Mud and the mind : A day in Buddha's life

Mud and the mind*

Buddha for all of us represents wisdom, compassion  and absolute reality. Equanimity of  mind is best  understood when we observe  Buddha's  reactions to  
events and non-events in his life. His
sense of compassion moves you with its sheer
  sense of  simplicity.

Let us share with you a day 
from the
         life of Buddha.

Buddha, in one of his travels,was going from one town to another along with his  
disciples. The Holy  One's  
 company, His observations,suggestion and advice  were gems of wisdom  that his  disciples were  blessed to receive. 
   As this team traversed some  
 distance, they came upon
  a lake. Buddha voiced His need for
  some water as He was thirsty. “Do get me some water  from the lake as I am  thirsty.”
 The disciple walked toward the lake to
  a point where he  could fetch some water when 

he saw  a bullock cart cross  
 the lake resulting in the lake turning to
  a murky brown.
 “Oh no,” he thought, rather  disappointed about the ill-timed passing by of the bullock cart. 
 “How do I take this muddy water to Buddha? What will He  say to this?”
He walked back to Buddha not  looking 
too happy and  said to him, “Buddha, this water 

isn’t  good to drink. It is
dreadfully muddy.” Buddha waited for

 about a half hour and sent him back to the same lake to  get Him a bit of the same water!
The disciple visibly puzzled walked

 back quite sure the  lake wouldn’t change. 
A closer look  showed that the lake 
 was indeed still addled. He was right; the lake  

didn't change colour in that time at all. There
was no way he  was going to take this water 

back to  Buddha!

 He marched back to his master. He
 was received with the  same calm and waited for a while. 
Buddha told him to go to the lake yet again. The 
disciple knew not what 
Buddha had in mind as he found the 
whole exercise a bit  odd.The lake that was murky and filthy all the while since the  
bullock cart left seemed to be a totally 

different one this

 time – a clean, clear lake with not a 

hint of brown! The 

mud nicely settled into a bed of 

sediment; it required no

 skill to fill his pot of crystal clear water

 for Buddha. 

Feeling triumphant after more than a 

single attempt, he 

walked back pleased to have gone 

back on a successful note.

Buddha in his quintessential serene 

look, accepted the

 water, and turned to this disciple and 

said, “Did you see

 what it took to get me some clean

 water? Nothing! You

 just let it be. You gave it time and 

what happened? The 

mud raced to the bottom of the lake 

leaving you with clean water ".

 “The same holds true  for your 

mind as well. 
well. Just let it be. 
All  it needs is  a little bit
  of your time. It will quieten down on
  its own. It requires   no effort from you
 to still it. It eventually happens with the help of a little time.
  It is effortless.”
 Just how supremely powerful is this 
 simple message? The
  disciple was obviously stupefied. The 
 peace of mind that 
 seems to elude most of us on this 
 planet actually is right  
here for all of us to experience.

“It is actually effortless.” It isn’t a 

wearisome exercise

 that we think only few can get results

 for. It  is actually that simple for all of 

This is true in the present situation also.Patience and perseverance brings good results.
*****.      *****.   ****

 *Received by email from Ex-RBite Smt Vathsala Jayaraman, Chennai on April 10, 2020


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