History repeats itself : Usha Thorat
Watch "History Repeats Itself - Manthan w Usha Thorat" on YouTube
First time in decades, I sat through a 75 minutes class. Very informative and excellent presentation by former RBI Deputy Governor Usha Thorat.
Sprinkled with flashes from RBI's recent history which only those who know that institution will understand.
I wish Delhi and Mint Road share this link with those who are currently involved in policy formulation. They will not get this much insight into the challenges met in the past by GOI and RBI together in one place comparable to this presentation elsewhere.
This also serves as a "SWOT" analysis of Indian Economy in the context of the current challenges.
M G Warrier
First time in decades, I sat through a 75 minutes class. Very informative and excellent presentation by former RBI Deputy Governor Usha Thorat.
Sprinkled with flashes from RBI's recent history which only those who know that institution will understand.
I wish Delhi and Mint Road share this link with those who are currently involved in policy formulation. They will not get this much insight into the challenges met in the past by GOI and RBI together in one place comparable to this presentation elsewhere.
This also serves as a "SWOT" analysis of Indian Economy in the context of the current challenges.
M G Warrier