : Speed Reading

Hope you are well and enjoying the change of subjects in daily messages.

M G Warrier

A. Speed Reading 

The idea of discussing "Speed Reading" came to my attention only when some of you pointed out that some links I forward lead to "endless" long articles and one of you even suggested that "now that Lockdown is being relaxed, make your daily mails shorter!"
Most of us have been applying "Speed Reading" techniques without much bothering about tool specifications.
We read newspapers, bills, scriptures, articles on subjects of our interest, poems, boards/hoarding etc, traffic directions while driving, novels, crime stories, messages from relatives and documents to be signed by us at different speeds. When you spend time in a bookstall or library next time, watch your speed at different sections. You'll get an idea of your aptitude. Keep it a secret.

B. The silent Mumbaikar

Mumbaikars are a tolerant lot.
But that tolerance has perpetuated hunger and Dharavi in the middle of plenty. This is the richest corporation in India. 
Mumbaikars looked on, when high walls were constructed to protect airport from slum dwellers, instead of making a demand to spend a portion of the money which was being spent for beautification of walls and high rise buildings, for rehabilitation of "natives" displaced. Closely, Katherine Boo came, made friends with slum dwellers, and stayed there long enough to write a book and win a Pulitzer prize!

C. Economy

Watch "Dubai stares at an economic collapse, pandemic leaves Dubai scrambling for money" 

D. Temple Festivals

Watch "Lakshadeepam 2020 | Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple | Festivals in kerala" 
Last Lakshadeepam was concluded in January 2020. See report. The event happens once in 6 years.

E. Food for thought
                   Kill one to save many*
  In many of our joint families there would be a widowed sister or dependent aunt who would be in charge of the entire family. In some families some girls well employed were dissuaded in getting married so that her perennial income and pension would ever benefit the family.A few of my friends, now in 70s remained single and are more or less slaves to the parent home."Stepping down of one person or sacrifice by a single person is justifiable if it amounts to save many lives." it is said.It is not known what exactly the benefit was, except a feeling of self satisfaction.

In philosophy we sometimes consider the question, put by way of hypothesis, of how we should act in the midst of a calamity, disaster, or other danger, if it is apparent that we can save our own life only by the destruction of another’s.
'Dushta Nigraha and Shishta paripaalana' have been the main motives of many Avatars of Mahavishnu.
But in reality the sacrifice is more often done by the innocent and the most intelligent and efficient one( boy or girl) in the family.Their over generosity is taken advantage of by other siblings and parents too.
In sea voyages this had been a common occurrence.Some stuff either packages or human beings have to be thrown into the sea in order to avoid sinking of the ship and to save hundreds of lives.
When there is sufficient time, the captain chooses the persons to be victimized by lots so as to show himself as impartial.Mostly crew members are not enlisted.

In fact, there have been numerous instances of homicide by necessity, some of which have resulted in murder or manslaughter convictions, and others which have passed quietly into history with no action taken by the authorities. This topic, homicide by necessity, refers to the killing of innocents in order to produce a greater good or avert a greater evil–usually to save a greater number of lives.

On the other hand, from a philosophical standpoint, the intentional killing of innocents, may well be morally permissible, based on utilitarian and other philosophical arguments. The strictly philosophical view is that if we must choose between killing a few and letting many die, it is better to kill the few.

But from a legal standpoint, courts have come to the opposite conclusion. Courts have suggested that it is difficult to see how there is a benefit to society in the intentional killing of innocents even though the action results in the saving of lives.

During the great famine in Egypt , some people killed little children and ate them.
However they were held accountable and burnt to death and their corpses were swallowed by the starving population. This is history.

We have studied that a research team of 20 went to the Antarctic region to perform some research. When they were affected by cold waves and could not even get fish to eat,they decided to sacrifice two of them. Two scientists, with self concurrence, were allowed to die,actually froze to death and other 18 scientists cannibalized them and completed the research successfully.
Twenty started,only 18 returned ,attributing their success to the other two.

During Nazi holocaust a group of jews were hiding from Nazis. A small child from the hiding place started crying, and the people silenced the baby by killing it so that they could not be traced. The judge analysing the facts observed that the action was excusable since
the baby would however been definitely killed by Nazis if the Nazis have located the Jews.

The story of Barbarika in Mahabharatha is a classic example of such sacrifice conceived by Krishna.

Barbarik was the grandson of Bhima and the son of Ghatotkacha. Barbarik was supposed to be a brave warrior having learnt the art of warfare from his mother. Lord Shiva pleased with Barbarik's talent as a warrior granted him a packagae  of three special arrows. He also got a special bow from Lord Agni (God of Fire).

It is said that Barbarik was so powerful that according to him the war of Mahabharata could end in 1 minute if he alone was to fight it. The story goes like this:
Barbarik promised his mother that he would join the side that was weaker. Saying this he set up on the journey to visit the battlefield.

The first arrow was supposed to mark all the objects that Barbarik wanted to be destroyed.
The second arrow was supposed to mark all the objects that Barbarik wanted to be saved.
The third arrow was supposed to destroy all the objects marked by the first arrow OR destroy all the objects not marked by the second arrow. He was able to prove this also.
This incident scared Lord Krishna about the phenomenal power of Barbarik. He concluded that the arrows were truly infallible. 

Krishna took advantage of Barbarika's promise to join the weaker side. Krishna explained that since he was the greatest warrior on the battlefield, which ever side he joined would make the other side weaker. So eventually he would end up oscillating between the two sides and destroy everyone except himself. Krishna(still disguised as a Brahmin) asked for Barbarik's head in charity to avoid his involvement in the war.
Krishna agreed to place Barbarik's head on top of the mountain that overlooked the battlefield. 
The one who sacrificed his life witnessed the entire battle with his head and was fortunate to have vishwaroopa darsan of Lord krishna.
The person who sacrifices gets nothing but a few commendations after his death while others rejoice.

Despite its potential shortcomings, will there be a justification for homicide in extreme circumstances. When a person is faced with a choice of evils, will the law tolerate the better moral decision? rather than vainly attempt to oppose the human instinct of self-preservation?

But when the person sacrificed ,does it with his own knowledge and concurrence with the motive of saving many others in the process,it is understandable.But when the innocent ones are victimized because they have nobody to support,the case is entirely different.

In political crimes, some innocent victims always are kept handy and they are threatened under false charges to save the rich goons.
Is it always right for one man to sacrifice his life to save many? A million dollar question which has no answer.
Can Barbarika, Abhimanyu or Ghatotkacha come in person and clarify our doubts?

Received via group email from Smt Vathsala Jayaraman, Ex-RBI, Chennai 


captainsnow said…
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captainsnow said…
I just wanted to say that I love every time visiting your wonderful post! Very powerful and have true and fresh information.Thanks for the post and effort! Please keep sharing

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